Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2253: Dreaming girl

"I hope the world will always be peaceful."

It is possible to say such things. Except for innocent children, there may be only real idealists. It is difficult for anyone who has a slight understanding of the cruelty and ambition of reality to be uncontrollable.

Even if there is a probability of one in one hundred million, it must be extremely clever human wizard. If you are too clever, you want to think more. Such people will recognize this unrealistic ideal from the beginning. In fact, it is instinctively regarded as an impossible event. It is the genius that humans have been walking in the conspiracy and conspiracy for countless years. It is like the light of the galaxy, but no one has ever glanced at this childlike rustic ideal.

There is no hope, and there is no need at all. There is no eternal policy and no eternal person in the world. If anyone really can plan out all the future of mankind, he will become a source of fear like Tian Yan Yue Zhong. .

Qi Xiaomeng walked into the battlefield where the corpse lay across the field with a trace of sadness, and she realized in a trance what the uncle was going to tell herself, and the action group sent to execute her will was the process of telling.

Does he want to use facts to tell his innocence, or does he have another purpose? Qi Xiaomeng looked at the body of the place and then looked at himself. For the high-level of the general plane, his value is probably not much bigger than that of those who died without any meaning, so why should he change? What about myself?

Qi Xiaomeng knows that many of her ideas are naive to others, but she does not want to change, even if there are countless facts before her, she still believes that there is the possibility of her hope in the world, as if it has been lost The memory of the dream-chasing teenager does not give up.

Even if it is really impossible, can't I even have a beautiful dream?

Qi Xiaomeng is a girl who loves to dream. The most commendable thing is that even if the endless sufferings of the world are added together, he is convinced that the heroic beauty longed for in his youth and the history of witnessing in his growth are all her dreams of dreaming.

The reason why she once liked Yue Zhong was because of his determination to pursue dreams.

The desolate wind blew the vast wilderness, the haze of the unsettled blood drifted in the air and also infested the graceful white clothes, and the eyes of the girl walking in the blood color gradually calmed down.

Regardless of the result, she will continue to follow her own wishes.

The general action team dedicated to the implementation of the first will is formed by the main departments. The ability to join it is undoubtedly. If Fan Hanshi has not encountered the lifetime enemy of Xiao Meiyan, he may try harder in the legal court. Only time will be eligible to join.

Although First Will rarely meets these people, being able to enter this action group is still a golden resume.

Qi Xiaomeng wandered into the battlefield, and before waiting for her to come out, the young man with glasses appeared again beside her.

"Girl Xiaomeng, according to your thoughts, I have already laid down a strict system of war prevention in this world."

Qi Xiaomeng quickly asked: "What is that?"

"Xiaomeng girl used to come and go to the court of law often, so she should have a certain degree of understanding of the crime prevention system of the law court. The principle of the war prevention system we arranged is similar, but the focus of attention is that all reference samples may be As long as the people who caused the war can strangle the contradiction at the source, the war can be avoided to the greatest extent." After the youth finished, he asked further, "Is there any other arrangement for the girl?"

Qi Xiaomeng didn’t know exactly how they did it, but now it’s a bit embarrassing if he can’t say anything to him if he asks him for directions. “Tell me about your detailed arrangements first.”

"Yes." The young man talked happily.

As the most outstanding group of people in the ubiquitous plane, each of the action groups can rely on their huge knowledge reserves to make a complete analysis of the native civilization of this world, and after deducing the many possibilities of civilization changes, through the intervention of higher civilizations The various means of planning a most stable future.

The main sources of war, such as royal disputes, class oppression, and changes in productive forces, can be tailored to the actual precedents of countless civilizations after combing and guiding them. They are tailored to their actual conditions. Furthermore, they have made spirits on aggressive ideas. Implications until the genetic control at the genetic level is implanted to minimize the war madness factors that exist in the world. Concepts such as extreme beliefs and militant thoughts have also been suppressed by Gao Wei.

The center of the pre-stop is a collection of aberrations of various elements. Targeted thinking diseases will first wipe out the virus-like individuals with aberrations of thought, but it does not rule out the possibility of resistance in itself, and the action group cannot stay here for a long time. , For a small probability event, a special peace guardian inheritance was created...

A series of arrangements of the action group basically considered all the possibilities. To a certain extent, the force of collective science and the advanced nature of civilization has forcibly created a similar effect to the but we have never implemented it. After this kind of task, the details of such a system need to be further improved. If the girl is interested, I will report to you from time to time. "

Qi Xiaomeng nodded subconsciously, what the other party said had completely covered all the sources of contradictions she knew, and her request was that there should be no war or not no killing. In her request, the virus-like individuals were forcibly wiped out. Nothing wrong.

But just as Qi Xiaomeng defended those criminals in the Judicial Tribunal, and not to say whether they had the original sin or not, she still hoped to give these people a chance to make corrections, but if she continues to ask for it now, she seems to be on her feet again. They have done many things that they did not consider, and suddenly it is difficult for them to make adjustments.

"Xiaomeng girl seems to have something to say?" The youth's ability to observe and observe is also proficient, and immediately saw Qi Xiaomeng's hesitation.

"...Well," Qi Xiaomeng said apologetically, "maybe it's because I didn't make it clear. Are the viral individuals you mentioned a more gentle treatment?"

"Xiaomeng girl is really kind, I will adjust it according to your wishes immediately." The youth listened to Qi Xiaomeng's opinion without any complaints, but made Qi Xiaomeng more embarrassed.

A moment later, the highly efficient action group gave feedback: "There are now 13 conventional treatment methods, roughly including body exile, mental correction, collective suppression, physiological restrictions, multiple replacements, environmental guidance..."

A lot of processing methods are in front of Qi Xiaomeng, and how to choose seems to be a decision-making problem.

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Chapter 2253 The Girl Who Loves Dreaming (Page 1/1)

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