Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 504: Rebellion and suppression operations (5)

The interstellar fortress originally deployed in the direction of Veneto did not reach the designated position due to time, and the multi-layered defense system with it as its core could not organize effective resistance. Instead of becoming the ruins under the gun of the Veneto ship, it was better than the whole line. Recycling formed a massive decisive lineup before the Sicilian Star.

  The two ultimate interstellar fortresses that surround the Sicilian star from a distance are so close for the first time in history, and continue to approach. When the firepower range and range are perfectly covered, and the driving force of the planetary fortress can be operated, no battleship can break through this absolute tactical defense circle.

Once the energy rings of the double interstellar fort are saturated and intersect with each other, a strong repulsion field will naturally be formed beyond the energy limit of the critical point, and any attack method and matter will be crushed into it, bringing it to the highest level from the atomic level. Unless it has an impact that can erupt beyond its limits in an instant, it is unbreakable.

No warship or interstellar fortress can have an attack power beyond this limit. Even if the Veneto is in a complete state, the time ability driven by Xiao Meiyan will compress Veneto's attacks to a little, and will not reach it. At this point, this is the ultimate defense recognized by the seven galaxies.

Whether it is offensive or defensive, it will naturally have corresponding defects when it is strong to a certain level. The problem of the Double Star Fortress is that although it can perfectly defend a large range of space, it is affected by the pull of gravity and energy between each other and wants to be separated again. It is also an extremely slow process. No matter how large the defense range is, the vastness of the universe cannot be achieved. With the maneuverability and long-range airworthiness of the warship, it is enough to draw a sufficient circuitous arc to bypass this absolute defense circle.

The rebel group could not understand the significance of Yue Zhong’s need to reach the Sicilian star as quickly as possible. To prevent them from being just a drink to quench their thirst, whether such negative defensive tactics were developed by the influence of some people inside and regardless of, once The Veneto found that it was not possible to take roundabout actions, so the headquarters of the rebel group on the Sicilian star could only be evacuated to avoid its edge, but in the end it didn't make much sense.

Therefore, the closer to the Sicilian star, the clearer the answer that Yue Zhong wants is, the original guess is gradually becoming a reality, even if this rebellion is not dominated by Augustus Caesar, there must be his shadow. Exists, and still affects.

  Rebel and then suppress yourself, do you want to declare the strength of the fleet, or its absolute influence in the I-Zone?

"Is it really worthy of me? There is no problem going to Sicily. There is always someone who knows the key. Just look for it. Augustus Caesar's biggest weakness is exposed to me, but he will not want me. In the past, so I will take all means to deal with me alone, but also a little petty, contact his actions and ideals before, then you can explain all the problems."

"Maybe die, but don't seize this opportunity, what to protect me and Xiaoyan's present." Yue Zhong held his heart tightly, as if the knot was exuding abnormal warmth at that time. The type is at the heart, so you have to beat it once.

There are two naturally running military planets in the distance of the Interstellar Fortress. The planetary fortress gun above can provide long-range fire support to this defensive circle from any angle. This kind of long gate also needs to be slowly defensive. And the power is huge. Forcing them to attack them is the same as striking a stone with an egg. The best strategy is to suppress and land, and directly cut off its ground energy supply. However, this method is currently unavailable. Yue Zhong has no army and he goes. The trouble of finding military planets does not help either.

Realizing that Veneto wanted to take advantage of the original system before the formation of the Double Star Fortress, the final line of command was forced to break through and immediately ordered her to stop her at all costs. The rebel group fleets mobilized here flowed in from the side and rear, and in Nayue In the narrower gap, even if the hull is used as an obstacle, it also slows down the speed of the Veneto.

Many of them are former companions of Veneto. Although many ship mothers are active on different battlefields, the battle formations that belong to the I-star navy are also under a chain of command, and they will eventually have feelings. Yes, now each is fighting against his master. Is this what Veneto wants?

"Major Veneto, do you really want to be an enemy with us? You have been out of the star field. Is it your wish to eliminate the former comrades in turn?" Trying to plan to give Veneto a rebellion to dismount. The group found that it was difficult to defeat Veneto without breaking a dead net. Now that Augustus Caesar's fleet has set off, they must use these forces to defend his repression. In the unlikely event, the rebel group began to try to persuade .

The zero-encrypted cosmic communication information is mixed with huge artillery fire on the battlefield. The rebel group knows much about Veneto and the corner of the iceberg of I Stars: "Caesar is a crazy believer. The world believes in him. After the coronation of the Pope, no war will be waged, but it is for this reason that he is going to wage war, but we are rebels, and no one will believe that all the dirty water that has been poured out is correct to escape his control. It exists for war, but it exists for peace."

"You want to enjoy the new journey, we can give your admiral all the command of the navy, you want freedom, not to join in this muddy water, Major General Veneto, Sicily, and yours Relatives and friends, do we have to force us to get there?"

The hot light beams of the planetary fortress cannons are two shining lights across the sky. They have continuously changed their positions over time, but they have never disappeared and dissipated in any way. The Veneto has been difficult and decisive in it. The light of destruction is wiping its shoulders all the time, and all kinds of naval guns and cluster live torpedoes are endless, adding a feast of light to guide the center of the battlefield.

  However, no matter how crazy the enemy’s block and the reasonable message of persuasion, Veneto was not shaken at all. Before the energy of the two behemoths formed an impassable iron curtain, her pace did not stop for a moment.

"Since it's not together, it's not a companion anymore." A warship broke and exploded under the counterattack of Veneto, and the bright and bright light could even reflect on Veneto's face through the thick hull. , The white face was pale and cold, but her expression was very calm after all.

   "You are their eldest sister..."

Seemingly amused by this sentence, Veneto showed a long-lost smile, but in the eyes of the rebels was cruel and indifferent: "You ask what I want, I want everything now, freedom, feelings and Warm, but if you want the most, it is victory."

"In the eyes of everyone, Augustus Caesar is a powerful legendary admiral, but he is not the strongest admiral. He lost to the United Fleet and has no way to deal with the Abyssal Fleet, so he cannot bring me the hope. Victory, this is the reason why I want to leave him, and this is also the concept that the instructors in the ship mother training continue to instill in us to pursue victory." Veneto grinned, but smiled so silently, maybe he sank it himself She used to be a bad friend, so she used this expression to face and comfort herself.

I have been in service for many years, but I haven’t been a few years away from my own limit. Since I decided to live for myself once, I can’t be constrained by the past: "I want to win this war, and I want to win all future wars. win!"

   Speaking, it is too easy, but you can really understand what kind of shock and longing the girl thinks in her heart. This excited Veneto may not necessarily say a self-consolation lie? Sacrifice yourself for victory. It doesn't matter if you renounce your family and friends for victory. People around you will always be paranoid and crazy. In a sense, it can be regarded as a kind of thing.

   Yue Zhong suddenly felt some pressure. Because of this, he couldn't lose. Even losing to Augustus Caesar was a failure.

The rebel group is also somewhat inexplicable because of Veneto's unsympathetic no one has seen such a crazy scene under Veneto's indifferent appearance, under the cruel training of the ship mother, all the cold and The blood has been suppressed to the extreme, all emotions have been let go, and now afraid and come out to talk about things?

  You guys, do you really feel so bully?

The dense fire net can't restrain the awakened steel behemoth, just like the cruel reality and the strict system can't restrain the heart that desires to change destiny, the girl with silver temple short hair raises her eyebrows, the black shawl under her neck is supported by the substantial data flow From the beginning, it seemed to flutter like a flying, in her eyes, the iron curtain before closing was still too many possibilities, there seemed to be too many gaps in the seemingly endless attack, and the other party's defense was full of loopholes.

   counterattack, and then from the victorious charge on the road of victory, the Admiral did not have any fear, as a ship mother there was nothing to fear.

The Veneto, which exerts 100% strength, not only completely overwhelms the rebel group with superior military power in the battle, but also the battleship that looks small compared to the interstellar fortress has an immense vastness and a fearless charge. All enemies have become cowardly, and since they themselves do not believe that they can block themselves, it is impossible to block themselves.

In the narrow road, the ruins multiplied, and successive core cabins were ejected. Fearing that Veneto’s warship lost a little bit of courage and retreated and retracted. When the morale fell to a certain limit, the big defeat was nothing. It's a strange thing.

   There is one person in the world who is most concerned about Veneto. When she wakes up from the bed in the lounge and sees Veneto's decisive charge, she also asks herself when she is trembling.

   "LN do you have the courage like her, give up everything, supreme and strong, in the desire to win, can you be more urgent than her?"

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