Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 274: Continental Treaty

Geneva, the permanent neutral country, the second largest city in the high mountain country, has an office next to the United Nations Headquarters in New York. In the Palais des Nations, the leaders from different countries are still fierce about whether to retake Iceland. Controversy, but the news that the European coastline was fully attacked finally made their minds stunned by longevity. The countries connected to the mainland are better, such as the heads of island countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, and District 11. Sitting on the ground, because now their country is facing the disaster of extinction, even if the monsters from the ocean can not invade inland, but they will also fall into a state of isolation.

Most people don’t know how to do it. The black cross wings on their shoulders and the bright star beads in the center of the epaulet walked on the podium under the watch of everyone, and they were decorated with emblems. The police uniform has a calm atmosphere, and the gray short hair does not lift up the two cute ears but is combed gracefully. If it was said that Interpol did not have much right to speak before, no one can now refuse the Son of God to give his speech.

The ability to hear and speak with ten people allowed God Son to understand the attitudes of all countries before. From speech to whispering, no word could escape her ears. The ability to understand multiple languages ​​also proved that God Son has Efficient brain. In the International Criminal Police, the black wings are the main battle, and the religion represented by the Son of God is Taoism. Neither of them has the indulgence and forgiveness of non-human aliens. Under the general trend, the era of white Shuangsui has become a thing of the past.

"Everyone, I am the son of Fengcong ears and one of the chief police officers of the International Criminal Police. The things just now have proved that the promises and the conditions made by the monsters before are nothing but lies. The facts can prove everything. I think It is time to change the agenda of the meeting."

"Perhaps some people have seen that the endless sea of ​​sea monsters already believes that humans cannot defeat them, but is this true? Obviously not, from monsters deliberately throwing smoke bombs to deceive everyone to see them They are also afraid of the heritage of mankind, because most of the developed regions of the world are on the coast. Only by letting humans down and beware of them will they have the opportunity to destroy all the coastal areas. In this way, the ocean will be isolated and the number of humans will be eliminated to the maximum. A large part of our industrial capabilities, especially the warship manufacturing industry. This proves that the Kraken cannot really set foot inland, so we still have hope."

Feng Cong Er Shenzi deliberately glanced at St. White Lotus with his head down and said nothing: "Before, for some reason, we had a disagreement within the Interpol and did not implement a real eradication policy for monsters, which disappointed the leaders. Human trust, I apologize to everyone here, but I guarantee that the future Interpol will truly become the vanguard of mankind against monsters. I think no one should consider the win-win cooperation with monsters now?"

  As God Son changed the theme of the meeting, there was no more disputes in the Palais des Nations in the following time. All countries unanimously adopted an international convention called the Continental Treaty after deliberation.

   Agreement provisions:

   1. All countries immediately enter the state of emergency wartime mobilized nationwide. Civil engineering projects will be minimized in production, and all factories will be converted to military industries as much as possible for weapons production.

   Second, to open channels for technology sharing, countries must share all current scientific and technological achievements without reservation.

   3. Provide humanitarian assistance to the attacked refugees to ensure human fire as much as possible.

   4. Men and women of the right age are compelled to perform military service. They can be retired when they reach the age of 60 or above. During the training process, everyone is evaluated by the Interpol Commissioner, and qualified people are selected to learn the supernatural ability system provided by the Interpol.

   Fifth, the **** suppression of the monsters existing in the inland area, useless and harmful, regardless of the cause of direct execution, Lan Xiang Heavy and the like can be retained but subject to centralized control.

   Sixth, the center of industry and economy turned deep inland to avoid being attacked by Kraken as much as possible.

   Seventh, the implementation of the borderless policy, any terrorist organization that tries to take advantage of the opportunity to achieve political goals will be interned by the International Criminal Police.

   8. Unify the law to increase the punishment, the country that abolished the death penalty will restore the death penalty indefinitely, all crimes such as stealing and abduction are not conducive to social stability, the army and the police can be killed on the street.


There are thirty-nine agreements in the mainland, because the ocean is blocked, and aircraft flying on the ocean will become extremely dangerous, so communication between the continents has become difficult. The original five permanent states have lost two, Eurasia, Africa, and Africa will be handled by the remaining three countries. North America and South America will be handed over to the invincible American emperor who has been thinking of fighting against alien life all day long. As for Oceania and Britain, everyone has to pray for them.

The agreement was completed only one day and one night, during which St. White Lotus proposed to centralize the control of monsters willing to coexist with humans, but it was too cruel, but was refuted by Fengcong ear gods: "This is for the survival of mankind. If these monsters riot, it will cause The loss is not you, nor can the white Shuangsui can afford."

  When St. White Lotus, who was excluded in the Palais des Nations, was down in the office at the French headquarters, her subordinates had already gathered together. The regulations of the Continental Agreement included these monsters, so they hoped to get a reply from St. White Lotus.

"Everyone, I'm sorry." St. White Lotus lowered his head and apologized. "I didn't expect that the Son of God would do so well, but I will use my life to ensure that everyone here will be safe and sound. After all, you have done something for humans. Small contribution."

"That priest would open our nets? I don't think so, Bailian. She would have looked at us unpleasantly, and her men and women, they are all..." Nazrin said indignantly. .

   St. White Lotus shook his head and said, "They are just against me. Because of religious reasons and past grudges, don't there exist monsters under the Son of God?"

"Do we have to be as obedient as Miyako Fragrance?" Feng Shoufeng fell from the ventilation duct and whispered, "I just saw Su Wu's slaughtering the elevator from ancient times as if he was going to go out, simply me and Xu Zang Go grab her and show her publicly."

"There is no need to deepen the hatred any longer. I will talk to her when the Son comes back. During this time, please reduce your outings." After this sentence, St. White Lotus suddenly asked, "Shuimi's side How is it, there are so many sea monsters suddenly appearing on the sea, even if they have spiritual dreams there may be very dangerous."

Eryan Zuzang, who was wearing a police uniform and had a shaggy tail, was exposed, holding his glasses and said: "Bailian, don't worry, this time the captain of the raid on Iceland is actually quite reliable. According to the news from the honey, even the eight cloud purple capital Was posed by him."

"Zhu Zang, they should know the news here. It's no good to retake Iceland now. Why did you let them withdraw? Even if the person named Yue Zhong can count Bayun Zi, it is still very dangerous to fight head-on. "" St. White Lotus Road.

   "I don't know about this, they seem to be persisting."

On the coast of Iceland, as the fighting progressed, monsters lurking in the dark appeared and launched a surprise attack on Yue Zhong. These monsters were not too powerful, but with the advantage of quantity, they still used Lingxian and Murakami as well as The other guards in front of Yue Zhong fought back and forth.

Even though the Interpols are fully armed but their bodies are still fragile, once they get close to the monster, they will inevitably be torn down. The only ones who can really resist are Ling Xian and Murakami Miami. Mixed with their own spiritual attacks, monsters who were attacked by the enemy and accidentally injured by themselves fell one by one on the beach, but the monsters rushing behind them directly passed their corpses and continued to advance. This undaunted momentum made the two A firepower point is difficult to prevent the other party from moving the front.

"Ling Xian, Murakami water honey, you hold on again, these monsters will soon lose their demon power, then they are just a huge group of beasts." Yue Zhong's tone of speech is not as reassuring as his language. The unfolding of the Viking Storm has the consistent fierceness and directness of the pirate civilization. This unwinding force can easily continue to increase the suppression effect of the monster's combat power, but it has no effect on the dream of being chaotic and hit by the power of the Eight Cloud Purple Realm. Any help.

   Can't pin her hopes on Lingmeng's willpower. Yakumo Zi can't do things like move stones and smash her feet. Since she dares to launch such an attack on Lingmeng at this time, she must have full confidence.

   thought this way, but Yue Zhong was slow to show the power of the long axis of not because of lack of energy, but because he was waiting for the opportunity.

The spirit dream hit by Waka was only maintained in a near-death state because Yakuchi wanted to preserve her life. Even if she accepted the memory of being a witch and resisted the mental pressure, she stood firm There is no fighting power at all. After handling the most dangerous attack points on Yue Zhong’s side, Yakumo Zi realized that Yue Zhong was delaying time and immediately threw out a super-high-speed flying object without hesitation. Even the declaration was omitted. Too.

"Lady Purple, where did you pick up the flying saucer and throw it away, believe it or not, I sent someone to blow up the old nest behind you." Yue Zhong's physical response under the unwinding state was also extremely rapid, and even then he escaped dangerously and dangerously. Yakumo Zi's attack, and want to use language to slow down the other's offensive.

However, just after the word of the old woman came out, the expression of Yakumo Zi suddenly became very exciting. The deep barrage enchantment then unfolded and launched an attack. Yue Zhong did not have the talent of Lingmeng to wipe the water like drinking water. In the plane space, he almost avoided the inevitable planning barrage, so that he could not find the gap at all. In the face of the serious attack of Ya Yunzi, he had to disrupt his plan: "Astronomy·North Stars think."

   Continue to squeeze the accumulation of historical debris. Yue Zhong turned over the second hole card and saw the light reflected from the top of his head. Unfortunately, this wave of attack was still late. He now has to use the energy deployed.

The fantasy of the constellation pattern itself is a bit far-fetched, but it also represents a kind of human desire, depicting the vast ambitions of the universe and stars, even if only the incomplete twenty-nine copies are enough for Yue Zhong to outline the barrier to resist Deep barrage enchantment attacked.

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