Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2208: make up

"Miss Qing." Krader calmed down when he was nervous. Although it was hard to conceal his inner surge, he calmly greeted Xiaomei Qing.

Xiao Meiqing hurriedly walked over, and the long twist braid fluttered and asked, "Is your body better?"

"Well, thanks to Miss Qing's care, I'm much better now." Klad nodded.

"Don't call me Miss Qing, aren't we friends? Just call me Xiao Qing." Xiao Meiqing smiled reluctantly, "Sorry, I brought you to your home without your consent, but you were very injured. Seriously, I don’t care about the local medical conditions, and if you stay there, you will inevitably be questioned by the police, and you don’t know anything."

Clade waved his hand quickly: "I didn't blame you, but I would like to thank you... Xiaoqing is."

Xiao Meiqing looked at Klad up and down and said, "Come with me."

After taking Clad to sit down next to the pond in the garden, the maid in the distance followed up with snacks and black tea. Xiao Meiqing found that Crad was uncomfortable when she was present, and asked curiously: "In my home Are you not used to living?"

Klader said frankly: "It's a little unaccustomed to me. I've never been to such a large manor and never wore such good clothes."

Even Klader specifically pointed to the suit on his body.

Xiao Meiqing smiled, and saw Krad fascinated, and also surprised the maid next to her, because they saw Miss Qing for the first time in the past few days, and she always liked to laugh.

"If I like it, I will give you two more sets, which is considered to repay your kindness to our Xiaomei family." Xiao Meiqing said half-jokingly.

Clade asked quickly: "I don't know what happened before I passed out. What's the matter with Xiaoqing?"

The smile that had just bloomed disappeared again on Xiao Meiqing's face, and she couldn't help but look away from Klad: "You should remember the tramp you helped?"

"Of course I remember, I had agreed with Xiaoqing to take care of him, but after he disappeared from the hotel, I never found it. When I saw him again, it seemed..." Cold sweat suddenly oozed from behind Klader, and he remembered that he was used by Yue Zhong The broken glass pierced the throat.

"He is not a homeless man, but my brother-in-law is also the owner of Xiaomei's house." Xiaomei Qing sighed and said, "You should be very strange, don't worry, I will explain to you slowly."

Almost everything about Yue Zhong is engraved in Xiao Meiqing's mind. Although this matter is very bizarre, she still told Klad in an orderly way.

A cup of black tea is not used to listening to the story of Xiao Meiqing. Klad is both shocked and confused. Xiaomei Manor is two extremes away from the world he lives in, and what Xiao Meiqing said is more like a movie The plot inside.

It is difficult for him to understand what Tianyan is, let alone why Yue Zhong will become like this. Klad can only understand that Yue Zhong was injured by Lumu Tatsuya and suffered from a rare mental illness, so he Only then will they appear in different personalities every day, which will bring great harm to Xiaomei's family, especially Xiaomeiqing.

"Brother-in-law, he no longer remembers me, and he can’t control his own behavior under another personality. I will try my best to compensate for the harm he caused to you, and those who were hurt by him, I will also give them to their families Compensation." Xiao Meiqing stood up and bowed to Krad.

Klad also hurriedly stood up and said: "It's okay, I'm okay, I don't have to pay me any compensation, and I don't mean to blame Mr. Yue Zhong, after all, he is involuntarily."

"No, I'll always feel guilty if I don't make up for the wrong thing." Xiao Meiqing said firmly, "Krad, do you have anything you want?"

"This..." Klad understood Xiaomei Qing's meaning. Even if she refused her good intentions, Xiaomeiqing would compensate herself in other ways. As the second lady of Xiaomei's family, she had this ability, and she didn't even let her I know it.

But for a moment, he said what he wanted, Klad did not know where to start.

Krad considers himself to be a man with no lofty ideals and ambitions. In Moldova, that country is able to eat and drink without worries. This is his greatest pursuit. If he can, it is more for himself, and he likes to help everyone in need. Their gratitude is not Krad’s greatest enjoyment, he just likes the help itself.

Many people do not understand this kind of behavior of Krad. When asked why he should do this, Krad couldn’t answer it. If there is any unforgettable memory that led to the formation of his good behavior, Krad would remember that he lost his childhood. He was brought home by well-meaning people.

Perhaps this is just his nature. Although it is ordinary, there are always slight differences. More people are recessive, and Klader just turned it into an appearance.

Looking at the look that Xiao Meiqing looked forward to, Klad couldn't bear to refuse and had a kind of throbbing throbbing.

"Can Miss Qing subsidize the factory where I work? It is going to close down because of poor sales. Many of my workers and I are facing unemployment. I only have one job and I am satisfied." Krad finally mentioned such a condition It is clear that Xiao Meiqing is not satisfied with this.

Because it was not for him personally, Xiao Meiqing thought about it and said, "Then I will directly buy the factory and give it to you. The goods produced in the future can also be handed over to our family to buy. Don't refuse it. This is my bottom line. Yes. You want other workers to benefit as much as you do. I want them to live better if you are the boss."

Clade thought hard and agreed He didn't want Schneider to report, not to mention that he didn't feel so kind, but he wanted to work in the factory with himself Everyone, Krad never refused.

Although doing so may make Miss Qing feel that she is trying to escape, but in order to help everyone, this misunderstanding Klad is willing to bear.

"Okay, thank you Xiaoqing." After receiving the benefits of Xiao Meiqing, Klad no longer felt embarrassed to face her, and found a reason: "Xiao Qing, I want to contact the family, I left. They will be worried for so long."

Xiao Meiqing slightly nodded her head and sent Clade away. Suddenly, she had a hunch. When Clade came to see herself next time, I was afraid that he would just say goodbye. He didn’t mean to leave without leaving. The prosperity of Xiaomei Manor For him it was a kind of torture, and his attitude towards himself...

"Brother-in-law, you always say that the world is profit-seeking, but I think not everyone is what you think."

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