Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 558: Waiting for dawn

   Yue Zhong was not vigilant, but instead showed a curious look and asked, "Why do I need to know this?"

   "Association is not forced, but for wandering advisors with unclear political demands, we may not be able to establish an effective cooperative relationship." Young men still maintain an impeccable smile, but there are no hard points in the discourse.

  After a little silence, Yue Zhong said in a deep voice: "As a wandering admiral, I naturally hope to have a foothold, can the association help me in this regard?"

It is now well known that Karting led the Six Lights to check into the R star field and broke out with Zhu Zhongxue. If the admirers who are still wandering do not want to become the unrestrained pirate admirers like Xeren Scheep, Well, owning one's own star domain, and even becoming a star-area-range armed warlord in the handshake of military and political power naturally became the best choice. Karting's behavior also gave a signal to the wandering admirers to a certain extent, the weak star field is actually very easy to conquer.

Although their two alliances are not the orthodox admirals of the Admiral Association, their actions have served as a weather vane. In contrast, Yue Zhong is lukewarm, and now nests on a barren planet in Afrika, exhausted and plundered. Holding the resources of that planet.

   "The Admiral Association will not provide any assistance by force. Mr. Makuya can use this as a communication platform. All interstellar treaties and war alliances are jointly observed and established by the Admirals."

   Yue Zhong was somewhat dissatisfied and asked annoyedly: "I can't get in touch with those advisors, and lobbying is impossible to start. It seems like I'm losing money for this pre-registration."

"If there is detailed information, there may be advisors willing to cooperate with you, which is the greatest benefit of the advisory association." The young man still said impatiently, "All the registration information of the advisory association is internally disclosed. Although Mr. Makuya is only in the pre-registration state, he still has the right to know the status of the admirers in each of the star domains. This is our greatest sincerity and the foundation of the Admiral Association."

   seems to understand how much the Admiral Association is. When the platform for information exchange establishes absolute credibility, the energy displayed cannot be underestimated.

   It’s just a question. Yue Zhong also wanted to know, how many warships did he really register? I am the first wandering admiral, and it is a new rule to break the old example that only formal advisors can enter the advisory association. In the future, it will be unavoidable that there will be a lot of false information. It only takes a few lies to exchange military intelligence of the admirals of the Starfields that were once classified as confidential. It is a worthwhile thing to look at.

  Maybe the wandering admirers who are in need will really come here to register faithfully and look forward to cooperating partners, but it does not mean everything.

Yue Zhong thought of a possibility that if the rebel army could become an independent object recognized by the Admiralty Association, then the contradictions in this world would be radically intensified, and the war would fall into an uncontrollable situation. The rapid increase in the number of ship mothers will also cause a substantial decline in quality to seem to be an inevitable deadlock, but again I think of the re-enacted fleet of I star domain that may exist like a ghost...

From the beginning to the end, whether it is Kardin, Sailon Scheep or himself, all the actions longing for freedom are struggling and unable to escape in a large invisible web. Zhu Zhongxue and Augustus Caesar also return There are Ulsters who are those who hold the network cable, maybe Augustus Caesar has played off his own hands, but it does not hinder the overall situation.

   At this moment, Yue Zhong finally saw through the last curtain that the Admiral Association covered the eyes of the public, and everything became clear in his eyes.

   "In the end, the Admiral Association is the Admiral Association, and Ulster is the President of the Admiral Association, who can match this courage." Yue Zhong said in secret, but never let others know.

Maybe Homura’s proprietary technology for gathering ships and her own fleet are also under Ulster’s control and will come in handy when needed. When all the spears are directed at the same enemy, it is In the use of human-specific cunning, trying to challenge other living bodies.

   "Mr. Makuya?" The young man asked Yue Zhong slowly, and whispered.

   Yue Zhong waved his hand and said: "I understand what you mean, do I need to verify the authenticity of the information I reported?"

"The Admiral Association will not delve into these. E-Star can send you here. At least part of what you said is true. As for what will happen, it is that you and the Admiral trying to work with you need to consider. Problem," the young man laughed. "Mr. Makua has not said where he intends to have a foothold."

   Yue Zhong was very refreshing this time and directly said: "I don't have that ability to challenge the Royal Navy, but there are many small star domains in the Asian Galaxy to conquer. My fleet is stronger than the previous Kart."

  Katin occupies the R star field, not relying on absolute force. Acceptable national support has also played a very important role in it. The young man thought about it but did not break it: "I will register Mr. Makua’s situation as it is. For the time being, I will first put you in the scope of the Asia Galaxy. After going through the hall to the back galaxy partition, there will be all public information, I won’t bother you here."

Yue Zhong nodded at him, and then left the current registration office. The two ensigns of E-Star followed him far away, but they did not intend to disturb him. All the admirers who came to the Admiral Association would have similar treatment, even if it was a battle. The hostile Star Zone at the time will also be accepted, but certain surveillance is necessary. Although it is a neutral zone, it is the core of the E Star Zone after all.

At this moment, Yue Zhongfang had the leisure time to look at the most special organization of the seven galaxies. From the main entrance to the registration hall, he stepped on the star-studded ground. A little dark color became an embellishment, although the top of the time changes. Appropriate light, no bright lights, but in the warm tones that wrap the entire front hall.

   There are only seven registries for each of the star regions. Yue Zhong's location was dedicated to the Asian galaxies. The naval personnel of the star regions that have been stationed in the Admiral Association will change their public military information as needed. In addition to the regular business, the registry also assumes other roles, but the range of the antechamber does not appear to be wide. The only supporting giant column separates the canopy-like veins and points to the rear galaxy partition, followed by a detailed star There are many office buildings and shared facilities in the domain, and even only the star zone of the near-star defense fleet has its own dedicated partition building. Although such a star zone also has its own advisor, it has no right to speak.

Yue Zhong’s fleet is stronger than many star-area navies, but he does not belong to the star-area, and naturally has no way to enter those partitioned buildings. He can only use equipment in the common area, such as querying the public military information of the specified star-area. And naval strength. It is obviously stronger, but in order to take care of the fragile mind of the weak star field, this may be a wise move in a stable situation, but now Yue Zhong knows, Ulster also knows, and many admirals know that the enemy Their departure does not represent eternal peace. If these admirals cannot control the ambitions of politicians, even the conspiracy may eventually defy themselves.

   Therefore, Yue Zhong’s arrival was regarded as an opportunity. The Admiral Association sent a message to the world that he would consolidate all the forces under the will of a few people as much as possible. Even Sylon Scheep was not impossible to discuss.

   That Ulster's unwillingness and compromise is the reason.

  Inspector's seeing pin makes Yue Zhong more passive because he is the first and currently the only one. The fake identity that Xiao Meiyan gave him may be concealed by others, but Ulster will definitely know.

"The prestige is stationed in the I star field. The name "Occupation" is actually more to protect the vitality of the I star field. The stability maintained by Augustus Caesar will continue to be maintained. No matter how turbulent the colonial star zone is, the locality of each star field must be Don’t mess up, otherwise the Admiral’s Association will not be able to clean up.” Yue Zhong saw Ulster in the march plan publicized by E-Starland. He will return to London early in the morning tomorrow at the Admiral Association’s first morning light. Xing, that's when they met. The previous anxiety is now completely gone, because he found this Admiral too reasonable, even if he killed Hood in the face of the other party, he would reason with himself as long as he didn't disclose it.

"The future of the seven galaxies is all on the shoulders of this person. Maybe he doesn't like to bear it, but there are always some reasons for him to do this. This reason must be clear before meeting." The layout has already been understood, but the only layer of mist left is uncovered, that is Ulster’s original intention, "I don’t know why he chose to live like this, people like him will never compromise because of the general trend, Because he has the ability to change the world he does not want to adapt to."

Just like why he decided to live like this, Ba Yun Zi asked himself, and Xiao Yan also asked, there is only one answer at any time. If there is anything to be proud of, it is not who Yue Zhong has won, but He has never given up his vow in the Takibara Combat Laboratory.

The moon star of the London star is natural and pure. It is three times larger than the moon star of the earth. It revolves in the starry sky like a white jade disk. It follows the trajectory of gravity from the sky to the middle of the night. Winding like a dragon. It’s not just Yue Zhong who is waiting for Ulster’s return here. This kind of waiting for quietness is infiltrating. Yue Zhong can’t be relieved if he doesn’t know anything. Although the record is very detailed, it will definitely not mention Alster's unknown original intention.

   Yue Zhong needs to infer the most hidden secrets from some of the most superficial things, just like what he did when he came to the London Star, and here is nothing more than a proposition.

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