Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 571: Troubled big sister head

   Inside and outside the eco-cabin are two very different worlds. Unlike Saturn, there are atmosphere and very few water sources. This military planet does not have any conditions suitable for human survival, and it has no value for transformation.

  Normal people leave the eco-cabin with too many lethal factors, and no one would be stupid enough to make such an attempt. The captives of AL Starland did not gather honestly on the open space of the eco-cabin. They had heard of the form of the ship mother who gathered the ship, so they would not be curious about how Veneto and Andrea Doria are now, but they can Curious why the curvy girl with long black hair could walk directly outside the eco-cabin without any protection. She also took a portable data collector to collect the environmental data outside and grabbed the frozen soil in a sealed bag with one hand. The sealed bag disappeared in an instant.

  'S curious back went farther and farther away. As a post-war episode, he was quickly left behind by the prisoners of war. They are more concerned about their next destiny. Although the general treaty of the Admiral Association that prefers prisoners, this attack is also the famous Veneto in the seven galaxies, so there should be no killing of captives.

  Ke Veneto and other warships have been separated from the original star domain, and now their admirer is an ally of the famous pirate Sylon Scheep, who knows what such people will do? Coupled with Baturu's attack on the administrative planet, which caused a large number of innocent people's casualties, will such evil examples appear on themselves and others? Compared with the public, the identity of the prisoner of war seems nothing special.

   The rules that have been inherent for a long time are broken, and even unrelated people will have some worries. If similar things happen to themselves again, the previous worries will quickly increase into unknown fears. The people of the seven galaxies have always been extremely secure, and even war will not affect most people. When one day they found that this security and fragile one would break like a paper, there is no bottom line and restriction in war. When speaking, panic and helplessness will continue to spread.

This kind of sentiment is more appropriate for the prisoners of war, although Veneto promised to the base that he would not harm them from the beginning, and it can be seen that the base facilities were constantly blasted into ruins, and the near-star frigates that burst in the sky , This verbal commitment seems to be insufficient to appease their uneasy mind.

Xiao Meiyan seems to be very interested in the composition of this planet. After the battle information processing is completed, she walks aimlessly on the planet. The frozen ground collected by her is also loaded into the time disk by her, and she seems to want to bring Go back and analyze the specific ingredients.

She launched this war against the AL Star Zone with the intention of turning it into a resource supply area in the early stage of the Heavy Flame Fleet, so at the same time of the war, she also needs to know what the AL Star Zone is and what the reserves are. After the domain was conquered, they had little tricks to play with.

"Xinghai Oil's reserves have been thoroughly verified by F-Star, but it is not enough to maintain a large fleet. With the development of the situation and the upgrade of battleships, mineral deposits and special materials are also important." Xiao Meiyan Zi She verbally recorded preliminary analysis data. This time she will play most of the military planets in the AL constellation. There is no need to touch the words of the administrative planet. They will sum themselves up when it is almost time. The main source of resources is the military planet. Most administrative planets now pay attention to the ecological environment, so basically no resources are exploited, unless they are unique substances such as Xinghai oil hidden under the sea.

Xiao Meiyan is used to working on the clock, and with the use of time ability will undoubtedly increase the efficiency to the peak, but now Yue Zhong uses her time ability to prevent her from worrying, too much time overflow will attract Fan Hanshi, so she also It is no longer used. The body that has undergone demonization and divine power transformation is enough to allow her to walk in an environment without atmospheric protection and extremely low temperatures in a short period of time. If you wear heavy protective clothing, the data collection work will be much more troublesome.

When she completed the planned work, Veneto had not dealt with the post-war issues, mainly because the energy transfer was more troublesome. Even if they were all compressed into high-density crystals, few warships could take away much .

"Major Veneto, why should the extra energy be released to the universe, that would make the environment around the planet unstable, and even produce energy storms." As the highest commander of this military planet, a slightly fat young man Female officers are still trying their best to fight for the interests of their own star field. In the AL star field, the proportion of female officers is several percentage points higher than other star fields, so it is not uncommon to encounter one here. She looks urgent and anxious. , Haunting and praying for his own destiny.

   Seeing that Veneto did not bring a transport ship, they would not be able to evacuate the entire planet. If they could leave as much resources as possible, they would have room to fight when they were held accountable for defeat. When she found out that she was not the admiral of this fleet but a ship mother, she felt that she should be able to do it. Veneto's reputation was on the battlefield, and she had never heard of her handling of post-war Matters.

   Veneto said with a cold face: "Accepting your surrender is already the most forgiving, I will not accept your idea of ​​being oversized."

At the beginning, Veneto did not want to emit excess energy to the universe, at least when he talked to Xiaoyan, but when Xiao Meiyan had no opinion, he gave the task of handling post-war matters to himself. Suddenly Veneto felt like he was going too far.

She only wants to hear this kind of instruction from the other party's mouth, and she doesn't want to make such a judgment on her own initiative, because it is right to think that it is only the battlefield that belongs to her. The real soldier should not touch the ugliness of politics, so she wants to throw it Give others peace of mind.

The misunderstanding that he thinks is naturally that Xiao Meiyan should be born to do such a thing, just like the darkness of her symbol, but Xiaoyan has given all the things to herself, I don’t know whether it is trust or exercise, but always There was a feeling of hitting the heart directly, making Veneto blush.

The female officer refused to give up and continued to lobby, and Veneto, who was in a delicate state of mind, did not want to talk to her any more: "Lieutenant Colonel Ham, don't challenge my patience anymore, you just need to be a captive. Just be honest."

  After speaking, Veneto would hang up the other party's communication request.

  After the annoying sound disappeared, Veneto quickly arranged Andrea Doria and others to complete the supply. She is also a ship mother, so she also needs to come out of the command center to relaunch the ship to receive her energy.

The excess energy crystals are concentrated and launched into the surrounding universe, and the crystals that have lost their stable environment have begun to self-dissolve. The continuous flow of water has formed a blue ocean. Although they will eventually dissipate in the vast universe, what they have formed now The energy sea is very dangerous, and it is easy to be ignited if it is impacted. It explodes completely like the fire of Liaoyuan, and eventually it can even completely vaporize the surface of the military planet.

The resources mined by the planets do not need to be thrown into the universe, as long as they are put back into the underground mining layer and the collection tunnels are completely collapsed, they can achieve strategic goals. In the future, they may return to the control of the fleet.

After finishing all the work, Veneto's mood was finally relaxed, brewing this coffee and enjoying a moment of tranquility, she knew what punishment the female officer would be punished, she cut off her hope of fighting for her life After that, there seems to be no strange feeling, as if it should have been so.

   decides the fate of the loser at will. This is the right of the victor, but I feel that I am not used to controlling the lives of others in this way, so I don’t want to do it.

While Veneto was still thinking about his life, Andrea Doria's voice suddenly came in and yelled, "Sister, let's take care of them, Nella and Utopia were arguing just now, I went They don’t listen."

Veneto shook uncontrollably like a frightened rabbit holding a coffee cup. Brown and black coffee stains spilled on her thighs and face. Veneto closed her eyes in pain: "Don't be surprised, what's wrong?"

"I think they haven't adapted to their current still holding the army of Star F and Star I to make a comparison." Andrea Doria saw the coffee at the tip of Veneto's nose Later, he said embarrassedly, "Afraid of the elder sister?"

Andrea Doria's words made Veneto's mood relaxed and nervous again. She had always been worried about whether there would be problems with the fleet, and now they heard that they seemed to have played for the star field before them. There are also nostalgia, she could not help but not pay attention.

   "I set off immediately after the replenishment and let them connect to the communication. I'll ask what happened!"

   Veneto did not worry that Xiao Meiyan would be lost. After the other party wandered for a while, he returned to the bridge when the fleet re-departed. Regarding what Andrea Doria said, Xiao Meiyan actually knew clearly from the side, but she didn't care.

F Star Zone and I Star Zone are not only the forces that once worked for Utopia and Camicia Nella, they were also born in the growing motherland. Even if the growth process has too much pain and bitterness, it has changed. They can't leave their mark on the two.

  As long as the memory and comparison are appropriate, it is not really intolerable, as long as you can understand your current position. Although the warships have their own personalities, Utopia and Camicia Nella still think of children, but as long as they are warships, in fact, they are strong and brave in heart, and no one can deny this. Because they are devoted lives on the battlefield.

  If Yue Zhong would worry about this, he would make arrangements when he went to London Star, but he did not do that, then Xiao Meiyan felt that there was no need to do more. If he wants to train Veneto, then he will give his full support. Now that he sees Veneto as an enemy, it is only a part of her continued growth.

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