Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2240: Experiment record

The statue of Li Xiaobei is built with special materials that are not natural, like a creamy white jade but with a gentle touch. I saw that it stroked a pretty face with one hand as if it were a lonely self-appreciation, and it seemed to contain a hundred-fold tenderness. The eyes are filled with autumn water and lake light.

To be fair, Meihong can't deny Yue Zhong's peerless demeanor. As she grew up from a quirky girl to a beautiful girl, she is afraid that even her own rival, Hui Ye, is in front of Li Xiaobei. Discolored. Looking at the softness of this statue, it is difficult to imagine that this will be a little demon who fears that the world will not be chaotic, and I don’t know why Li Xiaobei will stay here as a soft and water-like statue.

"Is there anything strange about this statue?" Mei Hong thinks that Li Xiaobei's statue is beautiful, but the goblins who like to destroy it probably care more about the statue's material and the gem-like eyes.

Eluka said angrily: "We tried to dig out the gemstone eyes on the statue many times, but every time we approached, it was shocked by a powerful spiritual force."

"There seems to be a piece of text at its feet?" Mei Hong said carefully and walked past, but I don't know if it was because she was not hostile to the statue of Li Xiaobei, and the body-protecting spiritual power that Eluko said did not appear.

At the foot of Li Xiaobei's feet, he wrote a sentence in Chinese: "Knock the first thousand times, long live my face!"

Such text goblins have not come into contact with nor do they have common sense in Fantasy Township, so goblins will naturally not understand, but she successfully amused Fujiwara Sister: "I am not Duan Yu, you are not a fairy elder sister. "

There are no futons on the ground, and nowhere else can there be hidden secrets of martial arts. Meihong will not be willing to kowtow to Li Xiaobei when he is killed, but if the clue does not go on at this step, it will be broken.

"What are you looking at me for?" Ai Luke thought Meihong's eyes were dangerous and subconsciously stepped back two steps.

"You see there is a gate behind the statue. I am afraid it is the entrance to the core area of ​​this secret base in scale. The method of opening is written under the statue. Do you want to try it?" Mei Hongxun said temptingly.

Eluka always felt something was wrong. He ran under the statue of Li Xiaobei and looked at it for a long time before he suspiciously said, "Will you lie to me?"

"Is there anything in your little guy worth fooling me?" Mei Hong rolled her eyes disdainfully. "It's written, knocking a thousand heads in front of the statue and calling again long live, that door will definitely open."

Eluka is still somewhat reluctant. After all, there are too many thousand heads, and his head will definitely be knocked out: "Can't it be less?"

"Imagine that you are the first goblin to enter it. Are there any good things in it that you choose? If you don't want to, I'll go find other goblins." Meihong said without threat.

"Okay, okay." Ai Luke quickly pulled Meihong, suddenly thought of something said, "Then why don't you kowtow yourself?"

Meihong snorted coldly: "She is not qualified to let me do that."

Ai Luke finally chose to believe Mei Hong. The things hidden in the research base were very attractive to her, and she immediately bowed reluctantly in front of Li Xiaobei's statue.

"One, two, three..." Meihong was afraid that Eluka could forget the number of times and kindly counted her. When Eluka could not keep going and gave up, he generously lost her spiritual power.

After a long time Ai Luke stood up and turned dizzy several times, his eyes wandering uncontrollably like a mosquito coil, instinctively shouting: "Long live long live long live."

Click, the door to the inside of the scientific research base opened, and Meihong took Ai Luke up and walked in.

"I didn't expect that girl had words and letters, but what secrets did she need to hide here?"

The internal of the scientific research base has long ceased operation due to the loss of energy supply, but the completely enclosed environment has prevented the intrusion of dust outside, and the almost sterile environment inside maintains a high degree of neatness.

The arrangement of various instruments is very similar to the laboratory that Li Xiaobei built underground in the Red Devil Hall, but Mei Hong doesn't know what it does, just thinking that it may be useful, I will find more goblins to transport these instruments to Go to the Arctic Ice Sheet.

Alu Ke finally returned to normal after half a day, she first flew around in excitement, but soon she looked sad.

Apart from the cold machine, there are no gadgets of interest to the fairies at all, and the things found by the fairies in the outside passage are also likely to be dropped by Li Xiaobei in order to attract the fairies to find this place. Yes, otherwise there will be fluorescent bouncy **** and music boxes all over the research base.

"There's nothing in it!" Ai Luke immediately complained.

"Yeah." Meihong responded casually. She now had to wonder if Li Xiaobei deliberately wanted to lead people to this place. The abrupt statue and the paragraph outside the door obviously only understood Chinese. People can know the meaning.

It can even be said that Li Xiaobei was specially there to try to tease himself.

Meihong's search finally yielded results. In her drawer, she found a thick paper experiment record that clearly stated that Li Xiaobei spent every day here.

Because Li Xiaobei's first large-scale experiment was under the Red Devils Hall on Earth, her experiment was also in the era of the AD, but Mei Hong discovered a big problem at first glance.

"X, X, X, X, XX, using a lot of intelligent machinery, finally built a laboratory on this planet..."

Meihong remembers it very This date is the day when Li Xiaobei attracted the big monsters to the Red Demon Hall to conduct the Vientiane experiment Another irrelevant experiment.

"The extraction of human physiological growth factors has been successful, and the number of self-splitting growth can be achieved in the natural environment. It is expected to reach a balance at the scale of 10 billion people. The next step is the extraction of fairy growth factors..."

The records in the experimental records clearly show that Li Xiaobei has made sufficient preparations for the migration of Fantasy Township, but not all of the above are all experimental records, and occasionally there will be a sentence or two of Li Xiaobei’s mood message.

"I'm so beautiful. Why should I be a housemaid hiding in this dark place? Wouldn't it be a pity that you don't see me as a great beauty, make a statue and put it outside today."

This passage finally explained the origin of the statue, but Mei Hong still couldn't find the reason why Li Xiaobei would be divided into two places, and there was no explanation for the whole experiment record.

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