Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 285: Conscript

Fantasy Township was brought into the new world along with its passage to other secondary planes during the replacement. Unlike the underworld that covered Greenland under the control of Yakuzi and Youyou, the only thing that appeared in this world was the heaven. An entrance.

The entrance is located at the top of Mount Orissaba in Veracruz. The place closest to the sky by reason must be the Himalayas, but Yakumo Zi is obviously unwilling to see that the forces that may oppose themselves are all gathered on the Eurasian and African continents. Everyone has a lot of strength, so they have been transferred to North America.

With regard to everything related to Fantasy Township, Yakumo Zi has no ability to bring it into the new world, and naturally cannot exclude people such as Saint White Lotus and Fengcong Ear God Son who are very opposed to themselves. Ask what the world looks like, but who knows if they will come out to deal with themselves on a whim, even if those powerful gods don't show up, some bad gods and dragon palace messengers can cause her a lot of trouble.

   is not to say how embarrassed Tianzi and Yijiu's strength made Yakumo Zi. She held a hole card that was enough to destroy everything. Any individual's strength was not intimidated unless it reached the level of Xiao Meiyan. Apart from the Heaven and Man behind them, Tianzi and Yijiu have a place where Ya Yunzi is not at ease is the sword of fantasy and the main stone, which is brought about by this mass destruction weapon in the large-scale battle between monsters and humans. The hazards far exceed the power of an individual. If hostility is unavoidable, it is better to break apart one by one than to let them twist into a rope.

The long-winged big lizard that occupies the mountain and blocked the return of Tianzi and Yijiu for help on the Olisaba Mountain is actually a giant dragon in Europe and the United States. Because the main direction of the violent soldiers before Yakumo Zi was the ocean monster, so the dragon that is good at air combat only uses The accumulated energy manifests a dragon king. When the ocean's dominance is stabilized, Yayun Zi has shifted its focus to occupying the air superiority. However, the reproduction speed and difficulty of the dragon's reproduction are slower than the ocean monster. If you want to use them as the main force, it is very unrealistic. Yayunzi has to focus on the traditional monsters.

   was blocked from going home, and Tianzi and Yijiu had no choice but to migrate to the North with the crowd, and after a long journey they finally came to the US-Mexico border.

A group of well-equipped soldiers are arranged on both sides of the entrance and exit, nominally to maintain order and welcome the arrival of the Mexican people, but every audited young and middle-aged men and women will be managed separately from the old and young, suitable for joining the army. Taken to a temporarily established military barracks nearby, and the young and old who have no combat capability will become the hostages used by the US emperor to control Mexican soldiers.

The identity background of all Mexicans who have passed through the border checkpoints has been thoroughly investigated. Taking the territorial management as the basic rule, they and their parents and children are clearly divided. If a local soldier is dissatisfied with being crushed and resists, then Their family is finished.

When it was time for Tianzi and Yijiu to pass through the inspection gate, there were some troubles. The two of them are pure black households in this world. Naturally, they do not have any identification, but Mexico itself is a deformed and developed country. There are so many people who are carefree. Very normal, so Tianzi and Yijiu were assigned to a special female barracks.

   The so-called ad hoc nature is different from other barracks, at least their infrastructure is better, because most of the people recruited here are the kind of unconnected people, and if they are not good to them, there may be riots. Of course, this kind of differential treatment is naturally bad intentions. The soldiers in the special barracks will become the main force in the early battles, in order to experiment with newly developed weapons and tactics against monsters.

Although Bian Juzi and Yongjiang Yijiu were forced to come to the US imperial border, their purpose was to play. In the face of the call of the US imperial soldiers, the two summed up and decided to give it a try. Anyway, with their strength Forcibly leave at any time.

The US-Mexico border was the busiest border zone in the world before the deep-sea disaster. Even if it was temporarily converted into an evacuation checkpoint, the staff here can still work efficiently. When the women entered the ad hoc barracks under the supervision of American soldiers, they saw a dense gray-brown tent area surrounded by barbed wire fences, leaving only two front and rear exits, and the exits were filled with guns. Soldiers, and on the guardhouses on both sides, it is assumed that machine guns are emphasized, and infantry vehicles are parked near the barracks.

Although it was treated differently, the attitude of the American soldiers was no better than that of other barracks. Like the guarding of the prisoners, his face was dignified and his language was rude. This made Yijiang Jiujiang a little dissatisfied, but it seemed like Enjoy the look.

   After a short time, the two were placed in a tent, which must be located in the southwest of the barracks. Inside, there were six folded eighty-centimeter wide steel beds with thin bedding.

   has a long life than the famous Tianzi and Yongjiang Yijiu can still understand English, it seems that someone who has experienced foreign life experience is taught when idle. Listening to the American imperial officers who sent them over, they were chattering crookedly, as if to confiscate their personal belongings. The emperor immediately hugged the long box wrapped in white cloth in his hand.

   But the US imperial officer did not focus his attention on the emperor, because at this time there was a tattooed tattoo on his arm. At first glance, it was a girl with a cute girl and the US imperial officer had just gotten up front.

The ancestor of this young woman should be a native of the Americas. Her skin is typical of the Mongolian race, that is, the yellow complexion. The swearing language in the mouth keeps the pure and pure Tianzi and Yijiu eye-opening. The Mexicans who were brought here under the spur of the United States also joined the ranks of condemnation one after another. The US military officers pulled out their pistols and fired their guns into the sky, but they caused even more confusion.

   "We are here to take refuge, not to join the army, why do you send us into the military camp and collect personal belongings!" This is what a person with a relatively mild personality said.

As for the grumpy women who are suspected of having rich experience in fighting and fighting, they are not so polite: "Are you a guy whose head looks like a shrivelled banana, are you looking for death, believe it or not, I will break your younger brother and plug it again Go into your mouth and see if you can grow it again..."

Tianzi and Yijiu can only understand this level of language, because the official language of Mexico is Spanish. Although the riotous female geniuses spoke English to the US imperial officers, the various curse language mixed with it is The local version of Spanish, not only they do not understand, but even the US imperial officer who often maintains order at the US-Mexico border.

"Yijiu, what are they doing, are we going to help?" Because of the outbreak of the conflict, the crowd basically rushed to the front, and the emperor hiding behind him looked excited, "Maybe he will be suppressed and then caught. Fight!"

   Yijiu maintained a posture of looking up at the sky forty-five degrees and rolled his eyes. "I want to go to you. I don't want to be wanted by this country. Although I'm not afraid of them, it's still troublesome to be chased everywhere."

"We can't just run back." After talking about the emperor, he felt that his proposal was unreliable. It was certainly feasible to escape to Mexico, but in case he met the dragon king who was blocking their door, the two and The dragon once had a fight, but the result was a terrible loss. The emperor was almost swallowed by the dragon.

   The conflict quickly expanded because the people sent to the special barracks were mixed with a large number of unconscionable women, some of whom were members of drug trafficking groups. Hearing gunshots is a common occurrence in Mexico, a country with poor security, and the deterrent shots by US military officers not only did not play the expected role, but aroused their rebellious emotions. Violent revolts have appeared near some tents. Many women with good skills took the guns from the soldiers and killed some soldiers. The US soldiers on the periphery of the sirens started to drive the infantry vehicles into the tent area with heavy weapons to control the situation.

The Mexican reserve soldiers originally used to fight the monsters clashed with the national army and the situation is developing in an unpredictable direction. This is a situation that the upper levels of the US emperor are reluctant to see. The situation at the male barracks is even worse. The managed Mexican men have already defeated the American soldiers who took care of them by virtue of the number. They have completely occupied the Not only that, they are still not satisfied trying to organize other barracks. Launch an offensive to rescue more Mexican companions.

The US imperial army soon issued an order to forcibly suppress the resistance and increase the treatment of other stable military camps. They could not make any representations about the mob’s attack, but they would not send the Mexicans who fled here. Try to kill it, otherwise you can take some early battle with the monster.

The violent resistance on the side of the ad hoc female barracks quickly subsided in the dense gunfire. Yijiu and Tianzi hid in a safer place while watching the good show. There were also bombers bombing the ad hoc male barracks in the ear. The explosion that shook the earth.

The emperor raised his head out of the bunker restlessly. Anyway, with the rigidity of the skin of heaven and man, even stray bullets hit her head would not cause any harm: "Yijiu, they played so hilariously, wow, the heads were beaten Explode, I really hope to hit my head!"

  The violent massacre made Yijiu a little disgusted. She did not have the tendency to be abused like Tianzi and frowned: "Humans are now facing the situation of life and death, why should they hurt each other?"

"Where did this sentence seem to have been heard, it seems to be a song of a well-known singer?" Tianzi shook his head, took off the newly grown peach on his hat, and began to nibble, said: "Tianren's I dare not imagine these things in the world. Those guys who have the same life will certainly not even have the idea of ​​fighting. Yijiu, you said that we will help Bayun Zi. They still help humans. There is no other thing to do anyway."

  PS: Recently, there are many things. Please forgive me for the unstable update.

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