The simple lines in the bright stars connect the dazzling stars together and render and evolve on the shallow prototype. The constellations of the North Sky constellations change from abstract to specific, and the sky around the long axis of history finally shows them The image given by humanity.

Yakumo Zi’s barrage strike caused numerous star bursts of dazzling light on the plane formed by the star lines. However, no matter how heavy the barrage’s impact was, the immobile North Sky fully absorbed it with its deep background, For the monsters, they have understood too little about the mysteries of the stars, and it is difficult to break through this astronomical trend without a corresponding height of blow. Yue Zhong’s second exhibition was selected impeccably, if the opponent changed to Professor Meng Mei , With his shallow astronomical knowledge, I am afraid that it will be instantly reversed and beat up completely.

   "Return from the original words, in the face of the endless civilization of humanity, what do you win?"

Ignoring Yue Zhong's provocation, even if the Viking storm became more and more fierce under the hood of Beitian and caused the monsters under her to lose their ability to move and fell to the ground, Yayun Zi always focused on the sky and was covered by Xinghui Based on her understanding of Yue Zhong, the other party often hides her true intentions by various means until the last moment.

"Metal objects dragging liquid fuel tail flames, this is your human missile, don't you want to blow up Iceland?" Yakumo Zi could not break Yue Zhong's constellation turtle shell for a while, so he turned the target to use the ground as the foundation to open countless gaps A large number of linear barrage lifted off at high speed as if intercepting a missile. The dense array simply cannot allow any objects to fall from the sky.

Even though Yakumo Zi saw through his cover-up, Yue Zhong did not panic because these missiles were handed over to Lanxiang Heavy Industries’ Kappa to reform and strengthen the warhead defense before Lichun. Yakumo Zi’s counterattack happened to be the same as the missile. The angle of incidence is parallel, and if the linear barrage is just hitting the bullet, it is difficult to detonate it.

   "This is not a normal missile. Haven't heard of Dongfeng Express, the mission must be achieved?"

In the end, four of the missiles successfully landed and exploded behind Yakumo Zi. The orientation of the missile was very delicate. The explosion happened to be in the center of Yakumo’s newly-built monster lair. There are a lot of monsters that follow her. Under the wave attack, nearly 10,000 monsters were blown to ashes without preparation.

Looking at his battle results, Yue Zhong remembered the information they gave back after sending the Glow Special Forces to the missile launch site. The country only agreed to launch the missile to support remotely if necessary, but did not agree to install a nuclear warhead in the missile. The area of ​​Iceland can be completely leveled without using a few.

"It is indeed an interesting person." Ba Yun Zi, who has fallen into the wind, suddenly showed a playful smile. "I thought that the person Qi Xiaomeng wanted to protect was a man who only ate soft rice. You can do this to your strength."

"...Bayun Zi, if you are willing to give up your ambition to invade this world and help me rescue Xiaomeng from the Great Enchantment, I think we still have the possibility of reconciliation." Yue Zhong does not know what other cards the opponent has. At least he hasn't seen Yakumo Lan and Youxing Zi of Xixing Temple so far, so after trying to gain the upper hand, he tried to say, "Fantasy Town has shown signs of recovery. You can go back."

Bayun Zi made a contemplative look, staring at Yue Zhongdao: "Do you want to rescue Qi Xiaomeng? I can tell you this is impossible, she died long ago, and the soul did not become the so-called witch because she had been with The Great Enchantment is fused into one, and even if you can really rescue her, you must abandon the long axis of history that you have now. Are you willing to lose this power?"

"Do you think I will care about this kind of thing... Lingmeng you!" Yue Zhong, who wanted to say something, suddenly appeared in front of the chaotic Boli Lingmeng. She was no longer wearing the smart black police uniform at that moment. Instead, it turned back into a red and white witch, and the brand-new Yubi waved into Yue Zhong's head indiscriminately, and the shape of that Yubi was huge, as if blessed by some power.

   Yue Zhong remembers that there is such a thing that can enhance the power of treasures: "Wanbao Mallet, Huizhen City, Jianshou Maru..."

   "I am a maiden of Boli, and all threats to the existence of the big enchantment must be clear, even if you are Yue Zhong."

Clicking, the sound of a broken skull sounded, and the huge Yubi did not explode Yue Zhong’s head as he had imagined. At the last moment, he raised the long axis of history to block Yubi’s further attacks, and blood was flowing from the forehead. Continuously flowing down, Yue Zhong spit out his blood-stained mouth slowly and said: "You are the Interpol, the dream, the protector of mankind."

"I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know. After you are cleared, there is no danger in the Great Enchantment, that's all." Yue Zhong, the puppet's general voice, heard the struggle and fanaticism, and Ba Yunzi didn't know what method to use Reimu suddenly regained her fighting power, but also took away her reason.

"This is the real spirit dream. The person you have seen before is nothing more than a body carrying the power of spirit dream, and my spirit dream will be protected by the great enchantment. She is invincible." Eight Yun Zi showed a conspiracy smile. When the long axis of history fully resisted the attack of Lingmeng, the stars of Beitian had disappeared. As long as she was willing to end the life of Yue Zhong at any time, "You can arrange more, as long as the core The link has been reversed, so you have to give up your previous achievements. Is this scene familiar? Rest assured, I will not kill you. Since you like history so much, you may wish to go back to the era of the origin of your national civilization and see if you can The life span of mankind has gone through thousands of years of history."

The realm of    unfolds, symbolizing the transition between the past and the present, with the long axis of history, and the source point can be easily used without deliberately looking for it.

   "Goodbye, will humans surrender smoothly after you leave?"

"Impossible, you can never imagine how much potential humanity will explode in the face of wars about life and death, how many amazing miracles and technologies will be created, I will watch that day in the past, I will be in everything Come back to enjoy the victory at the end, the game has been set, waiting for you to break!"

Ling Xian and Murakami Shumi tried to prevent this from happening, but they could hardly leap over the double-knife blockade of the demon dream. As the purple light of the realm became brighter, the lonely long axis of history uttered a clear voice and escaped all restraint. In the sky, it will return to the arms of the true master, and Yue Zhong has completely disappeared.

  Shandong Penglai, Meihong, who had an inexplicable connection with Yue Zhong, was able to find Yue Zhong by smell. It was not her good sense of smell, but after Yue Zhong's breath disappeared in this world, Mei Hong felt a sudden panic.

   "Huiyin, I'm going to help Yue Zhong."

   "Have you decided, this will probably not come back, and the difference in life span between the two of you, he will die quickly, and you will not even save anyone by then."

   "It doesn't matter, he is my friend after all, I know the taste of loneliness, so...not to mention that we don't have no chance to come back."

Shang Baize Huiyin, who has the property of communicating with the long axis of history, is the only one capable of intervening in the realm of Yakumo Zi. If she was also in Iceland at that time, she would be able to save Yue Zhong. If Meihong was also in Iceland, Then the raid of Reimu will not be blocked by no one.

In the final analysis, Huiyin felt a little sorry for Yue Zhong, because her concerns directly caused Mei Hong to leave from the other side. When she and Mei Hong met for the first time in this world, most of the talkative talk in the other side was with Yue Zhong is concerned, it seems that this man always brings some interesting challenges to Mei Hong, and also knows how to get along with the grumpy Mei Hong.

   "I respect your opinion."

The results of the Dongfeng launch were photographed by orbiting satellites. When mankind lost its sea control in the face of a full-scale attack by the monster, this raid rushed into Iceland and almost recaptured the deeds of this human territory. It is widely advertised that humans need an example at this time. This is the purpose of Yue Zhong, even after knowing the invasion of the Kraken, and still sticking to the recapture of Iceland. In the big and mysterious aspect, this is a human and monster gas. The battle for luck, in a small way, has also inspired people's low things.

   Soon the data of this expedition team was turned out, and Yue Zhong, who was the captain, was known by the world, and the things he had done before were also made public.

After ignoring the ordinary growth experience for more than 20 years, after the appearance of the monster, he once clearly thrown out the theory of human dominance in the interview of Wenwen News, which established a belief support for humanity, and raided Lanxiang Heavy Industry and will be incorporated into humanity. The scope of power control has allowed mankind to achieve rapid growth in science and technology at the same time ~ ~ by the policy of foreign control has also been obtained by scholars and began to try. After that, Yue Zhong led the human forces to attack the Penglai Mountain occupied by the rabbit monster once again, breaking the human rebellion. Okazaki Mengmei's operation to attract the moon to the earth was successful, and he was promoted to become the captain of the glow special forces on the rocket. A force that has combat power against monsters.

In addition to this raid on Iceland, as Yue Zhong said before he was sent to the past, he has already laid out the game on the human side. To complete the establishment of Da Fantasy Township, Bayunzi must break this game. It’s okay.

"Brothers, the captain is dead, we failed to accompany him to accomplish this feat, because our ability is not enough! In the future, the will of the captain will be inherited by us, and the country has decided to dissolve the Glow Special Forces. Everyone will become the chief instructor of a region. In this war against monsters, we must win for the captain!"

   "Morissa, governments of all countries invited us to conduct a mainland tour again to enhance the morale of human beings, but performances on this theme will have to write some more passionate songs, and the lead singer will give you all."

"Ba Yun Zi, you completely wiped out the fate of Yue Zhong and you haven't touched the bottom line of the consciousness of the person in the Great Enchantment. Sure enough, you are a monster and sage. Living in the human world!"

   "Hui Ye, there are people coming from the International Criminal Police. This time, they have a very tough attitude, requiring us to publish the formulas of all the drugs, otherwise we will treat us as a terrorist organization."

   "Hoo, so much news!"

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