Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 503: Rebellion and suppression operations (4)

Augustus Caesar was forced into desperation the last time he faced the Abyssal Fleet sweeping the seven galaxies. Because of his faith in God, he exchanged his eyes for a new life, but even if his eyes were closed, he did not hinder him at all. In life and work, he lost his naked eyes but is closer to the realm of God. As long as God’s eyes are there, everything is clear.

After enjoying the gift of God, he no longer has self, so the sacredness of the thin body not only means nobility, but also means that when he was a divine agent, he completely abandoned his own feelings, even if he was right The tolerance and love shown by her sister is not from her own heart.

   Such a person, his compassion and kindness are broad, so it will not be expressed in a certain person or group. Anyone who believes in God, then go to take shelter. At the same time that all non-believers are enemies, the thinking and thinking will start from this level, so in order to benefit more people, God always needs to sacrifice some individuals.

The ship's mother deserves to fight for her country, no matter what purpose they become the ship's mother, regret and cowardice are not allowed to exist in the navy, even if it is really sad, this should be at the beginning Get conscious.

Sitting in the bridge of the Julio Caesar, there is no one here. The young man with short blue hair sits straight and leans on the back of the chair behind him. The silence seems to stop breathing. Space blends into one, as long as he does not speak, Augustus Caesar is like a realistic statue.

The flagship Julio Caesar also exists as a command terminal, and the command chain derived from it carries all the warships in the I-star domain. When assisting in defense and attack, it will also temporarily access other The naval system, based on Augustus Caesar's status in the I-star region, must also be obeyed to the army to issue cooperative orders to the other party. Compared with Takeuaka, he can be said to be in charge of the absolute military power of the I-star region. It's no wonder that Mr. President has guarded him.

The admiral of the white military uniform sat on the bridge, and the flagship ship mother Julio Caesar was not so leisurely. Although he took over the position of Veneto very early and became the flagship, it was the first time such a large-scale expedition , Julio Caesar is still a bit rusty in handling the order of the Admiral and the coordination of the issuance. Even if the large-scale fleet is under normal navigation, the flagship's information processing capacity is far more than that of ordinary battleships. Once in the state of engagement, the ship's mother with insufficient strength will definitely be busy.

"I can do what Veneto can do well." With this idea, Julio Caesar devoted himself to the control of the movement of the fleet. Although she was a religious sage, she never Wearing white, a symbol of holiness, even in battle, he was dressed in black. His head was covered by a dark black hood, more like a witch.

The eyes hidden under the hat are not focused. A large amount of data flows through her body and is reasonably spread to other battleships. The long eyelashes are hung with sweat beads. It is not normal sailing to make her sweat. Leo Caesar is trying to process the command information in the combat state. A lot of useless information after the body will be terminated before the split, so no one else knows what she is doing.

The saint is the eye of the goddess and provides unconditional assistance for him to observe the whole world. But Julio Caesar does not have the unreserved piety as his brother. The girl’s heart retains a trace of self-consciousness in order not to be It was completely assimilated into a part of God that she deliberately dressed so black, as if she could escape the whiteness of the divine light.

Departing from a military base near the Roman planet to the rebel group control area, after reaching the nearest military planet through the headspace star gate, the fastest path is to directly pass through a wide and sparsely spaced space to reach Sicily, which was often used to There are pirates, and ordinary commercial ships will basically not choose this route, so it is also a military passage in another sense.

  The rebel group had no ability to leave its control area and face off with the main fleet of Star I, so Augustus Caesar chose this route. Yue Zhong wanted to reach Sicily quickly, and he seemed to have the same intention.

The attack of the Veneto made chaos for the rebel group's defense circle. When the core control area urgently organized a new defensive front, the external defensive security forces did not pursue it in depth but launched a new deployment. The Neto came, and the I-Star Fleet led by Augustus Caesar was the biggest enemy.

   "This time I was fighting with the elder sister, but she was out of the star field... The last time she came to the Roman planet, the Admiral did not let us see her. If there is a chance, I must figure out why this is."

Litorio, who is also part of this fleet, closely followed the pace of the flagship and maintained its formation. She was lucky enough to keep it completely from the last war. After a series of transformations, the hull It was also the first time to go on a regular trip, but the big sister who had given them great peace of mind was gone. She left the starship of I Starland far away and broke into the rebel group with her new admiral. Hinterland.

   is now the flagship of the Admiral's sister. When she first went out, she even had a short delay in the distribution of fleet formation orders. Although there is no problem now, such a flagship and command chain always make people feel uneasy.

In terms of the strength of the ship’s mother, Litorio is definitely not under Julio Caesar, and even stronger than the other party, but unfortunately the Admiral did not choose to become the flagship. On her hull.

Litorio's navy suit with white light red stripes was not as orthodox as LN, but after his own modification, the shoulder was cut off to reveal the bright white arm and armpit, silver gray steel armor The waist shaping up the Weipai's European school, and a short crimson tie between the two chests. Although it is the second ship of the Vittorio Veneto class, both the height and the body are completely exploded. The head of a big sister of one meter.

Veneto had a photo of them with a photo of their four sisters. After seeing Yue Zhong, he was silent for a moment, because Litorio looked like a person with the same long blond hair, but she was tied in It is draped behind it and the other is a gorgeous double-spiral ponytail, also with orange pupils and a tall European school.

   "Let's call her Ma Meimei's sister number in the future."

  Litorio knew that if she rashly contacted Veneto, it would surely cause dissatisfaction with the Admiral, but she still wanted to know why the elder sister wanted to leave them. Could the Admiral really bring her what she wanted?

The eldest sister was not evading the I star field in order to gain freedom, and it was impossible to fear that the battlefield wanted to leave far away. Even if the admiral was different, it was nothing more than changing a place to fight, it was really worth letting She left behind, and there are Llama and Empire?

  If this question is not clear, Litorio will never be at ease.

Even if the fleet is in the marching state, all warships are not allowed to communicate at random. All commands and information must be uploaded and distributed through the flagship network, so Litorio cannot know what Rome and the Empire are now. idea.

   But everyone's mood must be the same.

Julio Caesar’s first expedition after becoming the flagship made the ship maidens of I Stars somewhat uncomfortable, but there are also new ship maidens, who did not experience the despair of the last time they faced the abyssal fleet. They are not as respectful to Veneto as their predecessors. For them, there is no regret for this trip.

Whenever I heard that seniors mentioned Veneto, the newcomers were always curious. After seeing her heroism when she swept across the abyssal fleet, she was a little longing. Now she knows that her single ship has burst into the hinterland of the rebel group, and she doesn’t know how. That's it, but what can a warship do? Especially in the face of the joint defense of military planets and interstellar fortresses, there is no other warship pulling space and providing battleship is not invincible no matter how powerful it is.

As they imagined, blocking the front of the Veneto was the final line of defense composed of a nearby military base and an interstellar fortress, and after that came the Sicilian Star, the headquarters of the rebel group. They worked hard to raise and prepare With this line of defense, but not yet fully deployed, the figure of the Veneto has appeared on the map of the detection radar.

"VV, how much energy reserve is left, this level is not easy, we still have to find a chance to return." Arriving in Sicily is the goal but not the ultimate goal. Yue Zhong thought about taking a look, although he also achieved a major victory, let The supreme headquarters of the rebel group is paralyzed, but they do not think that they can suppress the Sicilian star and let the rebel group surrender.

"Eighty-one percent, it's just that the sailing cost is not much, but the cost of battle is not yet measurable." I don't know that many people have been thinking that his Veneto is still faithfully performing his duties as a ship's mother. However, even she, when she saw the defense line formed by the rebel group, could not help frowning, and then sipped away the coffee in her hand.

   A whole cup of coffee should be tasted slowly.

"Then don't give them a chance. There is no perfect fire blockade between the two interstellar fortresses. From that gap, the military artillery fortifications are likely to cause fatal interference. In case of danger, they will be allowed to gather and fight. "Yue Zhong calmly gave the order, "Although I want to see what it is, I can't let VV fall into a deadlock."

   "Admiral..." Veneto stopped talking and seemed to want to say something.

   Yue Zhong waved his hand and said, "I know what you mean, but now neither I nor Xiaoyan can accept the loss of losing you. In this case, you should protect yourself well with VV."

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