Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 273: Viking Storm

On the Atlantic battlefield, the dream of flying in the sky can be beaten and retreated. The size of the giant siren that has good maneuverability only depends on the ocean. On the extremely flexible air unit, it obviously lacks effective killing ability. In Lingmeng, she can retreat at any time even if she can’t kill her in the face of countless giant sea monsters, but she needs to protect the people on the destroyer. With her strong sense of responsibility, she can’t let them be swallowed up by the sea monster groups.

The destroyer is difficult to maintain balance as the waves continue to rise and fall in the violent storm, and even in the heavy siege of the giant, it is even impossible to find the direction of the advance. The missiles and torpedo attacks carried by the hull are in the giant siren. The body can only play the role of lighting fireworks, and its 76mm gun with weak firepower is completely a decoration except that it fires faster, and it can’t be opened even the shell of the giant Kraken.

"Converge the firepower and attack the mouth of the sea monster as much as possible." The only killing caused so far was a torpedo that burst into the mouth of a giant sea monster and caused an explosion. The destroyer itself carried limited ammunition. Will soon run out.

The endless giant sea monsters filled the ocean, most of them were attracted by the spirit dreams in the air, and they constantly sprayed **** high-pressure water columns from their mouths to attack, but not all giants Sirens ignored this destroyer, which was much smaller than their size.

When Lingmeng was able to evade the impact of the messy water column, she would clean up the giant sea monsters trying to get close to the destroyer. Now she has completely released her hands and feet and found the weakness of the giant sea monster. The high-speed rotating Yin-Yang jade fell into the sea. While stirring up the huge vortex, it also dragged in the surrounding giant sea monsters, letting them be rough and fleshy, facing the stirring with spiritual damage, they were still peeled off layer by layer until their feet became a ball. The blood, the bones and the minced meat remained in the sea.

However, the number of giant siren is too much, even if Lingmeng squeezes out the last trace of the whole body, I am afraid that they cannot eliminate one-tenth of them, and her protection of the destroyer is not invulnerable. The IQ of the giant siren is not High, but instinctively, some Krakens will launch a surprise attack from below the sea surface to collide with Yin Yang Jade. Ling Meng's perspective cannot observe the situation of the seabed through the destroyer, which has caused the destroyer to be repeatedly deformed. The shape of the collision has been seriously deformed. I'm afraid it will soon be sunk.

   "The captain also detected a sea monster rushing towards the bottom of the ship."

   "Avoid, evade!"

"That's too late."

   "Everyone is prepared for collision...I hope this will not sink."

He Yongping in the cabin conceived various battle scenes as Yue Zhong went abroad, but even if his imagination is so rich, he might not have expected that he might be hit by an unprecedented sea monster attack and be buried in the sea. .

Without the fear and despair of waiting for death, it was not entirely due to the courage of a soldier. When he saw Belle, who was shy and awkward in front of Interpol headquarters, he felt that his life was full of pursuits. In his own eyes, he held a pipe in the cabin and looked blankly out of the shattered glass window.

"It's this time, what are you afraid of!" He Yongping wanted to rush to protect the other party, even though his weak strength didn't do much for him, but he couldn't bear to see Ling Xian hit again after being hit. The scene of seven meats and eight primes.

However, when he was about to take action, Ling Xian's confused eyes gradually changed, and his crimson eyes became a little firmer. When everyone was busy looking for cover to resist the impact, Ling Xian decided to rush out. Outside the cabin.

  He Yongping didn't know what she wanted to do. When she was going to catch up, she saw a psychedelic red light shrouded in her, and a pair of strange eyes condensed on the sea level.

"There is no way to escape this time. If I don't want to die, I can only fight. I may lack the courage to fight, but I don't lack the determination to fight back!" Ling Xian's heart was calm, and the pupil of the illusion locked the sea and rushed. The giant Siren emits strange ripples.

   The giant siren that was supposed to hit the destroyer lost his target all at once, and after a period of confusion, he turned around and opened his mouth to bite at the neck of the giant siren next to him.

"Phantom vision · Every eye is enemy!" The fascinating red light illusion spread out, bypassing the destroyer and covering a vast sea. The body of the giant sea monster is very strong, but the spirit is fragile, Ling Xian I was surprised to find that all the giant sea monsters in the illusion field that they opened actually actually fought against each other, and no one wanted to attack the destroyer.

   "Captain, that girl's ability came into effect, we are temporarily safe!" The intelligence officer who controlled the radar and sonar monitoring couldn't hide his excitement.

   "Well, is that black magic, actually so powerful..." The seafarers who were able to steal their lives sighed, and the words reached He Yongping's ears, but they were unusually harsh.

   It turned out that she didn't need me to protect, but she protected me. He Yongping suddenly felt that his once-attainable dream became extremely distant. Without the luck of the rest of his life, a thick loss came to his mind, and a wonderful throb was spreading in his mind.

"Demon, monster, is she a monster that is enemies against humans, only because of the chief's reason to come to help?" He Yongping didn't know what had happened quietly, but he noticed that something unusual came from the outside of his right thigh. Hot.

this is?

  He Yongping quickly reached out and took out a hot foreign body from the pocket there, and found that it was a yellowed piece of paper, just like the fragments of ancient books that had been through the sea.

   "Xiaohe, the time is ripe, notify Lingmeng to prepare for space transfer."

Each piece of historical fragment is an extension of the long axis of history, and the person carrying it will always be under the monitoring of the body. Of course, this is not the real role of historical fragments. Its most powerful ability is to instantly transport the carrier to history. Near the body of the long axis, Yue Zhong can instantly run from the destroyer to the village yarn water honey carrying the long axis of the history. It is precisely because of this effect.

Lingmeng in the sky suddenly heard the shouting from the destroyer, and Yongping's voice was hoarse but unusually loud, and it clearly expressed the meaning of her return: "Sergeant Bo Li, the chief will let you come back, what are you going to do?" Space shift."

"Yue Zhong's meaning? What's he doing?" Although Lingmeng was full of resentment against Yue Zhong, the thing didn't seem to be what she imagined, Yue Zhong sold her and the whole destroyer, so she was obedient. It landed on the destroyer from the air.

The giant siren who lost their target came to Lingxian's vision field. The dense array made people scalp numb when they saw it. At this moment, everyone on the destroyer gathered around and watched the explosion of historical debris. A great light enveloped everything, but after a trance, they found that they had appeared on the solid ground, and the next second, the destroyer was torn into pieces by the giant sea monster.

A familiar voice came, and Lingmeng quickly turned his eyes, just to see Yue Zhong holding a long axis of history full of solemn and solemn Tao: "Iceland itself is a land of no ownership, the Vikings set foot on this for the first time Piece of land, so what I am reproducing now is that piece of history."

Interpols who entered 29 parts of Norway with various historical fragments suddenly discovered that the historical fragments around them flew westward with a magnificent momentum. In the dreamlike image, they seemed to see The splendid scene of the savage and pirate race.

   "Unwinding·Viking Storm!"

Yue Zhong’s previous task was nothing more than a day-to-day act of copying the history of the Nordic countries into historical fragments and then launching it in Iceland by means of transfer. This once-conquered island country faced the surging historical trend. Without enough historical details to resist, the savage and murderous breath spread across the land of Iceland in an instant, and all the monsters and Yakumo also felt that the irresistible human civilization was depriving them of them a little bit. Enchantment.

"You are really so obsessed with occupying Iceland. Now that the coastal areas of Northern Europe and Western Europe have been landed by sea monsters, you humans have no power to fight against them, let alone." It’s just nine bulls, but she doesn’t like the situation of falling into a disadvantage. At the same time, when the umbrella is thrown high, the dangerous realm begins to tear up the rules between the world and the world, "What do you win?"

   "Lingmeng bought time for me, please!" Yue Zhong knew that he had lied to everyone. The attitude of Lingmeng was crucial, so he called earnestly.

"I'll ask you to settle the account later!" Although Lingmeng has an urge to beat Yue but she still knows how to suppress it in general, and Yakong's acupoint attacked Yakumo Zi By her side, she was unable to fully develop the realm to attack Yue Zhong.

"Waiting for you, Xiao Ling Meng." The backhand of Yunyun Zi pushed the force out. The girl in front of her was the fantasy witch from the fantasy town of her choice. It is not too simple to deal with her. Looking back on the realm of life and this life, your mission is to protect the great enchantment of monsters!"

The lost memory exploded in Lingmeng’s mind, and the extremely chaotic thinking led to a fatal delay in Lingmeng’s actions, and the unrelenting manifesto of Yunyun Zi, which caused all this: “Fuka was created by you , Try my new rune card now, wake up your stupid brain, Shifu·Xintian Xintian."

Relying on the power of the Great Enchantment, Yakumo Zi played the rules of the New World in applause, and all the Spell Cards set up with the goal of creating a monster kingdom suddenly blasted all of them into Lingmeng, which is an unmatched force. It cannot be resisted by the flesh, even the tyrannical spirit dream is no exception: "Remember, in the new fantasy town, you are still a witch who maintains the order. This cannot be changed, because it is your eternal dream Fate."

   "Lingmeng, be awake, even if you used to be the witches of Boli, but you are now Boli Lingmeng, an excellent international criminal police officer, and more importantly, you are a...human!"

The concepts of monsters and humans collide for the first time in this world, and the first victory and defeat of Yakumo Zi, who controls the Great Enchantment, and Yue Zhong, who controls the long axis of history, will also be judged by Lingmeng’s final attitude. As a result, the wars caused by the innumerable marauders and huge sea monster landings on the European coast have become less important.

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