Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 559: Antico Guest

From enrollment to defeating all competitors and becoming a glorious admiral, Ulster showed a bright and shining resume in the eyes of others. Laziness and non-sanitation placed on ordinary people changed his carrier, but showed his characteristics. Behind page after page of glorious victory, no one recorded his origin and growth process. The celebrities behind the celebrities were always dug out of their privacy as if deliberately erased.

Yue Zhong searched in the middle of the night and failed to find a place that could be scrutinized. This person full of controversy but difficult to replace hides everything about himself. The blank is like an outsider, but it is real. E star field people.

In the end, Yue Zhong closed the suspended window interface and saw the first ray of morning light coming from the crystal clear window along the sea surface. The peace of the Admiral Association was broken, and all kinds of people came out of the Star Zone partition building and from the front hall. Out of the international airport in front of the Admiral Association, the stars are generally waiting for the return of Ulster.

It is unavoidable to stay there any longer. Since he does not want anyone to know, he can only show that he is afraid to let people know that the president of the Admiral Association can have some harmless flaws, but when it comes to fundamental interests, it must be perfect, only No one can defeat him, it is possible not to lose to a race that is not human.

The biggest difference between Yue Zhong and Ulster is that one represents self and chaos, and one represents humanity and order. They cannot be friends. It can even be said that people in this world may be the enemies of Yue Zhong. To a certain extent, he and the energy race representing the void exist in the same way, which will only bring disaster and destruction, and attempt to turn this world into a resource field for greater attempts.

   Why the Abyss Fleet came to plunder here is unknown, but what Yue Zhong wants to do is very clear. When he is in this position, he must find Ulster's weakness.

He walked out of the crowd to greet the return of his opponent. Under the protection of a large number of naval ground forces, he walked out of the airport with the tired Ulster. Ulster is undoubtedly the most dazzling presence at his home, although He made it clear more than once that he did not like this kind of occasion, and if possible, he wanted to stay on the boat and do what he wanted to do.

The person who greets Ulster has more or less questions that need him to answer, and the most important identity of Ulster who returned to the Admiral Association is the president of the Admiral Association. He has no way to maintain the operation of this association. An admiral's identity is too independent.

Ulster raised his slightly swollen eyes, reached out to disturb his unwashed hair for a few days, rubbed out the greasy hand, and then tried to get it in his pocket. He saw a lot of Star Domain’s admirals or advisors’ agents. I saw Yue Zhong with a calm face, but I didn't know who he was yet.

The crowd was hundreds away from each other, but it was not noisy. Wait quietly until Ulster said: "What are all crowded here to do, I am not an entertainment star. There is an all-star meeting when I was a child in interplanetary time. Besides, let go, let go."

   After talking about Ulster, surrounded by naval soldiers, the road cleared from the crowd quickly entered the main entrance of the Admiralty Association.

   Yue Zhong gently pushed the person in front and asked like a curious countryman: "It seems that everyone is not surprised by this answer, what do they all run out of?"

   The man who was pushed turned his head. Unfortunately, he was also a handsome guy with similar eyes and skin and Yue Zhong. It seemed to be a man from the Asiatic Galaxy.

   Basically, people who can enter and leave the Admiral Association are not ordinary people. Although the male eye is not happy with Yue Zhong’s impolite behavior, he did not immediately answer Yue Zhong’s question, but instead looked at Yue Zhong skeptically: “Who are you, have not seen you before.”

   "I am a newcomer of Makya..." Yue Zhong was also thick-skinned, clearly seeing that the other party's dissatisfaction was like nothing had happened. After only half of it, the glasses man showed a sudden look.

   "You are the wandering Admiral? The Admiral Association doesn't know what they are thinking, what kind of people come in." The glasses man gave Yue Zhong a disgusted look, and then squeezed his shoulders toward the main entrance of the Admiral Association.

   "Hey, you haven't answered my question yet." Yue Zhong shouted behind him, but the other party ignored him, "Hey, it's really impolite."

Unsurprisingly, this person should be a naval representative or admiral of the small star domain, and some opinions about the wandering admirers can also enter the advisory association, worrying that this situation will further compress their rights and voices in the advisory association, and naturally will not Like Yue Zhong. Of course, this is only apparent on the surface, and it is not yet known.

  Of course, it doesn't matter. Persevering Yue Zhong found the next person again. Before he returned to the Admiral Association, he stopped him and got the answer he wanted.

"Alster once summoned the advisors of the various star domains to the Admiral Association at the beginning of the Seven Galaxy Wars, but for some unknown reason he did not control the development of the situation and evolved a worldwide war. Not He tried hard and it didn’t work, but he did nothing when he came back, sat waiting for everything to happen, and let us wait in vain in the Admiral Association for a few days."

   "So this time you all came out and wanted to see his attitude. Has the current situation deteriorated to this point?"

   "The things in each of the star domains are only best understood by their respective advisors. Maybe there is really a big change and it will happen."

The person who talked to Yue Zhong was very talkative. According to him, he was an admiral from Antatico. He had an obvious name of C star domain Xiong Guyan. The big relationship was actually affected by the abyssal fleet's invasion of the fish pond.

Xiong Guyan smiled very sunny compared to the man with a gloomy eyes just now, and did not shy away from Yue Zhong’s problems. He said cheerfully, “There is peace in Antatico. Everyone is too lazy to fight, so there is no contradiction. , I think the Admiral Association should pay more attention to the Abyss Fleet, so I came here, and I don’t know if this issue will be in the next meeting."

   An issue that all advisors can't ignore, but they have never taken the initiative to mention it, because a common tacit understanding made this topic taboo, and Yue Zhong thought he was one of them. Xiong Guyan told himself that he was worried, but let Yue Zhong pay more attention to it.

Perhaps, as he said, the political environment of the Antalico galaxy is different from other galaxies. They don’t care what the wars of other galaxies will be. They only care whether their one-acre three-point land will be abyssed again. Fleet invasion.

   is simple and cute. The place does not have any resources worthy of competition. The planet environment and the cosmic channel are in the gap between the void and the plane wall. In the world of energy storms, survival is already very difficult. Naturally, there is no extra effort to launch or participate in wars, so Xiong Guyan’s first battle is to directly face the abyssal fleet. There are other Antalico admirers who have difficulty organizing effective counterattacks. All they can leave is terror and hatred.

   This kind of admiral is a rare scheming. There are no rare species in the city. They cannot stand in other galaxies and become admirals. They can only exist in the special environment of the Antatico galaxy.

   "After saying so much, I still don't know your name, which star field are you from?" Xiong Guyan lived up to Yue Zhong's inference about him and said afterwards.

   There will be no pressure to get along with such a person. Yue Zhong has no reason to suspect that Xiong Guyan has ulterior motives, so he also replied very sincerely: "I am a wandering admiral, and the name registered here is Makya."

"Oh, I'm impressed." Xiong Guyan clapped his hands cleverly, "Your appearance is not as calm as it seems. The admirers of each star area want to know why Ulster opened this mouth to you and the association. What does it mean to open the door to the wandering admiral."

   "Can you know what you guessed?" Yue Zhongban asked jokingly.

"If there are more people involved in the battle against the Abyssal I think it's not bad." Xiong Guyan spread his hands, you can see the obvious calluses on his right finger joint, thick Power seems to be a hand that often holds a knife.

Ulster and Augustus Caesar, what kind of maze they are laying is still unknown to most admirers. Yue Zhong personally participated in the rebellion and suppression of the I Sicilian Sicily, Only in the end will they be able to lock in their attempts. Perhaps the smarter people are more likely to be deceived, Xiong Guyan may not know anything, but from his thinking alone, he points directly to the core problem.

"can you cook?"

  Kumani Yanu said with dissatisfaction: "I'm from the chef's family. I can make most of the dishes of the seven galaxies. Would you like to come to my star area to taste early?"

Although I had a big meal with Isabella at the restaurant in the middle of the night, after half a night of sleeplessness, Yue Zhong seemed to be hungry again. Someone would send it to the door as a cook. It would be better to listen to his tone. Looking forward to a delicious breakfast.

   "Okay." Yue Zhong's eyes lighted up, covering his belly with joy.

   Xiong Guyan realized how bad it was, and sighed: "I seem to have been counted by you."

   "Will not let you lose, tell me my name in exchange." Yue Zhong said mysteriously.

   "Aren't you called Macuya?" Xiong Guyan asked strangely, "My memory is not so bad, you just said."

   Yue Zhong became more and more certain that this person had no abode and ambitions, and sniffed his nose and said, "I remember I added the decoration, which is the name registered here."

   "So?" Xiong Guyan is still unknown.

   "I am Yue Zhong." It was difficult to communicate, Yue Zhong said his real name straightforwardly.

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