Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2222: Pioneer Outpost

Friendship is accumulated by getting together bit by bit. Huiyin and Meihong also fought when they first met. As long as they share similar interests, they can always clear up the misunderstandings in the past.

Huiyin nodded embarrassedly, allowing Zaomiao to apply the blessings belonging to Fengzhu to herself.

"Okay, so there is no problem." Sao Miao said after the show, "But we will definitely be suspicious when we appear at the pioneer post so late. If things don't go well, just run away."

There is no problem with the power of three people to destroy a newly built pioneer outpost and the garrison inside, but their purpose of this journey is to fight for peace, and how can they provoke disputes between humans and monsters for no reason? The contradiction has further intensified.

No matter what the upper levels of human beings think, these garrisons and civilians are innocent, and their fear of monsters is not enough to justify the murder of their sisters.

Compared with a human city with a tall city wall and a well-prepared defense system, pioneering outposts are much more shabby. The entire rock layer mined by large-scale machinery forms a circle as a defensive for the outpost. There is no time for further processing. A sentinel stood patrolling on uneven rock formations, and a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles were also released to patrol through thermal imaging.

No matter how strong the city walls are in modern wars, they have lost the value of defense. Even the concrete-built bunkers have become a living target in front of the powerful ultra-long-range firepower, but humans who have explored the new world still choose such defenses. The model shows that it still has a certain value.

Many forces that have established a strong industrial system have not yet reached the point where they are incompatible with human beings. The greatest danger to human survival today is those monsters who are wandering around the system. The walls against these monsters have value. Flying But it is not the patents of the monsters, even many humanoid monsters can not fly, at least the strength can only reach the level of Hui Yin.

The three sisters red appeared directly in the sight of the sentinels. They all looked harmless girls, but the sentry still took care of the muzzle and asked, "Who?"

"It's me, Dongfenggu Zaomiao." Zaomiao stood up and greeted the sentry.

The scope and scale of human activities are not very large, so most people know that Dongfenggu Zaomiao was a former international criminal police who arrived in the new world with the pioneering army. During the initial construction period, Dongfenggu Zaomiao was once a human dependence and repeated It was only after the rebellious monsters were repelled that the humanity survived the most difficult period. Now that the human military system has begun to take shape, Zao Miao has slowly faded out of sight, but it will not be forgotten.

"Miss Zao Miao?" After seeing Zao Miao's appearance with the help of the searchlights, the captain of the sentry was much less vigilant but did not let them in immediately: "Why did you come here so late, and the other two are ?"

"They are all my friends. I have to go to the north for important things. I pass by here at night and want to rest here for a night." Zao Miao said with a smile.

"But monsters invaded during the night, and I couldn't open the door at will." The captain of the sentry said hesitantly.

Seeing that Miao knew that it was not going to be soft anymore, he immediately said with a straight face: "If there is any monster here, I will have nothing to do, if you are really embarrassed."

After that, Zao Miao would go away.

The captain of the sentry hurriedly said, "Wait, Miss Zao Miao is right, come and open the door!"

He had to do this. Once Miao Miao helped humans to overcome the difficulties, she would not collude with the monsters to be harmful to humans. Furthermore, Miao Dongfeng Valley was a goddess in the eyes of many high-ranking young officers. It didn’t matter if she offended her, but if those officers knew that she had left Zao Miao outside and wouldn’t allow her to come in to rest, there would be no good fruit to eat.

Zao Miao's anger was relieved, and immediately a warm smile appeared: "Thank you."

The captain of the Sentinel opened the gate of the outpost and greeted the three people at the door, but he didn't want to pay his respects to Zao Miao. Knowing that so many young and promising officers Zao Miao didn't care, let alone his identity. So it came to perform the procedure, so that even if someone was known to let someone into the outpost late at night, he could protect himself.

"Don't blame Miss Miao, every settlement needs to routinely detect people entering." The captain of the sentry has a public official expression, but his eyes are unavoidable.

He had only seen Zaomiao and could not talk about her as a person. If she was a sharp and mean woman, it would be a little trouble.

Fortunately, Miao Miao was not as unbearable as he thought, and nodded in full understanding and said, "Come on, we are all tired."

After using the demon power detection instrument to conduct a regular scan, no problems were found, and the captain of the sentry released it with a big hand.

Leaving the entrance of the outpost, the internal layout also caught the eyes of three people.

There are no high-rise buildings in the city of earth in the pioneering outpost, but the planned stone standard housing is squarely extended along the street. The people who live here also have businessmen, garrisons and construction engineering groups. Adventurers and a small number of civilians, although there is no prosperous nightlife at night, there are still three or two people walking on the streets, and the taverns and hotels are still open.

People who can risk their lives at the pioneering outposts far away from the safety zone are more courageous. In order to attract the city of human beings to begin to live in excess of the population, the pioneering outposts not only provide free housing, but also reduce and exempt various tax promotion The rapid development of the private economy, as long as you are willing to work hard, you won't worry about finding a job, and high-risk work also has extremely high returns.

Whether it is a businessman who pursues interests or an adventurer who regards it as a temporary meeting point, he is constantly contributing to the construction of the entire human species. The development experience accumulated since the evolution of human civilization has not been comparable to any monster force. .

People who are still walking on the street are very curious about the three beautiful Most of them recognized Zao Miao and said hello to her, as for those who didn't know, there was no wrongdoing. After all, in the early days of entrepreneurship, the spirit of forging ahead is very strong in pioneering outposts. The official army has not yet corrupted and tolerated the birth of evil.

Not only are the people who pioneered the outposts curious about Meihong and others, but everything here also makes them feel new.

In the towns of the cold weapon adventure world, various high-tech products can be seen from time to time. People wear some retro clothes but hold a mobile phone with a flashing metallic luster in their hands. High, but patrol drones are everywhere in the dark sky. The unpretentious tavern outside has an electrified layout. The interior of the hotel for adventurers is also the hotel's business model.

The low profile of the outside world is not like the monster that makes the pioneering outpost too dazzling and disturbs the night. The retro clothing is also convenient for travel and adventure, but people's living habits are still brought from the earth.

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