Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 557: Newcomer Association

   continued, but that was him sitting in the registration desk.

Hidden in the transparent closed cabin is a young man with a gentle personality, but he is not wearing military uniforms, but only the common staff uniforms of E Xingyu. From the outside, Yue Zhong can only see a smiley face. As for the inside of the registry The situation is unknown.

   "Well, what kind of pre-registration do I come for?" Yue Zhong didn't know if he needed to copy the ID card for the procedures, so he asked very confused.

"Hello Mr. Makua, I have understood the situation. This is not an E-Star organization. The Admiral Association and the E-Star official temporarily decided that the situation for you will be handled by the Admiral Association. Next, I need to know something about The basic situation of your fleet." The young man is very kind, giving people a feeling like Mu Chunfeng, and he tried to make Yue replay his vigilance. "The Admiral Association really needs to know some information about the wandering Admiral. Is there any specific measures that are needed? The chairman and the advisors can only discuss the decision, but the association has given clear instructions that we will not be hostile to your existence."

   Yue replayed and nodded heartily and asked, "You say, what are you going to register?"

"First of all, you need to know your specific range of activities and fleet size. If you can, please be more elaborate." The young man did not have strict requirements. He sent Yue Zhong here, and the two second lieutenants were also far away. They It belongs to the E-Star military, and it is not convenient to know the affairs of the Admiral Association.

In this regard, Yue Zhong secretly wondered in his heart that the Admiral Association has almost become the general existence of the state of the country. It is located in a key area such as the E-star capital star, but can coexist in parallel with the E-star domain. If there is no E-star domain High-level acquiescence is almost impossible.

After all, Ulster is the admiral of E Star, even if his president’s status is special, as long as he is in this position, it is unlikely to be detrimental to E Star, and E Star is no longer available in terms of overall national strength. Overwhelmingly excellent, in the face of the descendants, it needs a strong enough organization to maintain its own interests. The Admiral Association composed of admirals represented by force is undoubtedly a good choice. At least for now the Royal Navy still has important Perhaps their status is no longer the number one star domain in terms of quantity, but the excellent tradition and restrained control of the Admiral Association still protect a large degree of rights and interests.

"Three battleships and four destroyers." Yue Zhong did not deliberately hide his strength, and directly reported the number of ship mothers he could command. Although this level was not enough to cause enough threats, it would not be underestimated. .

"Huh." The young man's face is still calm, but he is whispering in his heart. Yue Zhong's apparent identity comes from the BE star zone of the Asian galaxies. There is an important colonial star zone in the E star zone. There has been a Prince of Wales before. For the protection of the flagship fleet, there is no navy itself. Nayue Zhong found seven ship mothers from Nail, and had the resources and dock to build ships for them one by one.

   Shouldn't you be talking big?

  Think of the young men who tried to ask here: "Is it all formed combat power, but it is not counted if it is the core cabin of the ship mother. Can you also disclose the composition of the main ship?"

Yue Zhong has done a lot of preparation work before coming to the E-Star field. Now these words are not untargeted. There are countless fierce star battles around the Asiatic Galaxy and the Pakfi Star Sea. At present, the J-Star field fleet is still seriously lost. Several names can meet the requirements.

"One battleship, two regular aircraft carriers." Yue Zhong can only be a sloppy man here. The fleet he really owns has revealed a lot in the battle with Augustus Caesar, and Ming Zaki has also had military operations far away. Correspondingly, it is possible to be exposed if carefully considered, and he has not yet planned to appear in Ulster's eyes. "All have ship equipment, but the model and ship name are not convenient to disclose."

  The governor of the Seven-Star Admiral Association is not only Alster but also other admirers, including Zhu Zhongxue. Yue Zhong didn't say that he could be regarded as worried that Zhu Zhongxue knew that the young man nodded very understandingly.

   "So, Mr. Makua, can the Admiral Association know your future development direction and military pursuit?"

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