Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2225: Dull forest

Having seen too many changes in history, Huiyin will not be too partial to humans as early as Miao, and now even when away from the pioneering post, he can still see traces of human activities, Huiyin can’t help it. Worry: "Sister Red, the crazy expansion of humanity reminds me of some bad things."

During the talk, the two had fallen on the edge of the dull forest, because the sky above the forest was tightly covered by dense branches and leaves, and the situation where they could not see it in the air could only go deep into it.

"What happened to Huiyin?" Mei Hong asked with concern.

"I recalled the world we were in before, not Fantasia Township but before entering Fantasia Township." Walking to the Wuguang Forest, it seemed that the sky was dark at once, and Huiyin stayed in it without any uneasiness, because She is also a monster, even if there is a fight between monsters, but the dark environment is home to them.

"From monsters to absolute superiority with strong bodies and terrifying spiritual abilities, to human beings there are also constantly appearing professions that can compete with monsters, such as clergy, exorcist, Taoist, etc. Ultimately, everyone can master the technology "Erase all of this." Huiyin recalled. "It was a long history of civilization. It's easy to say how much blood and sorrow are buried in it. I don't even know how many of them are buried. I can't find human beings and The way monsters coexist."

"Now the world is accelerating the evolution of thousands of years at an unprecedented speed. Humans have merged science and spiritual abilities together. The difference in individual power has been greatly eliminated, and the advantages in intelligence are gradually emerging; and the monsters are not As in the past, the scattered sands are fighting each other. The human beings we see still have a longing for the land. They are crazy to occupy the limited living space in this world. In the process, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with monsters. I think that I have made any mistakes, but hatred because of the casualties caused by the monsters who occupied their homes."

"It is undeniable that monsters do have active cases of attacking humans. Compared with the large-scale expansion of humans, who is more harmed on both sides?" Huiyin looked at Meihong confusedly, and issued a difficult answer. The question: "Is it really possible for such a conceited race to agree to peaceful development? Is there only one way we can go in the end?"

Meihong shook her head and said, "I can't give Huiyin the answer to such a big problem?"

"Why did Namei Hong let Zaomiao persuade the high level of mankind?" Hui Yin asked puzzled.

"No matter whether it is doomed in the future or not, if you don't do it now, you might regret it later, so there will be no other losses if you delay it for a while." Mei Hong didn't shake her determination because of the problems raised by Huiyin. The will said firmly, "I don't regret anything I have done, even if it doesn't make sense. But Huiyin said that I think our task on this side will not be easier than that of Zaomiao."

"Huh." Huiyin nodded gently, but under the influence of Meihong's ever-strong fighting spirit, she was no longer so confused, and this is what Meihong's charm is. Her favorite is her. .

Even Yue Zhong was not lost in the time and space of history because of the influence of Mei Hong.

The two kept moving towards the depths of the dark forest, seeing the crystals of spiritual power that the adventurer said grew on the tree all the way, and the deeper they were distributed, the denser they became, because Huiyin had a monster's breath and The high-level suppression of the undead bird on Meihong, so there are no non-eye-opening monsters jumping out to find them in trouble.

Even if I encountered it, I just parted ways after seeing it.

Most low-level monsters retain the habits of beasts. Even if they can transform into human figures, they may not have fluent language skills. Only monsters that have evolved to a certain level can communicate with people without obstacles. Unfortunately, Meihong and Huiyin If you haven't encountered a monster of this level, you can't do it if you want to ask about the situation of the lightless forest.

The flame burning at Meihong's fingertips is the only light source in the lightless forest. After all, she still has some human lineages and can't have the night vision ability of monsters. It can be said that all monster beasts living in the lightless forest are This aspect is stronger than Meihong.

The animal instincts will fear the flame, which is one of the reasons why the two have so far achieved nothing.

"Meihong, we may find it difficult to find the owner of the Wuguang Forest in this way." Huiyin said with a wry smile, "You are not hostile to the monsters here, and it will not actively provoke you if you want to."

Mei Hong also said in dismay: "Yeah, the Wuguang Forest is so hard to find. If it still hides from us deliberately, it might be useless to search for three days and three nights, unless we take the initiative to attack the monsters here. Or set fire directly to the dull forest."

Huiyin nervously grabbed Meihong's hand and said: "Sister Red, you can't mess up."

Don't blame Huiyin for being so nervous. You can do everything with Meihong's anxiety.

"Relax, Huiyin, I have a sense of justice, and I will not provoke disputes casually." Meihong laughed, "We are performing tasks now, and I don't want to be the one who lags behind."

Huiyin gave Meihong a strange look. She knew that Meihong was definitely not so peaceful when she was in Fantasy Township. This is probably one of the changes that the century-time history has brought to Meihong. Huiyin was very proud of the fact that she became a beast-like sister red again to regain her natural nature. Although her temper was hot but not unacceptable, but now she has not been the only one who can affect her. The person is even more profound than himself.

"But you still have to find a way, otherwise Miao will definitely laugh at us when Miao comes over." Mei Hong said scratching her head.

"The way is not without, but it needs to be well-balanced." In the end, Huiyin is smarter than Even though it is not comparable to Yuehong's sister Hong in terms of the overall situation, but in terms of trivial matters Far more reliable than Meihong.

Meihong quickly asked: "Huiyin, do you have any good ideas?"

"The monsters will not take the initiative to attack us, but the adventurers coming from the pioneering post are different. Some adventurers with motor vehicles should almost go outside the forest. We can choose a stronger team to follow them secretly. Entering the Wuguang Forest to explore and collect and fight with the monsters may lead to the masters here." Huiyin said headly, "Although it may not necessarily meet the main leader, but it is better than our blind mind. Better."

"Yeah, Huiyin, why didn't you say that early?" Meihong said in surprise, "This is indeed a good way, not only will not cause the hostility of the light forest monster, but also may ease the conflict between the two at a critical time."

Huiyin glared her sister red: "I thought you had a good way, and didn't the adventurer come before?"

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