Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2209: After all

It’s heartfelt, it’s like again, but it’s not her original sin.

If the reunion under the peach blossom tree gave Krad a feeling of heart, but when Xiao Meiqing said that he would give back to himself, Krad could not help but let go.

She is a high-ranking master, and she is just a repairman who deals with oil wrenches. On the talent, a nurse in this manor is much better than herself. Klad can’t find any advantages that can make Miss Qing favor her. good.

Not everyone is as bold as Yue Zhong, even if there is a difference between them and they still believe that one day they can catch up with each other. This encounter is the most beautiful dream in life. What you should consider is Go home and run the factory so that everyone can live a prosperous life. As for themselves, they will find an ordinary girl to marry and support their parents to raise their children.

If the children have a good future, let them chase their dreams, and they have a lot of responsibilities in their bodies, and they can't afford to put aside all the fantasy.

Klad did not lie, he borrowed a satellite phone and got in touch with his parents, only to know that Mei Qing had solicited their opinions before bringing him to Xiaomei Manor, and also invited them to come together as a guest , My heart's favor for Xiao Meiqing is more than three points.

There was nothing to tidy up in the house. Krad told his parents and told them that he would go back soon. After finishing the call, he was ready to say goodbye to Xiao Meiqing.

This place is good, but it is not suitable for you.

When he left for the back garden again, Klad saw a young man who was also surrounded by many bodyguards. His eyes were very bright, and the entourage was fierce and aggressive, whether it was a tall bodyguard or a delicate and beautiful body. The maid was well-behaved beside him. If he didn't know that Xiaomei's owner was Yue Zhong, Klad thought he was the master of Xiaomei's.

But it was such a young man who also had a very high status in Xiaomei's home but was blocked by a dog.

Klad thought that the dogs of Xiaomei's family were either tall and mighty or pure in blood, but the weak, earthy puppy lying on his back on the ground had nothing to do with it.

The young man saw it lying there, kicked angrily and wanted to get rid of it, but who had thought that the little yellow dog immediately hummed and stood up, and gave the young man a listless look.

"Wang Wang!"

As soon as the dog barked, Xiao Meiqing's voice came from the garden: "What are you doing, Xiaoyuan, are you bullying waste Wang again?"

Xiaomei Yuan yelled and said, "I don't have one."

It didn't take long for Xiao Meiqing to rush over, reached out and rubbed the little yellow dog's head, then stared at Xiao Mei Yuan said: "Not yet, did you kick it ass?"

This is not that Xiao Meiqing can pinch, but the little yellow dog raised her **** and flicked her tail desperately when she saw her. It seemed to be complaining to Xiao Meiqing.

"Yes, I was wrong." Xiao Meiyuan bowed her head helplessly and apologized to the little yellow dog, and then complained, "Sister, you haven't come back to see me for a few days, I have to come over specially."

Xiaomei Qingliumei said, "Why, have you wronged you?"

"No, I'm just worried that you are still in a bad mood." Xiao Meiyuan quickly waved her hand and said.

"..." Xiao Meiqing turned her head to her lips and said silently for a moment, "You have worked hard during this time. Since you are free, sit with me."

"Huh." Xiao Meiyuan turned around to let all the people who followed him loose. He knew his sister didn't like how noisy people were now.

Xiao Meiqing took Xiao Meiyuan's hand and walked into the garden. At the end of the winter when everything was not yet born, only the peach blossoms in the distance decorated the most bright colors of the garden.

Seeing that there were two cups on the coffee table, Xiao Meiyuan asked curiously, "Sister, what's the name Ke? Did you come to you?"

"It's Klad." Xiao Meiqing's corrective address Xiao Xiaoqing corrected, "You are also an adult, how to say it is like the door is not open on the mouth, if it is heard to outsiders, it should be said that Xiao Mei's house is now rude. Now."

"Isn't this because only my sister is here." Xiao Meiyuan condensed a serious look, and said with a hippie smile in front of Xiao Meiqing, "Why is he here to find you? Wouldn't it be interesting to my sister like Zhang Xun?"

Xiao Meiqing said angrily: "Listening to your tone, it seems that I very much hope that I can't marry, as long as someone likes me, you have to play tricks?"

"It's not a tease, it's a test. If my brother-in-law is here, he will definitely support me." Xiao Meiyuan sold Yue Zhong to her.

"He doesn't seem to have that kind of thought..." The mood of hearing Yue Zhong's name Xiao Meiqing has dropped. She had talked so much to Klader before, but she didn't ask a question. Now her brother is finally willing He said: "Xiaoyuan, if you look exactly the same, but otherwise, they are all different. Can they count as one person?"

"Of course it won't be a person." Xiao Mei's homework has been done so far, and she is not surprised at Xiao Meiqing's problem. "Like the stories that have been circulated before, as a longevity woman, she is obsessed with watching. The reincarnation of the person he likes, but in the end, only a miserable ending. Even if the appearance is similar, even if he is his afterlife, he can no longer accept all of her as in the past, and he can't have absolute respect for her. The more obsessed the trust is, the more bleak it will eventually be.

"Memory is the real brand of a person, and it is not important other than that." Xiao Meiyuan quietly observed her sister's expression and continued, "Like the elder sister and the brother-in-law, they have long cared about each other not their respective bodies, but The misery and emotions that I once shared, if one day my brother-in-law reincarnated and reborn, the elder sister would never go to him again. Those who are so proud of the elder sister will definitely not give up on those who don’t know themselves, rather than let them love themselves His image is is better to just remember his past."

Xiao Meiqing seemed to want to keep something, and immediately retorted, "Brother-in-law is not dead."

"I know, so we just wait for the brother-in-law to come back. I believe that with the skills of the brother-in-law, we will surely find our way home." Xiao Meiyuan said with a smile.

Wen Yanxiao Mei Qing couldn't help but nodded, then fell into silence again.

After a while, a maid came outside and said respectfully to Xiao Meiqing: "Miss Qing, Mr. Klad is back, he said he was here to resign."

Xiao Meiyuan said with interest: "It seems that this kid is quite self-aware, which is stronger than Zhang Xun."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense." Xiao Meiqing's cheeks were reddened, Xiao Meiyuan stopped, and after restoring her composure, she nodded to the maid: "Please invite him over."

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