Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2221: Fairy world

Because there was not a lot of money in the family, Huiyin packed everything after Zaomiao washed the dishes.

He took a big baggage from Huiyin's hand, carried a backpack in the box dragging Zaomiao, and a group of three embarked on a journey under the night.

After thinking about it for a while, Meihong felt that time was becoming more and more urgent. Nowadays, other forces are recruiting horses to develop technology. Qilunuo in the north will certainly not have this kind of consciousness. Maybe they still live the days of freezing frogs for fun. If there is a frog over there.

Being able to arrive at Qi Lunuo's site one day earlier will be ready one day earlier, and Mei Hong believes that Qi Luno will still listen to her.

Of course, there is another very important reason for traveling all night. They only have two beds at home. Meihong sleeps very unreliably. Both Huiyin and Zaomiao have deep experience, and Huiyin is not willing to sleep with Zaomiao. So after Meihong's hot mind decided to set off immediately, she agreed.

Under the night, Baize Huiyin is more and more spiritual. As Baize, but also a monster, the night is their natural home, flying above the sky. The huge moon of this world gives Huiyin blessing to three people. The weakest of them can keep up with the speed of the other two.

Huiyin pointed to the north and said, "Three hundred miles away from the city of mankind, there is a pioneering outpost newly established by mankind. There is the last place where we can spend money. We can rest there and recharge."

"How do you know?" Zao Miao asked curiously. After all, this kind of thing didn't even understand her, who lives in a city on earth.

"Don't forget that I am a monster of history." Hui Yin smiled lightly, "I have always been aware of human activities."

Huiyin doesn't want to bring the atmosphere in the house outside to make Meihong feel unhappy, so she has a better attitude towards Zao Miao, and Zao Miao has always been weak. If she has been aggressive, she will be too much.

Zao Miao is also a girl who doesn't vindicate her. Huiyin can speak well. She will naturally not find it unpleasant, but she continues to ask curiously: "So do other powers Huiyin know?"

"Being able to perceive one or two, the greater the distance, the weaker my perception will be. As for the continent on the other side of the ocean, I will not know what the situation is." Huiyin nodded and said, "Before I just briefly understood It is obvious that listening to Mei Hong said that all parties are vigorously developing military industry. This is obviously a problem."

Early Miao Wenyan suddenly thought of a very important question: "Then their military equipment research and development Huiyin can also know?"

"If you take some time to investigate, you will be able to know." Huiyin also realized what Miao had thought of, "You are worried that there is no industrial foundation in Qi Lu Nuo?"

"Yeah, after all, she has only goblins without any technical talents." Zao Miao said worriedly, "If not armed, then goblins are still just goblins, unable to form a powerful fighting force."

Huiyin immediately turned around and asked Meihong: "Sister Red, what do you think?"

With a heavy burden, Meihong, who was at the end, said confidently: "This is not the most critical issue. Huiyin can teach the goblins to do as much as they want. We don’t need to talk to the Red Devils Museum. Or a giant like the monsters in the mountains."

"Why do you say that?" Zao Miao and Hui Yin are very strange. If there is no strong armament, it would be nothing more than to gather hundreds of millions of goblins together. The war in the era of Earth Fantasy Township has already proven that modern firepower In front of it, even the mighty monster legion will be crushed, let alone the weak monster.

Although the two are more attentive than Meihong, they are not a type of strategist. Fortunately, Meihong has a solid foundation, and the Hulu painting scoop can always imitate Yue Zhong's three-point similarity: "Huiyin, Zaomiao , Remember that we did not commit ourselves to this conflict not to conquer the world. We are to maintain world peace and ensure that more people can avoid dying in the flames of war. I believe that ambitious people are only a few. , Most of the existence will not like war."

"The unremarkable fairies are now the largest population in the world. They are distributed in every corner of the world, and some of them do not even have a fixed residence. Remilia, who occupies the center of this continent, is not a temptation. Did the goblins help her build a country, and these goblins have become the main component of her Red Devil Empire. Now that there are no battles, some goblins have realized that their pay is not proportional to the return of the Red Devil Hall, and the goblin is being oppressed. Being exploited, they will be afraid to be shaken when they really face the cruelty of war."

Zao Miao and Hui Yin glanced at each other, and they finally understood after Mei Hong's mention, but this plan was not like Mei Hong's handwriting, and they both looked at Mei Hong.

"Looking at what I did, Yue Zhong did this at the beginning, but he said that this was not his first initiative, but the theory first proposed by the two bearded men, which was later developed and improved by many people." Sister Red explained.

"It turns out so." Both Miao and Huiyin were relieved this time. They were all familiar with Yue Zhong. If it were him, there would be no problem.

"As long as we build the north into a paradise and have certain self-protection capabilities, then we can absorb many of the goblins' fledgling power, and after reaching a certain level, we can actively participate in the war to stop the war." Mei Hong continued. "Of course, it would be better if we could solve the problem peacefully before the war began, but we still plan for the worst in everything."

The three discussed and drove along the way. Naturally, the speed of the flight was not comparable to that of walking. Moving on the straightest route would save at least three times the distance.

Under the guidance of the humanoid radar Huiyin, she soon saw the human pioneering outpost in her mouth.

Although humans have extended their sphere of influence to more than five hundred miles, they are certainly no safer than the central human city in the border area, and the elite troops among humans are stationed at the To avoid conflicts with them , The three fell to the ground and walked over.

"Huiyin, are you okay?" Meihong was worried. After all, the entrance and exit of the city of the world had equipment for monitoring the power of demon. Huiyin couldn't live in the city of humanity because she couldn't escape the equipment for monitoring the power of demon.

"I can wait for you outside." Huiyin said helplessly.

Zao Miao shook his head and said: "No need, I can help Huiyin hide the traces of the demon power. I have done this kind of thing by helping some kind monsters to avoid the pursuit of spirit dreams before. Human technology is still better than Bolly Witch. Perception."

It was reassuring to hear her say that Meihong, and Huiyin also looked at Zaomiao unexpectedly. When Meihong didn't pay attention, she leaned over to her and whispered, "Thank you, Zaomiao."

"We are companions, and mutual assistance should be." Zao Miao heartily smiled.

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