Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 502: Rebellion and suppression operations (3)

The Veneto, which supported the regional shield and suspended armor, quickly rose to full speed, and countless energy beams and live ammunition passed by, wrapped and wrapped around the thick and huge ship, as if It is not as flexible as its own volume. It is like a meteor that has thrown away light and fire. The tens of thousands of colored and colorless kinetic energy impacts and the beam of heat are woven into a net. Steel behemoth.

Although the size of the hull far exceeds the tonnage of ordinary battleships, although the Veneto is comparable to a small interstellar fortress, it still forms a sharp contrast in the face of a real interstellar fortress, like the difference between the earth and the moon, whether it is volume or extreme There is a huge gap in the output of firepower, and now this moon, which should be around the earth, is generally running away from the edge of the ground.

Originally it was a straight line impact to strive for the least amount of time to break through the defense. Therefore, the firepower of the Star Fortress should be easy to launch the attack on the track of the Veneto. However, every saturated fire attack of it is like being predicted in advance. The hull that wiped the Veneto hit the endless starry sky, and Veneto frequently adjusted the speed of the short distance so that there was no problem on the surface, and only the real attack could see the terrible.

The threat posed by the Veneto, which quickly penetrated into the edge of the energy barrier of the Star Fortress, increased dramatically. Even if someone could guess that she might just choose the best route to break through the blockade, no one dared to try this. The consequences of a full-scale shelling of a super battleship at close range, the naval gun is close to the energy barrier, and it is only a short distance away. Judging by the combat effectiveness she showed before, the full-strength attack without any interval can break through the interstellar fortress. All defenses even penetrate the star fortress completely.

Every interstellar fortress is a valuable strategic resource of the rebel group. No crazy person will use it for a little energy consumption of the Veneto. The tactical route set by Yue Zhong is an upright plot and depends on Weiner. Relying on the powerful ship's strength, it completely unreasonably broke this seemingly unbreakable blockade.

   "Full charge, all main guns are on standby and ready to fire at full strength, all fighters shrink the defense circle, prevent her from shelling, at least prevent her from long-term uninterrupted shelling!"

   "The Corvinto can also pack up the ship, if that's the case, it will instantly destroy most of the power of our blockade..."

"I can't control that much anymore." The commander in the Star Fortress did not expect that the Veneto's seemingly death-seeking operation could be successfully successful. Now he was pointed at the head with a gun, and he gnawed his teeth. An order was issued that most likely sent him to the military court.

This interstellar fortress cannot be buried here, and even if it is to die, it must at least force Veneto to play the final hole card. According to the expert estimates of the Naval Research Institute, the energy consumption of the Veneto to pack the ship is definitely not a small one. number.

All the main guns in Star Fortress that can be aimed at have adjusted their bases, and even the main gun on the back has prepared a round-shaped curved shot. The cosmic fighter planes swarmed in order to force the Veneto at this moment. Displacement, as long as Veneto can't stop at one place, then the action of attacking the energy barrier without gaps cannot be completed.

  Unless she gathers the ship's outfit, she will surely greet the baptism of the strongest firepower of the interstellar fortress. Only when the ship's outfit is collected becomes a negligible point in the starry sky, is it possible to evade the full saturation blow.

   There is no possibility of positive resistance, and even a strong battleship cannot resist the saturation attack of the interstellar fortress.

   The current situation is also a gamble for Yue Zhong. If the commander of the Star Fortress is decisive and advances the direction of all firepower slightly, then it is very likely that he will be caught by surprise and the Veneto will be hit hard.

  If you launch an attack, not only can you circumvent this risk, but you will definitely get entangled again.

   Faced with a situation that might be life-threatening, Yue Zhong didn't speak, and Veneto didn't ask any questions. Their thoughts were very unified at the moment.

   stagnation, and then break through at full speed, throwing all enemies behind the blockade behind.

When the Veneto stagnated, the planetary commander decisively issued a volley command, and the ultimate dazzling brilliance bloomed at the edge of the interstellar fortress. The center point to a certain degree was even terrible. The space collapsed. If the Veneto was still in such a blow, even if she packed up the ship, she might be greatly damaged.

   "It's over." Yue Zhong took a deep breath, and he was able to speak with ease. Apparently, the Veneto speeded up again before the attack gathered, tangentially sailing into the distance on the edge of the Star Fortress. After all, the commander in the Star Fortress did not have the courage to gamble.

  If facing Augustus Caesar, Yue Zhong might not be able to take such an easy fight, but the commander of the Star Fortress is obviously only a defender who undertakes defensive tasks, and cannot give a fighting command under this pressure.

  The naval warfare of the seven galaxies has now shown a deformed distortion. The ship's mother and the admirals have gone through hundreds of battles. However, the local and regular defensive navy want to have a big battle, and the luck component occupies the vast majority. It's no wonder that when neither the Admiral nor the Shipgirls can stop the Abyssal Fleet, the seven galaxies will fail so thoroughly that even decent resistance cannot be achieved.

Fighting for time and committing risks is not Yue Zhong’s desire to find excitement, nor to test the limits of Veneto. He has a place he must go to, the Sicilian star who has spent a restful and beautiful day, Only by breaking through to get there, can we grasp the thread of our own destiny.

   The lonely warship restarted the raid tour. The breakthroughs made here will inevitably disrupt the rebel group's deployment in the front and also win valuable warplanes.

When the Veneto got rid of the first blockade line of the rebel group, Augustus Caesar finally left the Supreme Holy Church and the Roman planet he often stayed in, leading the I star domain to Julio Caesar as the flagship The huge fleet of ships began the first journey after the chaos of the abyssal fleet.

"Where is Veneto?" Augustus Caesar sitting on the bridge of Julio Caesar still closed his eyes tightly, his blue short hair was completely covered by a wide military cap, and he was so tall Sitting on the podium completely filled the space, he not only talked, there was a natural sacred breath between his hands and feet.

The rebel group announced a high-profile departure from the I domain, and the Veneto naturally must not be allowed to play, and the fleet led by Augustus Caesar is impossible to say nothing, whether this rebellion came from other hands, he It must be completely suppressed by the thunder.

Giulio Caesar, the younger sister of the Pope Admiral, soon reported the approximate location of the Veneto, and she did not know what means she used to know the information of the rebel group's control area, maybe God's eyes I can really see all the places.

"Can't the Star Fortress stop her, rushing so fast, you must want to take the Sicilian star straight, thinking that if you captured it, the rebel group would raise your hand and surrender?" If Yue Zhong really thought so, it would be too naive. . Augustus Caesar did not have enough knowledge about Yue Zhong, at least much worse than Xiao Meiyan.

   But people who Veneto and Xiao Meiyan are willing to believe are not too bad.

If    is too weak, it won't play a role.

  Yue Zhong said that the Xinghai is the game. Qualified people think that they will be players who play games. Augustus Caesar is no exception.

"But really let Veneto get there, her prestige will probably be the same for a while, not to mention the people of I star field will have a feeling of worship, everyone in the seven galaxies will think of the dimension when they talk about I star field. Neto, as long as he talks about battleships, he will only think of Veneto." Julio Caesar, who is also a battleship, is a bit worried. Her hostility towards Veneto stems from Veneto's abandoning the I star field, but But her ability was extremely convincing, "Is that really possible?"

Julio Caesar's implication is that Veneto will have unparalleled influence in this battle, then not only will Augustus Caesar have difficulty in dealing with her, but I will also breed inside the Starfield fleet. Many strange emotions come.

In this group, Veneto’s disengagement is no longer a secret, so many ship mothers suddenly realized a possible existence that was never thought of. This is what Julio Caesar is most worried about~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Veneto’s appeal in the I-star ship maiden is strong. From Andrea Doria’s willingness to follow her new admirer with her without too much entanglement, you can see that in the I-star ship fleet Most ship mothers regard them as idols, even if they are more sane, they are also inextricably linked to her.

   "Did you hear anything again?" Augustus Caesar asked quietly, maybe he already had the answer, but he still asked his sister.

"Litorio, Rome, and the Empire, all three of them are a little unhappy, because the last time Veneto came to the Roman planet, Admiral, you did not let them meet with Veneto." Julio Caesar brought With a skeptical tone, "I'm afraid they will be affected by Veneto."

The three hulls used to have the same model and specifications as Veneto, and even the grades are named after the Vittorio Veneto. Although they are not blood-related sisters, they are During the training and battle on the battlefield, the relationship between them was no worse than that of their sisters, and it is no wonder that Julio Caesar will worry that if all three of them follow Veneto, the strength of the I Star Fleet It will be low.

After listening to Giulio Caesar's words quietly, Augustus Caesar said indifferently: "They are now in the battle formation of the I-star navy, and you are a comrade in life and death, and Veneto Differently, the ship's mother will absolutely obey the orders, even if they are confronted with Veneto. I think Veneto is the same now, and she will not be merciless to her former comrades."

   Brother is very confident, but if he really said, how could Veneto betray it? The sorrow of the ship mother group, he does not understand, but he does not care, even his own sister.

   must have his own plans?

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