Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2252: Yizhanyi

"It's so powerful?" Qi Xiaomeng can realize that this uncle must be in an extraordinary position, so it's not surprising that he can easily send a group of people to this kind of thing, but to what extent their business ability, Qi Xiaomeng has no way. Expectedly.

"You'll know it if you've seen it." First Will waved, "You must know the location of the war. Now, let's go, they will meet you, and I will come to you again after the event."

Qi Xiaomeng was full of doubts but did not continue to ask. The secret of this uncle was too much. If he did not want to tell himself, he would not let himself know anything.

Qi Xiaomeng was also very concerned about the human beings in the war, and immediately put down the pot and rushed towards the place of the incident.

From the moment of becoming an observer, the relative distance in the plane has long constituted no obstacle for Qi Xiaomeng. If the movement of a planet in a region requires the observer to move for a long time, then they will not observe anything. Something.

So Qi Xiaomeng came to the side of the battlefield in a twinkling of an eye, and witnessed the generals in simple leather armor fighting with a group of well-dressed soldiers, but the war was cruel. But it has not been weakened to any degree because of the simplicity of the equipment.

Without a well-organized battle array, the tactical command is rough and rough, and the fighting is based on blood and bravery. And the more primitive, the more **** and animalistic the killing is, killing it to the point beyond the fear of death, the sharp sword and the sturdy sword, the spear that is often not strong enough to hang a broken limb on the enemy who often cuts, and fists after breaking. Teeth fighting is more like a beast that has not yet been cultured.

Although the production of ironware has been initially mastered, the backwardness of culture has left most city-states in a brutal and **** stage. They are difficult to have too high value in history, and even a few hundred years are just a few.

A white girl wins the snow, a beautiful and isolated girl stands on the edge of the battlefield and is completely incompatible with the cruel killing. Her eyes are full of compassion, but reason tells her that even if you stop it, it will not change anything. , May even trigger a larger conflict, leading to more human bloodshed and sacrifice.

Every era has a manifestation of the era, even though Qi Xiaomeng has fallen from the sky to the peace and beauty brought by the world, but her concept is difficult for people in this era to accept with humility, and her existence is respected and coveted at the same time. Some people will admire her face beyond the age, some will try to control her power, no matter what the reason, she will see everything inevitably continue to sink in the worst direction.

Qi Xiaomeng hadn’t waited for a minute, and a large number of people in smart clothes walked out of the large number of time and space fluctuations behind him. Qi Xiaomeng knew that this group of people came from the Panplane Headquarters when they saw their clothes, but they The emblems worn by them show that they come from different departments.

"Xiaomeng girl, I'm waiting to be ordered to assist you." A leading young man with glasses with glasses smiled and saluted Qi Xiaomeng with a smile.

Qi Xiaomeng remembers where he seems to have seen this person, probably at the trial scene of the legal court, the other party came to the scene on behalf of the general plane, but what is his name and identity Qi Xiaomeng does not Remember, all her thoughts at that time were defending those criminals.

But the person who can represent the center of the ubiquitous plane must be a highly weighted person. Even the observer who helps me to do my own thing will not be too presumptuous about this kind of existence. However, such a high-ranking official takes it because of the uncle’s words. Have people come to listen to their orders?

So Qi Xiaomeng asked, even more puzzled: "Are you?"

"Xiaomeng girl only needs to know that we are from various departments of the panplane. As for my identity, I can't disclose it." Sven Youth said with a broad smile.

"Okay." Qi Xiaomeng also awakened and now it was not time to inquire about these things. He immediately pointed to the battlefield and said, "I hope you will stop this battlefield."

The Sven youth was slightly fascinated, but the good psychological quality soon made the surprise on his face disappear.

He was surprised that the actions of these people were actually to stop a farce in their eyes, and the first will of the ubiquitous plane actually violated his philosophy, allowing himself and others to intervene in the interpretation of the history of lower civilizations.

But these things are not a problem, as long as the decision of the first will is not wrong, as the ruler can also act outside the rules.

"How much does Xiaomeng want us to do?" The young man continued to ask, "If she simply stopped the original war, Xiaomeng would have this ability herself."

Qi Xiaomeng said without hesitation: "I want the world to never have war again."

"..." The young man looked at Qi Xiaomeng rather dumbly. He originally thought it was a very simple task, but Qi Xiaomeng revealed the unusualness as soon as he said this.

Terminating the war is easy, but forever peace is an unmistakable Looking at human history is a history of war. It complements the growth of civilization and has never disappeared.

"Is the little cute girl serious?"

Qi Xiaomeng nodded solemnly: "Well, the grown-up said that you can do anything?"

After a moment of thought, the youth suddenly shone with excitement, and he suddenly realized that this matter was really challenging: "The simplest solution is to kill all the people in this world, and then let this planet die." That is eternal peace."

Seeing Qi Xiaomeng's eagerness to explain, the youth atmosphere waved: "But I know that's not what Xiaomeng meant, so I will do my best to wait."

A young girl with a white eye in her eyes came out of the crowd, and when she saw her head slightly raised, all the people in the fight stopped all movements, and then began to retreat to their respective positions in an orderly manner.

Afterwards, the girl disappeared directly from the place, returned after a few breaths, and said to the youth: "Team leader, all battlefields have stopped."

"Well." The youth nodded to the girl, and then looked down at Qi Xiaomeng again, "Xiaomeng girl, the war is temporarily stopped, but we will need some time to deploy such tasks as peace forever, and wait for everything to be prepared. Let's report to Xiaomeng girl later."

Qi Xiaomeng didn't arrange anything for herself, and naturally she didn't know how this group of people would do it. She just nodded a little confused, and saw the group of action teams from Panplane Headquarters disappear.

The only thing that can be known is that they seem not to understand their intentions. Neither understand its meaning, nor its reason.

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Chapter 2252 Yizhan Yi (page 1/1)

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