Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 490: R Star Wars

Next to Xiao Meiyan, Yue Zhong held her a strand of hair and explained: "Just like he was willing to deal with Sailon Schep, we have contradictions, but it is necessary for each other to exist. Not because of the need for mutual support but as a new force to contain the old star navy."

Xiao Meiyan turned his eyes on the design of the ship and looked at Yue Zhong for a long time. His serious face was reflected in his purple eyes. Xiaoyan suddenly laughed, like the beginning of ice and snow: " It's not easy for you once."

   "Eh..." Yue Zhongyou admitted that he was indeed deceived by Xiao Meiyan. "I have to admit that it is Xiaoyan who is relatively strong, and his expression can be switched without any obstacles."

  Xiao Meiyan accepted Yue Zhong's deliberate praise, and hesitantly held back his cheek: "So, what should we do during this time, sure not to bring VV to support?"

"Saren Schepper doesn't go. What are we going to do? Cardin had already completed the construction of the main aircraft carrier when Andrea Doria was installed on the ship. With the card in his hand, he took care of Zhu Zhongxue. No problem, he won too soon to interfere with us again." Yue Zhong held Xiaoyan's wrist and body behind her, and looked at the drawing in front of her around Xiao Meiyan's head: "Destroyer drawing, How is it different?"

"The new trial model is very effective for the new tactics of Takeuchi's fleet and is ready to be sent to Karting." Xiao Meiyan stretched out her hand and pressed it on the drawing: "Hull design number 52, finalized after four revisions , Just call it type 052D."

As Admiral Yue Zhong, he has a deeper understanding of Zhu Zhongxue’s new tactics. Artificial tactical modifications have little effect on it. It is the most effective means to counter the new warship design. After all, J Star Domain Although their navy is strong, their heritage has almost been consumed in the pacific sea.

"The 052D missile system has a new design and has control over the space outside the detection range. Although Zhu Zhongxue’s regional jump tactics are strong, the jump deployment is unformable. The submarine-launched missile has the ability to independently discriminate, as long as There is a shot that can lock the target, so the defense of the destroyer cannot be blocked." Xiao Meiyan simply explained the advantages of the new destroyer and then said, "It’s not useful to us. As for not giving Karting, you have a better idea." Now."

"Isn't he under construction, then give it to him, lest Yixian should ask for the technology to gather the ship's equipment." Yue Zhong agreed without hesitation. The design of the warship itself was aimed at the enemy, and Karting had no reason to refuse this. Drawings.

"The magical energy calculations that gather the ship's equipment are almost the same. It doesn't necessarily have to be sacrificed like Veneto. It can also be achieved by converting the artificial brain wave into the magic type, but the efficiency is a bit less. After all, it is completely artificial. Intelligence is only a tough issue even in the panplane." Xiaomei Yan said: "When Andrea Doria is installed, we can start the experiment."

Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhongzheng are discussing about the technology of gathering ships, and a huge battleship outside the military planet of the 13th stellar belt slowly sailed into the port. It was Veneto after the Roman planetary cruise. Too.

Augustus Caesar did not embarrass Veneto, nor did she mean that she would not let her go under house arrest. Now most of the star fields have been attracted by the battle over the Asia Galaxy, as Xiao Meiyan said , If you want to do anything, now is a good time for anyone.

  Because people always like to learn from other people's battles, there is no detour, but there are no shortcuts.

The embers of war were spread into a circle of floating dust. After being pulled by the gravity of the military planets and accumulating in outer space, countless carrier-based aircraft broke through the fire blockade and carried out precise bombing of the near-star defense boats and ground military facilities. The naval gun With the continuous fortification of the planetary fortress, everyone wants to kill this target that threatens each other the most. However, the protection of the planetary fortress is quite thick. It cannot be easily broken by the attack of the Nagato, and the Nagato can maneuver itself. The characteristics make it difficult for the planetary fortress to attack.

For example, Yixian and other ships had to resist the advancement and containment of the **** warships dominated by the Kaohsiung, for example, when dealing with two onboard aircraft. The high-intensity battle caused the Z-type destroyer formation to lose more than half of its combat power and temporarily hid. In the protection of the military port, Zhaohe and Yingrui were also seriously damaged by the precision assault of the carrier-based aircraft. Only Yixian and ZQ, who are more capable of the ship’s mother, led the remaining battleships to form the final defense line to block the other party’s landing. It is worth mentioning. What's more, although Ninghai was also seriously injured, he has been stubbornly standing on the front line.

There is really not much tactics to attack with strength. There is a large number of landing craft loaded with the army behind the fleet led by Zhuzhongxue. Once they have opened a safe landing channel, it means that the military planet is out of control. Too.

   is not a symbolic meaning. After the landing of the army, it represents the defender’s greatest advantage. The ground firepower will soon fail, and the fleet that can open the landing channel can completely suppress the enemy’s fragile army.

"Longmen, let the army ship forcefully land after 100 kilometers from the ground." Takenaka, who took the flagship of the longmen, raised his handsome face and issued an order. "Kartin's fleet resisted so stubbornly, there is definitely a back hand. His aircraft carrier is probably not a waiter, but as long as we occupy this military planet, no warship on the top of which has lost its combat power will not want to run, and Kart can't do anything to turn over."

100 kilometers is undoubtedly a very short distance in the interstellar, but in the fierce offensive and defensive battle, if you want to forcibly break through, I am afraid that you must use blood and flesh to build a passage of death. The hair color is cold as snow, and the heart is also cold. Xue never cared about the casualties of the troops, for him only victory was everything.

   Every time the door was long, the news was sent back: "The army rejected the request of the admiral."

Although J Starland is dominated by the navy, the navy and the army do not rule each other, so the landed army naturally has their own command system. Takenaka doesn’t care about casualties, their commanders don’t care, and the new army unit Most of them are recruits who have never been on the battlefield, and it is impossible to expect them to have too high awareness.

   Zhu Zhongxue frowned slightly and scolded: "The army red deer will only drag their hind legs and tell them that this is the key to the battle. If they can't fight this military planet, they will bear all the responsibilities."

The navy and army of J Starland have always been inconsistent. Because of the limited military expenditure of J Starland, the treatment of the army is much worse after the full support of the naval construction. The navy looks down on those armies that will only fight the wind, but the army believes that the casualties are the biggest. Usually they are, but they are so much worse in treatment than the Navy.

   "Don't be alarmist, Mr. Takenaka, the situation is very clear now, I won't let my soldiers sacrifice like your ship's mother!" This time, Mr. Takenaka responded with a rough roar.

It is worth mentioning that a large part of the contradiction between the navy and the army lies in Zhu Zhongxue. Although he is a legendary admiral, this glory is built on the sacrifice of the ship’s mother, and also on the crushing of the army. After the defeat of A Starland's war, his prestige was undoubtedly greatly damaged, and the army that had dared to be angry now had the confidence to refute his order.

Although the Admiral of Daxingyu has unimaginable advantages such as Yue Zhong and Kartin, he can't arbitrarily practice, and sometimes he has to influence his battle command because of political factors.

   The other party forcibly cut into his own communication channel, making Zhu Zhongxue very uncomfortable. After coldly responding to an idiot, he cut off the other party's communication.

"Admiral, do you need to gather firepower to advance the front?" Nagato has been a spiritual symbol of J Starland for a long time. At the same time, it often plays as the flagship of Zhongzhong Xue. It handles these situations very well, so the first Time asked Zhu Zhongxue.

  Collecting the fire propulsion front will inevitably bear the corresponding damage. Although it is not as serious as forcing the army to land, it is also inevitable.

Taking a little thought, Zhu Zhongxue issued a new round of orders. He was not an indecisive person. Worries about the carrier of Karting prompted him to decide to occupy the military planet at the fastest speed to open the way to the R star field~ has to undertake the task of containing the firepower of the planetary fortress, and at the same time, as a flagship, it also has to avoid unnecessary risks. All still remain in the original tactical area. The Fengxiang and Gecheng have not been greatly affected. Therefore, the Kaohsiung and other warships that guarded them began to break away from the line of defense.

Under the protection of the carrier-based aircraft, Xuefeng Yima, who has a mysterious dodge, first forcibly cleared the dark matter hidden mines outside the military planets. Behind him, seven destroyers such as Zefeng and Xifeng also formed a conical formation. The suppression of Yixian and other ships.

As the ship's Yixian and ZQ are undoubtedly very good, even without Karting's immediate command, they still defended the military planet without letting Zhu Zhongxue easily fall. After discovering the other party's intention to force landing, Yixian Let ZQ abandon the current front line and get close to the Fire Snow Wind with the cooperation of the remaining near-star defense boats.

   "Sister Yixian, why don't you want me to attack Xuefeng!" Ning Hai took time out of her busy schedule to question Yixian, and her desire to avenge Xuefeng was extremely urgent.

"Xuefeng No.1 naturally wants to use our hatred towards her. You and Z1 must hold the front line to prevent Kaohsiung from cutting in. Otherwise, not only will you not be able to take revenge, we may all die here." Yixian insight into Zhu Zhongxue's intentions Very thorough, although she is slightly inferior to ZQ in the capacity of the ship mother, but staying with Kart for a long time, she is better at small-scale ship command and conspiracy than other ship mothers, which is why Kart is assured. The reason why Yixian came to command.

   "Stop here, Admiral and LN are coming soon. Their formation penetrates deeply, we have the opportunity to cause damage to them, as long as the enemy ship is delayed, the Admiral will expand the results when he comes out of the top star gate!

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