Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 491: Rear strike

The R-star border defense military planets are constantly being repaired by the A-star field and the J-star field. They have played a huge role in large-scale fleet battles. The planetary fortress gun that is dedicated to battleships can theoretically cope with two battleships at the same time. The long gate with good experience and ability is not able to produce the desired effect. It is easy to avoid the attack track budgeted countless times, but can only use firepower to force it to be inaccessible.

When the planetary fortress cannon and the Nagato form a mutual restraint effect, the completely emptied Fengxiang and Gecheng can show their talents, but those near-star defense boats seem to not sacrifice their footprints so that their advance speed is extremely slow, even if The results achieved are constantly expanding, and the loss of carrier aircraft is inevitable.

This is also a sequelae of the squeezing policy of the complete occupation of J Star Zone when it ruled R Star Zone. R Star Zone was finally self-governed. Naturally, it did not want to be a puppet of other Star Zones, plus J Star Zone’s exploitation of local residents It was unbearable for people, and Kart recruited these navies to erupt into a strong fighting will. Although the industrial capacity of this star field is lacking, the education level has not fallen much. When the highly civilized people want to resist the aggressors, their opponents will have a headache.

The light dissipation formed by the collision between the naval gun and the energy field shield will light the attack surface like a star, and the wreckage of the carrier aircraft and the physical missile will float around in the gravitational circle, and a large amount of dust will become thicker and thicker. The propagation of similar signals constitutes an influence.

Countless anti-aircraft fires are more frequent roaring in the sky after the carrier-based aircraft penetrates greatly. The dense barrage makes the carrier-based aircraft of Fengxiang and Gecheng inevitably wear out a lot. The focus of attention, the greater the point of fire attack each time it moves forward. The anti-ship forces led by the ZQ are also blocking the pace of the mines such as Xuefeng. The highly capable ZQ has formed a number of direct fires through the deployment of dark matter hidden mines. Despite this, the leading Xuefeng has been damaged. It is still the smallest. This destroyer seems to shun the attacks of the ZQ and Z destroyers in a variety of ways, but the destroyers behind her have suffered considerable damage.

"Xuefeng has completed the work of clearing the current area... Hey, how did the evening wind and Zefeng retreat?" Unknown all the snow winds swayed the telescope around his neck, and his head leaned to the alert radar chart next to her. The comrades began to retreat, and she couldn't help but wonder. She felt that the pressure on her intrusion was not great. Why was it that the two comrades on the formation side could not resist the retreat.

   "They gave you two main guns of the ZQ, and they will sink here if they don't withdraw." Qiuyue, who is closest to Xuefeng, responded to Xuefeng's doubts and secretly whispered to her heart.

   Obviously, all the attacks came against the snow breeze, and the hatred of Karting's fleet against her was also very strong. Why are they all being attacked while fighting?

   "It seems dangerous, everyone be careful, no one will sink!" Xuefeng shouted, "A safe landing channel has been opened, we can let the army go up as long as we hold the formation."

   Hearing Xuefeng's cry, everyone's heart tightened.

On the other side of the battlefield, Yixian also found that Xuefeng led a group of destroyers to successfully attack ZQ and others to clear a minefield, and immediately asked ZQ: "What's going on, what is Xuefeng?" No damage."

"The warships behind her are desperately trying to protect her. No matter how I attack, they are either flashed off or blocked by other destroyers." ZQ is also very helpless. She can see that Xuefeng's ability is not too strong. But it was such an ordinary warship that ignored his existence and forcibly cleared the defensive minefield.

"J Xingyu saw our intention to attack, so did you intentionally put Xuefeng at the top...then attack the battleship behind its formation with all your strength, and a destroyer of Xuefeng could not bear the landing channel." Yixian changed the current tactics, and the fate of the destroyers such as Qiuyue really came.

   would have been inexplicably blocked by artillery, now all the attacks are coming towards myself, can't we expect Xuefeng to guard?

During the fierce battle, only the Z31 destroyer formation left Z31 on the front line. After being bombarded by the Kaohsiung, Ninghai could not insist on being returned to Hong Kong by Yixian. Although ZQ successfully repelled three destroyers, but The Army Landing Boat of J Star Zone is approaching.

The U-type submarine formations previously deployed outside have not achieved decent results. The suppression of the two light ships and the suppression of a small number of small warships makes their self-preservation a problem. The surviving North Star of J Star Domain seems to be quite anti-submarine. It has been learned that in the Europa battlefield, the U-series submarines that have fought E star territory and other naval powers have encountered powerful opponents.

Under the irreversible disadvantage, Yixian's anxious eyes gradually became desperate. She failed to stop Zhu Zhongxue's attack. Although relying on the strong defense force of the border defense military planet to give his fleet a heavy blow, as long as the army landed, everything It's all over: "Admiral, don't you come back..."

At the same time, at the rear battlefield of the border military planets, the formation spread out to launch anti-submarine operations in the second fleet of Beishang, Shiraishi firmly believed that Zhu Zhongxue was put here, and there was no restriction on his freedom in the ship’s hull of Beishang. That's it.

Zhu Zhongxue could know that Kart was building an aircraft carrier. Naturally, Shiraishi firmly believed in telling him. Similarly, he also got information from Kashi that all the warships of Kart were here. Because of this, he didn’t continue to embarrass. Shiraishi firmly believed that it was just a war. In an emergency, he had no time to send Shiraishi firmly back to J Xingyu.

Persuading Shiraishi firmly believes that it is neither Zhuzhongxue nor Xuefeng who betrayed Karting, but Xianghe's sister Ruihe. Her core cabin was discovered during the search for the Wright Star Field. Due to the absolute authority in the ship's mother, Zhuzhongxue Let him persuade Bai Shi to firmly believe that nature has no accidents, and Bai Shi firmly believes that when he saw Rui He, the bottom line he had always insisted on was finally broken.

  He followed Karting for Xiang He, but Rui He was already in the hands of Zhu Zhongxue. Even if he could go back, Xiang He couldn't choose to be his enemy.

   The second fleet's detection range suddenly broke into an unknown warship. According to information, it is impossible for a warship to appear in this place at this time. If Karting wants to support it, it is best to directly appear through the headspace star gate.

"Mr. Shiraishi, an unidentified warship was found in the rear. The hull is a model that I have never seen before. It seems to be an aircraft carrier. We do not have a main battleship here. I am afraid there will be a fierce battle. Please stay with you. Don't move around in the cabin." The north guard responsible for Bai Shi's firm belief reminded Bai Shi's firm belief a little, and then put his full efforts into the preparation state.

Normally, going north will not talk to Bai Shi firmly. She is a kind of reticent. She reminds herself that it definitely means that the enemy facing Beishan must pay great attention to it. Even she is in danger of sinking into the cabin. Are you ready to leave the hull at any time?

  The way to observe words and feelings is that Shiraishi firmly believes that he learned from Kartin. He doesn’t like to talk to the north, nor does he have much ambition. He is easily convinced by Shiraishi.

"Aircraft carrier, I'm afraid it's karting. Since we are fighting J Starland, then naturally it will not be a flying crane..." Shiraishi firmly believes that he is sitting on his bed weakly, his hands constantly disturbing his head and disturbing his hair. Like a chicken coop.

He can’t do anything right now. He can only wait for Kart and Zhu Zhongxue to win or lose. If Kart wins, he may never see Xianghe, but if Zhu Zhongxue wins, Xianghe will do it again. At a rather dangerous point.

  The feeling of powerlessness at the mercy of destiny filled the whole body. Shiraishi firmly believed that he didn't know what he should do, and he could do nothing.

Replacing casualties with casualties is not Karting’s style, but instead of directly appearing from the top space star gate, he went to the rear and attacked the second fleet of J Starland. It must be that he wanted to liberate the firepower of the U-submarine formation to form a pinch. But now The border military planets are already in jeopardy. With the strength of Zhu Zhongxue's first fleet, he will be able to occupy the military planets before he solves the second fleet, so that not all of Karting's fleet will be captured?

Bai Shi firmly believes that there is an idea in his mind that the combat effectiveness of this aircraft carrier far exceeds the strength of the Second Fleet, so it is not necessary to wipe out the opponents, and also form a breakthrough to use the carrier-based aircraft to suppress the asylum U-series submarine formation to break through the first. The Second Fleet can thus form an anti-encirclement against Zhu Zhongxue, and the other party is already riding a tiger at this moment. If you want to break away from the landing **** state or force landing, you will be devastated. Army annihilated.

In the life of following Kart and Takeuaka, Shiraishi firmly believes that he has been constantly growing Even if there is a limit of potential, but if one wants to become stronger, how much can be stronger, everything Seeing whether he does it or not, Bai Shi firmly believes in doing it.

   "Go north."

  After a moment of silence, the voice of Kitakami finally sounded: "Is there anything, Mr. Shiraishi?"

   "Make sure to block him, otherwise Zhu Zhongxue will be dangerous, and Xianghe will also be dangerous."

   "...I will convey what you mean."

At the moment when the voice just fell, countless lights that penetrated the darkness of the universe spread from the signal of the enemy ship. In the face of ultra-long-range firepower delivery, the second fleet, which was also ready for the battle, reacted instantly. Falcon and Dragon Phoenix The two ships launched a large number of carrier-based aircraft at the same time to launch aerial warfare, and the air defense firepower of various small warships formed a range of defenses to prepare for attacks.

When the carrier aircraft of the two sides confronted each other, the carrier aircraft from the LN was suddenly activated in a general spirit, and the formation of the cluster dispersed like a frightened school of fish, using the maneuverability of the other carrier aircraft to form an omnidirectional Surrounded, looked at the air firepower tilted like an exhausted dense net to cover the other side, and at the same time, the self-constructed information of each system calculated all the enemy firepower in the area with each other, accurate to the maximum control of the details of each carrier aircraft to avoid Damage.

  Only the first round of confrontation, most of the carrier aircraft of Falcon and Dragon and Phoenix were destroyed. In contrast, only more than ten carrier aircraft were damaged on the LN side. After the victory of the aerial battle, the carrier-based fleet immediately ran to the depth of the second fleet without stopping, and the intensive short-range bombing suddenly began.

Kitakami rushed towards LN before the air battle began. The other party’s air-making capabilities were so powerful. The only weakness was that there was no small warship escort. As long as the attack distance was reached, his own pre-made lightning strike would be like Countless battles before have achieved amazing results.

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