Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2241: Dream experiment

The experimental record clearly illustrates all the transformations that Li Xiaobei has made to this world. It can be said that if he knows it, he will be able to know the secrets of this planet that are different from the conventional ones.

For example, the factors that promote human body and mental growth are not endless. As for why this is done, Li Xiaobei made a note in the Genesis Feasibility Report. Perhaps she herself is worried that she has too much to do and can’t remember a certain one. Something.

"Master once said that it is not enough to imagine the growth and transformation of a human civilization by imagination, but I don’t have so much time to observe a civilization from weak to prosperous. Fortunately, a large number of races are thrown here at once and catalyze them. The growth of China has aggravated the process of the cultural furnace with its confrontation."

However, during this period, Li Xiaobei did not think that one day this planet would become the root of her Vientiane experiment. As for why she deliberately attracted Mei Hong here to know her arrangement, maybe it was a kind of master's old friend. Compensation may have other purposes. I am afraid only Li Xiaobe knows the truth.

Meihong has not exercised Yue Zhong’s memory-defying memory, and the information in this experimental record is undoubtedly very valuable. After putting it away, Ai Luke complained to Meihong again: "What are you looking at? , It's so boring here, let's go out quickly."

"Eluka, I have something to give you." Meihong crouched down and said solemnly on Eluka's shoulder.

"What's the matter, it's too much trouble for me not to do." Ai Luke was a little angry that he knocked so many heads but got nothing, so she was not so obedient to Meihong.

"I need you to lead the goblins to protect this place. I will soon bring another group of goblins over to transport these devices. Of course, I will not let you do anything in vain. I will bring a lot when I come next time. Sweets and toys that your goblins love.” Meihong promised immediately, “there is another one, I hope you take good care of the Boli Shrine, don’t let the sandstorm drown it again, and tell her if the owner returns A person named Fujiwara Meihong came to see her, hoping she could go to the extreme north snow."

Eluka suspiciously said: "That needs a lot of goblins to help, do you have so many sweets and toys?"

"You don't have to worry about this at all, but you have to help me to see if there are any goblins who are trying to be lazy. My reward is to give those who really help." Meihong continued, "If you Show enough talent in this process, then I will have more benefits for you in the future."

"What's the benefit?" Elu didn't see the rabbit and didn't sprinkle the eagle. Since Meihong gave her all the sweets, she couldn't get any benefit from Meihong. Now she has to help herself so much, even if It's not enough to take out all the candy on your body.

Meihong touched her body for a long time, and finally found an ice crystal gem, which was condensed from the side of Qi Lu Nuo. After the big goblin took it out, she put it on her body. She wanted to use this seemingly valuable thing. To seduce Boli Lingmeng, but now I can only give Eluke the little guy with the same wealth: "This is for you, should you believe me now?"

"It's so beautiful!" Ai Luke immediately got ice crystal gems with her eyes flashed, and soon came a cold temperature almost to give it frostbite, Ai Luke quickly wrapped it in clothes to ease the coolness, "Okay Cold, I felt a powerful demon energy on it."

"You can crush it and set it on other things, so that it is not only beautiful but not too cold, even if you don’t like the goblins living in the dark, you can use it for other things you want. Something." Mei Hong explained, "This gem is made by a powerful ice goblin. If you are willing to help me do these two things, then I will find you a gem with the same attributes as you. In that way you can become stronger, even if you grab something, no goblin can beat you."

"Really?" Eluka has already believed eight points at this time. The huge goblin power contained in the ice crystal gem can't be faked, but unfortunately it is different from its own attributes, otherwise Eluka can take this gem. A barrage far beyond its own strength came.

Meihong nodded and said, "Relax, I have a very good relationship with the fairies in the extreme north snowfield. You may wish to find those fairies flying in the wind. I will never lie to you."

"Okay, then I will trust you again."

After getting along for a period of time, Meihong has realized that Eluka is far more intelligent than other fairies, but she doesn't have such consciousness herself, so Meihong thinks of cultivating Eluka as a desert goblin.

In the face of a world war that is very likely to occur in the future, the more people who can help, the better, but unfortunately, now that the extremely northern snowfields are still in the early stages of construction, Meihong can’t make it in this desert. Ai Luke can build a force for the core.

If Elu can meet his expectations, unite and manage some of the goblin races in the desert, then they can also have the value of being all, the survival of the goblin has a certain degree Limitations, just like the desert goblin will die in a few days if it goes to the extreme north snowfield, and a goblin with high adaptability to fight in different environments.

After leaving Huangshaxia’s research base and saying goodbye to Ai Luke, Meihong decided to return to the polar north snowfield first, and handed over the experimental records of Li Xiaobei to Huiyin to analyze what changes she had made to the planet. The matter of looking for Boling Lingmeng can only be put aside for the time being.

When Huiyin finished reading the experimental record brought back by Mei Hong, it disappeared without warning into a little starlight.

A beautiful figure gradually appeared on the material delivery platform of the quiet research base. She walked out of the laboratory center to her statue, and her jade-like fingertips gently touched the statue. Let it live.

The two stunning young girls looked at each other like a mirror and smiled.

"Enough nerve induction can form a real dream. It can be used on other people, and it can also be used on itself." Li Xiaobei snapped his fingers and said happily, "The experiment was successful."

Immediately afterwards, the original scientific research base disappeared without a trace under the yellow sand. The goblins living nearby were just a trance, and they were surprised to find that the base in their memory was gone, and instead they were deserted. Rock formation.

If the cognition is true, it will not be false, and can deceive others as well as deceive yourself.

The first experiment of Li Xiaobei who began to understand the dream of Vientiane is herself. Her madness is the same for herself and others. It is herself who studies the dream of Vientiane, and it is her own dream that makes the Genesis Feasibility Report. .


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