Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 272: Disaster of the deep sea

   The ocean itself is the main place for the village gauze and honey. Even in the deep seabed, she can still move freely. The ghost ship switched to the stealth state wandered along the traces of suspected giant creatures for a long time. Murasami found that the behemoth was heading towards the destroyer’s route. She immediately took out the contactor and wanted to pass this information to the destroyer. People.

   "Damn, forget that the bottom of the sea can't send a radio signal, and my ghost ship has no sonar." After discovering this problem, the village yarn water honey quickly went up and went to the sea.

Thousands of meters of sea depth is not completed quickly if you want to float. After passing the predetermined light and dark lines, the village gauze honey finds that there is no change in light. The marine fish that were seen everywhere are like being scattered by unknown forces. In general, when there is no shadow and no trace, when the ghost ship breaks through the sea and touches the outer space, the dark sky of disaster is reflected in the eyes of the village gauze. This is a precursor to the storm, and even a precursor to other disasters.

  Unexpectedly, there is still no signal that can be passed out. Although the ghost ship is stable in the dark sea, it is still stable, but a strong sense of crisis and oppression still flooded the heart of Murakami.

   Even if it is a ghost, it seems to die at any time: "What the **** is this!"

   "Village yarn honey, don't care about these things, try to sneak towards Iceland, this is our only chance."

   Sailing in front of the Horizon-class destroyer on the Atlantic Ocean at the same time, the stormy black clouds were already overturning, the surrounding light was dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and everyone was hiding in the cabin.

"Sergeant Bolly, the storm is coming towards us. At the speed of this destroyer, even if you turn around now, it will still be wrapped in its scope." The captain who controls the destroyer is a middle-aged navy with rich experience Officer, after the exchange of interests between St. Bailian and the French government, the destroyer in active service was handed over to the International Criminal Police for marine patrols. He was also assigned at that time, "We are still 200 nautical miles away from Iceland and we have to rush over ?"

Lingmeng couldn’t understand the chart that the captain was pointing at, but she could feel the breath from the ancient wilderness in the storm and the roar hidden in the strong wind: "Since this is the only fight, Yue Zhongren ?"

   All members of Interpol searched around for a while, and finally brought bad news to Lingmeng: "Vice leader, he is gone!"

   "Where can he go at this time, can't he jump into the sea... right to his guard?"

He Yongping appeared in Lingmeng's sight with his head covered, and looked at the fierce look of Lingmeng, who couldn't help but shrink his neck and said: "Sergeant Bolly, the headman lets you command this battle, and also said that the life of the entire ship's personnel I'll leave it to you."

   "Where did he go?" Ling Meng said angrily on the table.

   "I don't know, the head suddenly knocked me out after talking."

   "Report, a huge black shadow was found at the bottom of the seems to be some kind of giant marine creature, it rushed up!"

The news brought by the first officer made Lingmeng no longer distracted to take care of Yue Zhong's affairs. Before she ran to the deck, a huge collision force came from the bottom of the ship, and the entire destroyer seemed to be thrown away. The model is tilted past ninety degrees, and everyone loses their balance and falls to the ground.

  In the turbulent waves, the turbulent sea water broke through the door and poured into the cabin, and the dream of holding the door handle was instantly submerged in the water.

"No wonder you told me your purpose so readily. Did you plan to use me as a bait from the beginning?" Your eyes widened in the sea and looked at the crew who choked on the water inadvertently, Spirit Suddenly, Yume understood Yue Zhong’s intentions. When he boarded the ship, he found the village gauze honey on the bright side to reconcile her relationship with the other party, but secretly he did something else.

The ghost ship cannot carry people, but it is feasible to let the village yarn water honey hold the long axis of history. Maybe Yue Zhong decided to dive into the Iceland with the ghost ship at the beginning, and what is he going to do, is it going to Yakumo? Purple compromise?

   "Yue Zhong, I will live to ask you for an explanation!"

   ran out of the hatch in the sea with anger and murderous spirit dreams, jumped on the dark sky with the waves, and stepped on the deck of the destroyer with a heavy foot. Shengsheng stepped the entire warship back into equilibrium.

   The surging spiritual power ignited the destroyer's life fire, and the scriptures that St. White Lotus had previously blessed for this ship also flashed a golden and calm Buddha light.

  With the light bursting out in the darkness, Ling Meng saw the shape of the sea monster attacking the destroyer.

The only part that exposed the sea was a huge mouth covered with **** smell of fangs. The width of the jawbone reached more than 20 meters. If it just chose to bite towards the destroyer just now, it must have been the destroyer at this time. It's broken.

The sea monster’s eyeballs are bloodshot red pupils, gray-black scales covering the head and neck, and behind it are several huge spines like windmill wings, the parts hidden in the sea are difficult to see, but according to Murakami's previous discovery on the ocean floor can infer that it usually hides on the ocean floor and has four legs of amphibious mammals. Once it is allowed to land, it will cause terrible disaster.

"What's the matter, isn't it just monsters, why did the monsters appear." Lingmeng looked at this behemoth and didn't know how to do it. Presumably, the ordinary Skaka attack hit the other party just to tickle and crush it. The yin and yang jade of various monsters may not be too effective, unless Lingmeng once again enters the state of criminal rebellion.

The storm finally came with a violent appearance with the outcrop of the giant beast. The swaying rain screen was as thick as ink stained by the sky, but everything was in front of the giant body of the sea beast. Hearing Lingmeng’s self-talk, he didn’t know what organs came out of human language: “Master Yunyun awakened us these ancient marine species and gave us wisdom. Now it’s me and my kind Time."

   "Talking, it seems to be a kind of monster." Lingmeng's way of judging monsters is quite simple, even if non-human intelligent creatures, since the enemy is determined, there is nothing to say.

   "Giant, turn the pearl into secret!"

The yin and yang jade thrown from Lingmeng's hands skyrocketed numerous times in the air, and the black and white chaotic colors slammed into the head of the giant sea monster.

Roar! The giant sea monster made a roar, and the Yin and Yang jade hit the top of its head and did not stop. The range rotated sharply. The scale armor and flesh continued to fly out. The painful giant sea monster had to avoid its edge and sink into the sea, in the sea. Its movements became much quicker, and after a struggle, it successfully took the spin of Yin and Yang Jade.

   "However, is it like relying on you to stop me?" Lingmeng proudly stood in the sky and looked at the black shadow in the sea contemptuously. This giant sea monster looks not as powerful as expected.

  The rainstorm drenched Lingmeng's whole body without care, and the water droplets from the bangs continued to cover her eyes, but only two water marks flowed along the cheeks on the beautiful face.

   "Humans, do you think it would be that simple?" The giant sea monster suffered a heavy blow without fear, but issued a more arrogant declaration.

  Lingmeng was about to give it another fatal blow, and suddenly found that the sea had become darker than before.

Continuous roaring sounds came out, and countless giant siren heads were found out of the dark sea, until the end of the sea and sky could not see the end, the siren opened their terrifying giant mouths, red eyes Tightening Lingmeng's slightly insignificant figure, the eyes are neither hatred nor fear, only the predation that will appear when facing prey.

   "The number is exaggerated... But how is this?"

On the coast of Iceland, using the replacement and cover of the historical long axis, Yue Zhong successfully arrived here with the ghost ship of the village yarn and honey. The double-edged half-girl appeared in front of herself without accident, but she was caught before she had time. The cloud of purple behind him was stopped.

   "It's a beautiful plan. I actually let you successfully reach Iceland, but what can you do if you come to me with a ghost?"

Unlike the dim sky on the distant sea, the weather in Iceland is Zi holding an umbrella looks at Yue Zhong with a smile, with confidence in his eyes: "Come to die?" ?"

"Eh, it was still found. If I let me arrange the history, I still have the power to fight." Yue Zhong complained without a sense of crisis. "Since I am going to die, then what are the things that appear on the sea? What, Godzilla?"

"The area of ​​the ocean far exceeds that of the land. Since there will be strange monsters on the land, it is surprising that there are monsters on the bottom of the sea. It's just that they usually haven't communicated with humans, so they don't practice transformation and increase wisdom. In all oceans where power is the most important, body shape is the biggest weapon.” Yakumo Zi didn’t rush to do anything, just chatted with Yue Zhong. “What do you think of them landing on land? In the future, all mankind will be The blockade is inland, and all continents will be in a state of war."

"That is to say, they have no ability to enter the inland areas, right? No wonder, aside from other reasons, the daily food intake of that huge body size is definitely amazing. The animals on land are too small to satisfy. So many deep-sea monsters have appetite," Yue Zhong guessed. "You must have done this. During the time when you disappeared, the monsters on the land did not appear like a blowout. It turns out that you put your main energy into the ocean. on."

   "Oh, what else can you guess?" Eight Yunzi stared at Yue Zhong with a look of interest, but the hand holding the umbrella had never been released.

   "Probably you didn't plan to kill me because Xiaomeng's will will not agree." Yue Zhongang said first, "I'm done, now it's your turn to guess why I came to Iceland so risky?"

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