Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2196: Attempted

Silai wanted to go to Xiao Meiyan and she didn’t call her sister to catch Yue Zhong. Now Yue Zhong is really shameless, but she still wants to be a sister. What if she asks her sister-in-law to catch her husband? .

Of course, Xiao Meiyan could not just watch her husband fall, even if the soul belonging to Yue Zhong belongs to his own love, he no longer knows where he is, but Xiao Meiyan firmly believes that he will definitely come back, he cannot always Let the one who sells himself green.

That night, the local police received an order from the superior and hurried to the street to grab Yue Zhong who had not yet succeeded.

The living in Moldova was reasonable and legal, so the police did not arrest the woman. They arrested Yue Zhong after suspecting possession of drugs and then shut them up. Afterwards, he was called by the superior to scold a dog. Bloody head.

Because he did not issue this order at all, but was disturbed by his subordinates.

"Someone is posing?" The police officers who were on the arrest task quickly thought of a possibility, but they didn't know who the offender had offended, and he did not hesitate to make him come out to clean him up.

Yue Zhong's poor clanking, the only money he paid for the "rent" in advance, now he can't find anything except the hair, so he suspects that he has no way to implement the crime of possession of drugs.

The police discussed it and didn't think about going after someone who was so bold and teasing them to play. They really wanted to check. If they found a gangster, they didn't know how to end it, so they planned to shut Yue Zhong all night. Two days later, he was acquitted.

It was indeed Yue Zhong’s purpose to find a place to sleep with the money on his body. Reluctantly, being locked in the detention room was considered to have achieved his goal. However, when the police broke through the door, they surprised Yue Zhong.

He thought that he had been identified as a black household, and he was worried, thinking about how to convince the police that he was from country C and then sent him back, the door of the detention room opened again.

Yue Zhong raised his head nervously, but the police just tucked in the three drunken gangsters and left him alone, so Yue Zhong relaxed a lot after being disappointed. After all, he hadn't thought about it yet.

He didn't care what happened to the three little brothers he sent in, but the three little **** stared at Yue Zhong with brutal faces.

They are the three guys who urinated on Yue Zhong yesterday morning, and now Yue Zhong will naturally not know them anymore, and even when they see Yue Zhong, they can't think of him as the fool of yesterday.

But it was not a happy thing to get caught in a fight after all, the three were ready to find some fun on Yue Zhong to vent their depression.

After all, Yue Zhong is wearing a sloppy and sloppy dress, and he will never be a person with an identity background.

"You guys are watching me... Hey, the gentleman doesn't say anything!"

The screams of Yue Zhong’s beating echoed in the detention room, and the policeman on duty didn’t take care of it, as long as he didn’t make a fuss. Anyone who offended Yue Zhong had to wait for the National People’s Congress at night. In the end, without credit, he was also scolded by his boss.


"Let you find wild women on the street to have fun and have fun. It doesn't bother me when I look like this." Xiao Meiyan also didn't care.

Instead of being someone else, no matter what she does, it has nothing to do with her. She doesn’t even have a glance at the excitement, but who makes this person Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiyan in feelings It has always been unattractive, and it is okay to borrow a group of little **** and then teach Yue Zhong a meal, although there is no way for Yue Zhong to take longer lessons.

After the war, Xiao Meiyan felt very unhappy, so she ran out of the Valkyrie Rangers.

However, this does not mean that she has nothing to do. Having enough of being a chess piece of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment and being unable to do what she really likes, Xiao Meiyan did all kinds of things for leaving the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment. This kind of preparation is also preparing for Yue Zhong's return.

She went to many places to reorganize the forces she had left outside, and even organized all the apostles who believed in her into the eye of the void in the posture of the devil.

Xiao Meiyan tried to break through the plane of hell, and also saw the fantasies that started a new life in the new world. She was trying to do a lot of things, but she couldn't rest assured Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong lived up to his expectations and caused a lot of trouble.

After being angry, Xiao Meiyan felt a little bit distressed. He used to take care of himself who was in trouble. Now it is his turn to look after Yue Zhong who has no ability to take care of himself. time.

Bianyue Yuezhong has never said anything to himself. Even if he wants the moon in the sky, he will try his best to grab the moon from the sky.

The physical strength of the three little **** is really not good. After playing for a while, they each found a place to sleep. Yue Zhong, who was beaten, lay on the ground and hummed, fortunately, he had a strong foundation, whether it was a fool or an ordinary person. All beaten up, if not old, these three stinky fish rotten shrimp can only be regarded as massage.

Xiao Meiyan not only has her stingy side, but also her vengeful side. How can you beat her husband?

Twelve million square kilometers of black snow is her masterpiece, and now through the erosion of darkness directly to her dream, let the three people feel the torture of the real **** in the dream is just a hand in hand.

The endless nightmares struck and made the three people feel the honor of revenge from the demon gods in their dreams. They wanted to wake up but fell into a dream, unable to extricate themselves. The complete isolation of their body and consciousness made them even unable to shout. , Can only suffer from the greatest fear and pain in that world as if to eternity.

One night is so long for when dawn falls, Xiao Meiyan will close, but they have no chance to open their eyes again.

When the early morning approached, Yue Zhong suddenly opened his eyes and looked at this cold detention cell. The three people who fell to the ground had no consciousness but the soul but the painful three made him feel threatened.

He couldn't tell where this sense of crisis came from, but the hidden things in the three people made Yue Zhong very uneasy, so Yue Zhong stood up without hesitation, the fierce light flashed across his eyes, and stepped forward He easily twisted the necks of the three people and stared at the door of the detention cell.

Yue Zhong on this day is a killer without feelings. He doesn't care whether he can get the corresponding reward for killing people, but he feels that the moment when the life of the same kind disappears in his hands can bring great pleasure to himself.

It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. You must wait for the opportunity to escape and make plans. As for other things, you can put it aside. Being used to kill others does not mean that Yue Zhong is willing to die in the hands of others.

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