Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 284: jet lag

From spring to autumn, time flies, Yue Zhong and Mei Hong from the initial unaccustomed to slowly integrating into the living environment of the ancient times, the process is bland, and Yue Zhong and Xi He who watch the sunrise and sunset every day It records the length of day and night and the changes in the weather. Although Yue Zhong knows some knowledge of the lunar calendar, many things still need to be determined by actual observation. Yue Zhong, who is engaged in this work, feels fulfilled and calm, especially watching every day. My sister came back with a dirty face and a smile on her face, which felt even worse.

This is a process of the beginning and accumulation of civilization. Every step taken by the Chinese nation has provided a deep foundation for the development of future generations, even if everything here will no longer exist in the future, even if it lives on this land in the future People have returned from batch to batch, but there is a force that keeps this nation moving forward. This is inheritance, and the process of inheritance from generation to generation is history.

Whenever Yue Zhong picked up the secondary scroll of history, he could clearly feel that its weight was increasing day by day, but he didn't know if he could live until the secondary scroll accumulated enough power, and came here for a while. However, he still didn't find any clues to rescue Qi Xiaomeng.

In the early morning of a certain day, Meihong jumped out of bed early in the morning and kicked Yue Zhong from the other bed to wake up and said: "Well, today is the day of the autumn harvest. I will surely surprise everyone. ."

  Yue Zhong, who had been beaten by her sister Red, was completely immune to this level of attack, rubbing her eyes with nothing, and said, "Are you sure that the food you plant is enough for everyone to eat a pound?"

   Feeling that she was underestimated, Meihong no longer took Li Zhongyue to directly carry the basket and took the farm tools out of the house. When she went out, she just met Xiong Yue, who was waiting at the door early every day.

"Uncle is early." Meihong pushed Yue Zhong's "invented" wheelbarrow to her farmland after saying hello. She knew that the other party and herself had nothing to say, and what Meihong thought was in her mind The yield per mu of the grain he grows is far more than the shock expression of others when others show it.

Having lived here for such a long time, Yue Zhong and Mei Hong have almost learned the local language, but Mei Hong has been staying at home and didn't go out and run around. Instead, Yue Zhong took Xi and often went out to reign for Emperor Yao In other territories under the guidance of the sundial and the establishment of calendar tools.

Yue Zhong didn’t carry the versatile Du Niang with him, so he wouldn’t create many high-tech things in this era, so he couldn’t make innovations and inventions like a real traverser. In the process of traveling, I can only do what I can to get something that is in memory and relatively simple, such as the unicycle that Meihong currently uses.

If possible, Yue Zhong intends to accelerate the process of history, because in this way, pushing history to modern times is likely to break through the shackles of the big enclave and return to reality and take this opportunity to accumulate enough history to cause Xiaomeng Note, but he alone has no ability to lead the people of the ancient times to make big strides and go directly to modernization. The knowledge required here is too much and too complicated. I am afraid that even if he came through with him, Xiao Meiyan both of them There is no way to fully promote the development of science and technology,

  After Yue Zhong came out of the house, Xi He held the bamboo roll and greeted him: "Adult, I have sorted out the summer solar terms and agricultural guidance. Let's report to the chief."

   Yue Zhong shook his head and said: "Don't worry, isn't it a harvest today, let's go and see."

When he came to the field, Yue Zhong saw that farmers were harvesting crops everywhere, but the crops in their fields were just like malnutrition, and only the piece of Meihong grew far beyond others, looking at the past Yue Zhongjian To Meihong's nose is almost up to the sky.

Yue Zhong didn’t know much about planting, and he didn’t plan to forcibly promote the new planting method, because it was a major event related to all his livelihood. It was impossible for Di Yao to listen to Yue Zhong’s words and give such orders, only After everyone sees the results, the promotion will proceed logically. Yue Zhong is more or less an official now. With the help of the beneficiary, he can support himself and Meihong, but he has not stopped Meihong from farming because he wanted people to see the results. Speaking of growing up in this small town, Yue Zhong The guy has never been exposed to farming, and Meihong is much stronger than him in this respect.

After a busy day, the officials of the statistical harvest also got a shocking result. Although the yield per mu of Meihong is not as high as 1,800, it is more than several times that of everyone. Became the protagonist of the public attention, almost everyone wants to get super planting Dafa guidance from her mouth.

Suddenly, Yue Zhong suddenly felt that the historical long-axis sub-volume in his arms was a little hot. After he took it out and took a look, the text recorded above actually changed. The names of him and Meihong had appeared on it. It was also at this time that the fine sunny days could not help but be shrouded by the overcast clouds...

With the power of the Great Enchantment to expand the realm, Yakumo Zi throwing Yue Zhong into the ancient times is not an upper move. She knows that the parallel world that is also attached to the Great Enchantment because of the conflict of the timeline will lead to a backward world and Reality is affected by homology. Time difference occurs. This time difference does not refer to the difference in longitude, but the difference in the passage of time in the true sense. The farther away the two eras are, the greater the difference will be, passing by Yue Zhong After more than half a year, only one day passed in reality.

Yao Yunzi, who had planned to release some imprints of the wild and fierce beasts in a different world, was quickly warned by Xiao Meiyan. She did not fully understand the relationship between Yue Zhong and the magical girl. On the surface, it can only be seen that Yue Once the accident happens, the magic girl will definitely be aware of it. After worrying about Yue Zhong’s death, Xiao Meiyan would destroy the Great Enemy without any consideration, so Yakumo Zi canceled her original plan and waited for Yue Zhong to slowly die there. Although it was also a death, at least she established a big fantasy for her The dream of the township brings precious time.

  Although under various pressures, Bayun Zi could not really kill Yue Zhong, but she was not only looking forward to it. As early as Yue Zhong appeared, she started the line of Mei Hong to approach Yue Zhong. This is not to say that she can control Meihong's every move in the same way as controlling Lingmeng, but because Yue Zhong has a certain affection for Meihong. If Yue Zhong really finds a way to spend a long time, then with him. The accompanying sister red will inevitably occupy a huge proportion.

Through the meeting across the Great Boundary, Ba Yunzi felt that she had not guessed wrong. Although Xiao Meiyan was unwilling to admit her mouth, she certainly could not accept Yue Zhong to like other people again, not to mention Qi Xiaomeng’s memory information There is another horrible existence called Miyagaki, even if Yue Zhong is really coming back, presumably this series of emotional entanglements is enough for him to have no time to take care of other things, neither Xiaomeiyan nor Miyagaki are good. What about a tempered person?

"Five thousand years is a huge number compared to your life experience. Who can you give up at that time? I am afraid that in the long years, you will forget the appearance, voice and even the people you like. It’s the name. If you’re greedy, you don’t have to worry about me anymore. This conspiracy is meant to blame you.”

It is undeniable that Bayun Zi is now in a weak position to face the devil and devil. Once they are unhappy, they will face the disaster of destruction, but the weak are not dependent, and murder is never just a knife. The complex feelings of human beings are a kind of Fetters are more often obstacles. Compared with Okazaki Mengmei's plan to let Meihong kill Yue Zhong's parents, Bayunzi undoubtedly has a higher level of understanding of the human heart.

The monsters of the deep sea have completely occupied the coastlines of all continents, countless coastal cities have been ruthlessly destroyed, and even some countries with capitals on the seaside have fallen into anarchy instantly when disaster strikes. The organization and rescue of other countries It is impossible to arrive in an instant, for a time the mob rampages like the end.

Affected by the impact of refugees and their own turmoil, the affected coastal areas became a mess. Everyone wanted to escape to a safer inland. The crowds blocked the main roads, and the airport and train station lacked sufficient personnel to maintain Suddenly paralyzed, many people had no choice but to migrate inland on foot.

The North American continent, Mexico, and the narrow country surrounded by the western Pacific and the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean have a large number of coastal territories. Fortunately, because the climate in the coastal area is not suitable for human habitation, most of his major cities are located on the plateau. During the invasion of the deep sea trolls, the damage to Mexico was not very But the Mexicans living on the plateau are always facing the threat of further invasion by the deep sea trolls, so they feel unsafe, plus the Continental Treaty With the signing of the agreement, the people here can go to the north to seek refuge in the US emperor, so it also set off a wave of migration.

The powerful military strength of the US Emperor has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Most of the migrating people embarked on the journey with the idea that the US Emperor will be safe and sound. However, they did not know that the US Secretary of State in Geneva agreed to sign the opening of the border. The Continental Treaty was an idea that hit Mexico’s huge population base from the beginning.

Fighting against deep sea monsters and even monsters hidden in the interior is a long-term combat process. Because of the lack of understanding of monsters, even if the US emperor has a strong military system, it is necessary to suffer a bit in the early battles in order to maintain the residents of the country. The stability of the US imperialist government has quietly decided to arm these migrating Mexicans to the forefront of fighting monsters, so that even large-scale casualties will not really shake the national sentiment.

In the long migration team, two girls with different hair colors are mixed in. The girl with long blue hair is holding a long box wrapped in white cloth while eating pink peaches while saying to the girl in pink next to her: "Yijiu, why should we run with these fools?"

Yongjiang Yijiu bluntly held his fist and smashed it into Tianzi’s head: "It’s not because you quietly ran out of Youding Heaven to have fun. Now the passage to Youding Heaven is occupied by a big lizard. We But he couldn’t go back. And I think the big lizard with long wings would go down the mountain at any time to destroy it. It’s reasonable to avoid the danger temporarily.”

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