Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2226: Monster Hunter

As the top three adventure groups in the North Frontier Outpost, Angelus Adventure Group has always pursued the most efficient adventure strategy. They never disdain the low-level tasks of the adventure union. When there is no large employer to issue high-level rewards They will organize adventure activities in dangerous areas.

The dark forest is such a place where danger and opportunity coexist. Due to the presence of powerful dark monsters in the forest, many adventurers dare not go to the dark forest to collect spiritual crystals, which led to Energy supply is in a state of shortage.

Due to the unproven combustible ore veins and other energy resources around the North Frontier Outpost, the consumption and **** costs during transportation from the city of the world or other outposts are also extremely high. The energy price of the North Frontier Outpost has risen to a very high level To the extent, this situation is difficult to improve before the transportation rail line that is directly connected to the human city is built or new energy resources are discovered.

In order to solve this problem, the military of the North Frontier Outpost has issued a huge reward, hoping that an adventurer can eliminate the dark monsters that are active in the dark forest. Even ordinary monsters can receive extra rewards from the corpse. This is A long-term and arduous task, Andrews Adventure Group came for this purpose.

After carrying more than a dozen trucks of the Andrews Adventure Group on the initially leveled road for more than two hours, they reached the edge of the dark forest. As the leader of the team, Angelus greeted his men and began to deploy. plan.

His team is composed entirely of desperate chasers who chase profiteering. In addition to two female clergy who are dressed in extremely strict and even appearance, they are all tall and mighty men. Such a team is equipped with In addition to the powerful firepower, there are five powerful combatants with spiritual awakening centered on Angelus.

Anglos, wearing a black trench coat and dragging a great sword with cyan light, swept the men who lined up in a row with satisfaction, and immediately began his arrangement: "This time the action goal is the core area of ​​the dark forest. In this special trip, I invited two powerful priest ladies, who are enough to ensure that there are no casualties during the adventure. No adventurer has ever entered the center of the dark forest, where a lot of spiritual crystals are scattered and hidden Powerful monsters, but in my eyes they are huge numbers on our account. If there is a chance, even the dark monster will be killed together. In this way, even the garrison will look at us and suppress the other two. No adventure group..."

Angelus mobilized the enthusiasm of the members of his adventure group in his own way, but after hearing the hidden girl red, he felt like he was explaining for himself.

"Huiyin, didn't he find us?" Mei Hong asked quietly, "What do you think of this man's fighting power?"

"No, at present, in addition to fixed enchantment detection equipment, it is difficult for humans to explore the surrounding environment with personal perception, but the two pastors make me a little uneasy. Their power is very similar to the previous exorcist, not It is totally a cleric in the Department of Healing." Huiyin watched Angelus's every move and answered Mei Hong's question smoothly.

There is no dominant religious force in the city of the world, because the tens of thousands of people who originally participated in the development of the new world come from all over the world. They have different beliefs or atheists themselves. Enticed by the vague religion, there were only a few people who believed in religion at first.

However, because of the existence of spiritual abilities, some users of spiritual abilities began to form similar organizations. They did not absorb believers by showing so-called miracles. After all, the existence of spiritual abilities was well known in the era of Fantasy Township. It's hard to flicker, so this group of spiritual abilities changed a model. They compiled a systematic spiritual practice system based on their own experience and used this as a selling point to attract believers.

For ordinary people, spiritual ability is much more attractive than so-called gods. Whether it is to protect yourself or go out to earn money as an adventurer, it has a huge effect. Even the rich who are not willing to take risks are willing to try. To practice spiritual abilities, after all, this is the most effective way to comprehensively improve physical fitness and even prolong life. Even if nothing is finally achieved, as long as you become a believer, you can enjoy the services of spiritual abilities.

Among those with spiritual ability, those who are good at treatment can cure most of the common diseases, and the process is quick and painless, directly pushing medical practitioners to the point where they have to explore highly sophisticated fields, and usually only spiritual ones are at a loss. They can only be used for incurable diseases or fatal diseases.

The two priests in the Anglos Adventure Group are derived from a religious force called the Sacred Feathers. Although the Sacred Feathers can’t talk about dominating the world, they also have tens of thousands of believers and hundreds of spiritual abilities. Those who are considered influential.

Sacred feather practice will pursue both healing spells and demon spells, and sometimes it will be hired by adventure groups to perform dangerous tasks as it is now.

The Anglos Adventure Group entered the dull forest with bright searchlights when they were ready. Meihong and Huiyin followed them all the way, and Huiyin checked the history of the city on the road and took these Tell Meihong all kinds.

"So if Zaomiao established a blessing church, wouldn't it be these people." Mei Hong always feels a little funny, because these so-called religions don't even have a deity of faith, and they are entirely generated by spiritual power. Interests come together as if they met those martial arts in historical time and space.

"Religion without faith, Lingmeng will definitely feel very kind if she knows it." Mei Hong suddenly turned her thoughts and asked Huiyin, "Speaking of where Lingmeng is now, there seems to be no treatment for her in Wenwen News 'S report ~ ~ was able to consult the history so Huiyin, who knows almost everything, shook his head and said, "I don't know where Ling Meng is now. There is no active history in her. "

"Well, forget it." Mei Hongwen said, "There will always be a chance to meet in the future."

During the speech, the Anglos Adventure Group encountered a group of monsters that had initial enchantment but had not yet been transformed. Without waiting for those monsters to launch an attack, the machine gun group walking in the middle of the team launched a covering shot.

The power of firearms is that powerful monsters will feel threatened, not to mention monsters of this level. After a fierce rush, the monster beasts have become corpses except for a few lucky ones.

The Angelus Adventure Group is not interested in monster beasts of this level. Although the machine gun is used to clear the field, it will save a lot of time.

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