Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 570: Daily life after the war

"Big sister, Xiaoyan doesn't seem to like us very much?" Andrea Doria's judgment on people is very simple, whether she wants to talk to her more is the main factor, she thinks Yue Zhong is good, at least compared to Augustus Du Caesar's nagging admirer was much better, but Xiao Meiyan was different.

Unless it is necessary, she will not say much to herself. Andrea Doria felt very much about this in the previous test of gathering the ship. She always felt that the gap between Xiao Meiyan and others was too great Deep, no longer can be explained by the indifferent temperament, the same quiet Veneto can get along well with them.

   This time the Admiral was away, it was rare to go together and successfully win the first battle, but she simply threw the matter to Veneto, who didn't know where to go, and was obviously unwilling to be close and isolate himself.

  Veneto pressed Andrea Doria's head to prevent her from turbulence before continuing: "Don't you understand everything when you enlighten the Admiral?"

Andrea Doria smiled and said embarrassedly: "You know the elder sister's head, I am selfish, that is, once the Admiral is away, Homura becomes very cold and stands with her We all felt that the temperature had dropped several degrees."

"... There was something wrong with what I asked just now, Homura is always very sensitive at this time, and I will pay attention in the future." Veneto released his hand and put a very serious expression on his hips, "You also pay attention ,Do not talk nonsense."

"It's not easy. You know me, elder sister, and that utopian is also a guy who doesn't talk about the wind. Maybe one day he will tease the admiral again." Andrea Doria recalled the fleet The ship’s maiden, the utopian, as the name suggests, is a guy with a lot of thoughts in his head. Camicia Nella has a bad habit of taking off her pants, and Aviere is a destroyer heresy. What a normal person, it's a little harder for them to speak well.

"It's already like this, we don't have any way. In the future, try not to let the Admiral run around, as long as he is normal in Homura." Veneto made a polite decision on the management and warships of the ship. Restraining her has always been tolerant.

The army of AL Starfield is very cumbersome to handle. Even if there is a preliminary plan to consider, the fleet has too few manpower. Utopia and Camicia Nella are very happy after getting orders to concentrate on destroying the remaining base. Of their frigates and fighters, they can’t do anything else, so they can’t count on being able to help. Although Andrea Doria is clumsy, but Veneto also wants her to learn as much as possible, the scale of the fleet will continue to expand in the future, maybe there will be ship mothers of different star regions, you have to support if you are alone The entire fleet is still very stressful.

With Veneto’s treatment plan, the military planets are nothing more than the investigation of weapon systems and the irreversible destruction. There is no need to touch the life and logistics facilities. They leave these captives and they cannot let them drink the wind and eat the soil, but A small amount of food must be taken away. It is becoming more and more difficult to provide foreign supplies to the Shaxing Development Base. Obtaining these basic living materials has become a problem. The prisoners just eat energy and synthesize food.

Because the prisoner of war rules of the Admiral Association played a role, the army after surrendering was quite safe and did not cause trouble for Veneto. The AL Starland, which had just been independent for a long time, had no obvious sense of honor. Survival is the first priority. Since these seemingly regular navy fleets are actually not planning to kill them, they are so happy and even watching them violently dismantle base armed facilities and ports.

Two warships floating in space using naval guns to destroy the core of the starry sky energy-driven core successfully completed the mission. Camicia Nella only saw Utopia going to the limelight, cursing her for running too fast and hitting The wishes of other ships have not been realized. I didn't plan to take care of her, but she didn't talk to her here, and soon she gave up the idea and provoked provocatively: "Fantasy, AL star domain is your former colonial star zone, why is it so weak Will the forces rush out to make them independent?"

"Hey, I don't know." Utopia looked blank and couldn't see any excitement or unwillingness, just like facing an irrelevant thing, "Probably the government looks at them pitifully, you see These black uncles are so honest, it is not good to bully them."

Camicia Nella really wanted to take off her harem pants and throw it on her fancy face. She didn’t say that when she opened her eyes and talked nonsense. Although AL Star Zone belongs to the Afrikaans, there are not too many people with dark skin tone. How do you see them cute?

"Obviously, your army is too weak!" Camicia Nella said, "So I was driven out by the militants. Obviously, with the cooperation of the fleet, I couldn't beat the indigenous forces. I also found an excuse to explain. ."

  Imagined for a long time, then suddenly realized: "Oh, is this the case, so your army is very strong?"

   Camicia Nella suddenly felt that it was not a good choice to shift the topic to the Army, but at this point, she had to bite the bullet and say: "We have eight million bayonet mechas!"

   "I haven't lost yet." Utopia directly held Camicia Nella's life door, leaving her with nothing to say. She could only continue to think that other attack points must win in this confrontation.

The two quarreled and some of them didn’t play. Veneto watched them floating there for a long time and asked Andrea Doria to ask what was going on, turned and frowned to consider what to do with the remaining energy on the military planet. The limited fleet that can be taken away is too much to leave AL Star Territory captive...

By borrowing Veneto’s flagship authority to monitor the internal communications of the fleet, Andrea Doria overhears their conversation and finds that Camicia Nella is not a fantasy opponent at all. He quickly interrupted and said: "All Don’t quarrel, the previous identity has passed, and I’m sure to punish you when I was heard by the eldest sister. And Nella, are you Quincy! Obviously brought to the ditch again and again by dreams, but I don’t feel anything at all. "

"0v0?" The utopian finally couldn't break the smile on his face. After a text symbol was issued, he laughed outrageously, leaving Camicia Nella unbearable, which could prevent Veneto's majesty from daring. Say more.

Quincy is a heavy cruiser in A Star Zone, and her performance on the battlefield is quite satisfactory, but she often has a brain short circuit to create a joke, which was promoted to the world by the careless ship ladies of A Star Zone. The rare anecdote in this group has become synonymous with fool.

For example, she likes to eat leeks, but she is often replaced by leeks with grass. She still eats with relish; for example, she thinks that her sister New Orleans can live three episodes in the horse monkey shochu animation, and she can live one episode so powerful Much more. Each navy’s navy has its own unique culture, just like the arrogance and power of E-star, the tenacity and perseverance of F-star, the fearlessness and bravery of J-star, and the unique openness and tolerance of A-star. The main atmosphere of the ship's life, many topics are related to them, like the fool Quincy and her sisters, like the destroyer God of War Rafi and Popeye, and William who almost blown up his own admiral and fleet flagship. D. Porter...

In addition to relying on the calculations of Augustus Caesar and the support of Veneto, the fleet of I Starfields squeezed into the first echelon of the naval powers, but it could not compete with the aforementioned Starfields positively, or its lack It is such a unique fleet culture that they pin all their hopes on the Admiral and their longings on Veneto. If they are lost, they will become very weak in an instant.

Veneto believes that the new fleet must have something of its own, but it takes a long time to form. The top priority is to eliminate some of the deep-rooted consciousness of the stars in the ship’s mothers and continue to cultivate their autonomy, otherwise wait After the fleet gradually grows larger, various factions will appear inside, and there is no ability to disperse multi-point combat.

She told Andrea Doria that Doria would support Veneto no matter what, so she was angry when she heard that Camicia Nella and Utopia had a clear sense of position to explain each other~www. After stopping their quarrel, they were still upset and called Avieel, who was lying inexplicably, and began to teach them.

"The Admiral is not here, Homura doesn't matter. Big Sister is responsible for handling other offices, so I told you to tell you that now everyone is a ship mother who left the original fleet. It's hard to say that we are traitors in the eyes of some people. "It's only a joke to tell things with the previous identity." Andrea Doria forced himself to put his face up and said seriously, "If we want to survive and create greater glory, we must unite together. Yes, it is forbidden to mention his previous attribution in the fleet, do you understand?"

   "Understood." Aviere took the lead in responding to Andrea Doria's call, but the voice of the response was still weak, and her excessively mature body compared to the destroyer ship's body really violated.

  Camicia Nella has been looking at Doria for a long time, and seems to feel why her partner who has been serving with her fleet of Genki (stupid) has suddenly rebelled.


   "What's the matter." Andrea Doria said with great majesty.

   "You don't want to learn the elder sister's head, it's nothing like... and you want to laugh, just laugh, I think you can't hold it anymore." Camicia Nella said.

"I..." Andrea Doria looked at Camicia Nella deliberately grimacing and smirking utopia, and the expression on her face suddenly laughed and chuckled, "enough , No more grimace, or I will complain to the elder sister!"

  Veneto let her handle this matter, it seems to be a wrong choice, it is not known what this new fleet will become, but according to this development, there will be no serious fleet culture.

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