Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2197: Instinct

I still remember that the personality who escaped from the plane was also a killer, but this does not mean that the personality will be repeated on Yue Zhong. The same career experience does not mean that the people are the same. Yue Zhong also occupied the majority when he was an ordinary person. Situation, but personality under special occupations is not uncommon.

For example, at this moment, although he stood at the door of the room and stared at the door of the detention room, Yu Guang glanced at the three bodies in the room.

The technique of twisting others’ necks is not in line with Yue Zhong’s killing aesthetics. Unfortunately, there is also a surveillance camera in the detention room without dead ends. Yue Zhong can’t always get **** to attract attention, anyway, these three have always been It was lying so silently, if someone really stared at the detention room before dawn, then Yue Zhong had no choice but to admit.

In response to Yue Chong's cruel behavior, Xiao Meiyan didn't respond at all. When he walked to a high place and looked back at the living beings, Xiao Meiyan could hardly regard herself as their kind. The former one ruled all with darkness. The devil of the world still has a slight heart of concealment, and she will not take the initiative to harm the truly innocent and poor people. Instead, she has a kind of thought of culling evil.

But now it is difficult for Xiao Meiyan to feel this kind of substitution. Unless it is a person close to herself, there is no longer any sorrow and happiness for her.

Xiao Meiyan was curious about whether Yue Zhong, who was lost, had the logic of whether to act in it, and going deeper was an inquiry into Tian Yan. Even if it was just a one-day personality, does it have its internal laws?

After the rebellion of Tianyan, Yue Zhong could not control his future, even because the past always led the situation in a direction that was beneficial to him. Today, Yue Zhong always has all kinds of accidents around him that it is difficult for him to live a good life. Can continue to get lost in the endless displacement.

Otherwise, Yue Zhong once awakened the strong personality, even if only one day has already made a long-term arrangement for himself in the future. The data left behind awakened a new strong personality and strengthened its own protection.

There are always unfavorable accidents that break Yue Zhong’s deployment, and he has no way to control these accidents, which in turn leads to the continuous extension of his wandering career.

It seems that it would be difficult to live without Yue Zhong’s secret care, but he can always awaken a strong personality in a critical period.

For example, now, Yue Zhong will not know what is happening in the outside world, but when there is a situation that threatens his life, the personality of the strong side will definitely appear.

The sergeant, who was disturbed by good things yesterday, already knew why his subordinates would ask himself in the evening, and after knowing Yue Zhong's situation, the sergeant showed his fierce side.

No matter whether Yue Zhong offended anyone or not, since the other party brought Yue Zhong into the police station, if he shut him up overnight without paying attention, then it is likely that he will be in trouble later.

It's easier to sacrifice others than to sacrifice yourself. The sheriff set a murderous heart on Yue Zhong, preparing to let this old guy with no relationship background or even identity proof evaporate, and disappear one or two people in this place in Moldova. Moreover, no one cares about such a guy at all.

The idea is beautiful, but Yue Zhong is not really a homeless man who is not cared for, and not to mention that there is an extremely short wife behind him. Although he is far away but inseparable guardian, Yue Zhong alone is not alone. of.

Early in the morning, the sheriff came to the police station personally to deal with Yue Zhong, a guy who might cause trouble to him, but Xiao Meiyan who saw this scene did not rush to protect Yue Zhong because Yue Zhong awakened that day. His personality is obviously a means of self-protection.

Xiao Meiyan is more concerned about whether her guess is correct. If she can learn more about the form of Tianyan, it will not hurt her or Yue Zhong.

As a result, Yue Zhong could not feel the goodwill from the darkness hidden in the three corpses, but instead felt a strong sense of anxiety because he felt that the power was directed at himself.

The clutter of footsteps soon sounded outside the detention room, which sounded like a lot of people, but they should have no precautions. As long as this door prevents them from opening, there is nothing to limit their freedom.

The door of the detention room opened, and the majestic sheriff just wanted people to go in and brought Yue Zhong out. She saw a pair of bloodthirsty eyes staring at herself, and then showed a strange and grinning smile...

Xiao Meiyan can once again be sure that when a life-threatening situation occurs, Yue Zhong will inevitably have the ability to protect himself, and the size of the crisis also determines the strength of his personality, so Xiao Meiyan cannot help but have a guess .

If Fan Hanshi also intends to endanger Yue Zhong’s life, and many of the personalities in Tianyan will be embarrassed and important, then can Yue Zhong really return?

Xiao Meiyan cannot do this by herself, even if she is instructed to induce others to do so, because Tian Yan has recognized her particularity, and she cannot really hurt Yue Zhong for any reason.

News from Moldova broke a shocking case at noon. Thirty-six police officers including a sergeant were killed in a small city police station. Their bodies were placed in the police station in various irregular but artistic senses In the form of blood, the blood drawn from the body also draws many strange and strange lines in the blank space of the police station.

At present, the murderer is the homeless man who was put in the detention room the night before. The Moldovan police will not appease this kind of murderer who dares to provoke their authority. Under the anger, more than half of the police force in the country began to converge towards this small city and prepare Bring the murderer to justice.

At this time, Yue Zhong did not choose to escape, he hid in an abandoned corridor, killed all the homeless people gathered here and hung it neatly on the wall with the iron hook used for construction~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Sitting alone on the ground thinking about the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Why did you suddenly appear in the detention cell, what happened to the police who were clearly malicious to yourself, and what was the intention of the disturbing power hidden in the three little bastards?

If you don't understand it, even if you kill more people, you are still unsafe.

The personality possessed by Yue Zhong in the crisis has also inherited some of the characteristics of the subject’s personality and intelligence, so Yue Zhong’s mind at the moment is like electricity. Even if there are many things he can’t understand, he at least knows what he should do. Through danger.

The city is no longer safe. A huge net is coming towards you. The most effective way is to escape from the city.

The former Yue Zhong did the same, but this time he was not so easy to do, because Xiao Meiyan also wanted to know what would happen if he could not complete his escape plan in a day.

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