Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 572: Shadow behind

Lieutenant Colonel Hamet was rejected by Veneto. In addition to proving that making a non-divided request to legal Lori would never be accepted, she could only wait with fate and helplessly waiting for fate.

Cursing the ship mothers who betrayed their motherland and deceived by demons as interstellar pirates, Lieutenant Colonel Ham moved his fat body back to the captive group to restrain his men, and her future could be foreseen as the first A breakthrough military planet is bound to be under tremendous pressure, and AL star field also needs such a person to divert public attention, and the request to Veneto is just a dying struggle.

Now the only thing she can do is to protect her soldiers. Those who dare to be frontier planets are good. Although they are still slightly immature, they will also despair and collapse when they encounter enemies that cannot be defeated, but they are after all Is the future of this country.

   is not too young. Looking at these soldiers who are similar in age to their sons, their terrified fear cannot be restrained. The son has always been proud of having such a mother. I don’t know if he will persevere when the whole AL Starland thinks that he is afraid of the enemy and please surrender.

   "We will survive, you have to use your life to regain glory."

  The soldiers didn't know the meaning of Ham's words, but her usual harshness and sternness had made the soldiers feel disgusted, even if she died, no one would be sad. But if it is not so severe, how can the newly formed navy form combat power, even if it is only self-preservation, or even ground forces.

  Veneto and they finally left. The military base hoarded the energy used to drive the planetary guns to the surrounding starry sky, which was extremely wasted, and the danger was beautiful.

  I don't know what step they will take. If more military planets are encountered like myself, will the punishment they receive be lighter?

  Ham is not a saint. He always imagines uncontrollably, even if he knows this is bad. If this fleet completely destroys the still fragile AL star field, will no one be in charge?

The remaining energy on the military planet is running out, and it can only maintain a minimum level of consumption. A small amount of living materials have also been robbed. The so-called famous ship of the Galaxy Wars, the Veneto is just a predator. The wild wolf only. Soldiers can only rely on the catalyzed nutrient solution until the day when someone takes over the planet again.

Now that the enemy had left, Ham didn’t need to let the soldiers gather like an orangutan watched on the open ground to show their weakness to prove that there was no threat. She ordered the soldiers to return to their residence, and the daily training equipment had been Being completely destroyed, there is nothing else to do besides waiting.

  Ham shut himself up in the command room alone. There was no energy to drive here. It was like a dark cave with no light. She wanted to calm down, but someone wanted to run in to disturb her at this time.

   "Sir, the radioactive energy layer suddenly turned red..." The stumbled guard came in and looked at Ham with fright.

  Ham hurriedly ran out of the command room, and just looked up at the sky, the energy layer was not the red that the guard said, but a bright light that fluctuated violently, like a star blooming above his head.

   The heat enough to destroy everything surged like a storm, and in a moment they destroyed their sealed ecological cabin that was resistant to survival, and then turned all the surface material into ashes.

   That was the energy layer was detonated, as long as a near-star defense boat can do this, they are not the people who promised to let go, why is it so cruel?

  Because they fall into refuge with demons...

  At the end of his life, Ham opened his eyes and let the strong light shoot him blind and cursed loudly: "You will not die well!"

The destruction of a planet is so simple. When human beings possess powerful technology, they also have countless ways to kill themselves. The extinction of human disasters is not a natural disaster, but the borders of AL star territory, but only among them. A trivial episode.

Most of the ship's mothers themselves are not dead, and they are doomed from the moment they put on the ship, so even if Hamnet's curse is known by Veneto, it is just a smile, but the problem She didn't know.

It’s not Xiao Meiyan who is doing all this. She can’t destroy her own plans, and she doesn’t like murder as most people misunderstand. She still respects the existence of life to a minimum, otherwise Denied myself.

   is dark behind the light, as long as it is in the material world, unknown warships enveloped by darkness emerge silently from the shadows, and after completing all this, leave without trace.

The military planets that briefly burst out of the star’s brilliance did not attract Veneto’s attention, because they have been away for a while, and the warships that can travel in the universe have the speed that other aircraft can’t match. The light here is just the universe. Just one of the stars.

Veneto still led the fleet to capture one military planet after another. The enemy’s resistance did not know why it became more and more fierce until she completely destroyed a military planet. The desperate enemy detonated the base energy and they lost their supplies. may.

   "Why is this happening?"

"Why is this so?"

Looking at the surface of the destroyed military planet, there is no longer a life there, but their final choice has brought a huge impact on Veneto. Few garrison troops will lose their hopes of victory. Such a decisive, at least the army of the I star field will definitely not.

   If there is a possibility of victory in AL Star Zone, it is to cut off all their supply possibilities, so that they have to return without success. But this will inevitably bring a lot of irreparable sacrifices, and the command of destroying with military planets will not be accepted by most commanders, so Veneto has ruled out this possibility long ago, but things are so sudden Appearing in front of his eyes, along with the enemy's increasingly tenacious resistance, bothered Veneto.

   She was holding a coffee cup to celebrate the natural victory of another victory, but at the moment the coffee cup stayed in the air, Veneto forgot to put down her hand.

   "Big sister, why is this happening?" Andrea Doria sent the newsletter as expected, she seemed to think that Veneto could explain to her why, but Veneto is now at a loss.

  Analyze the commonalities from individual cases, and construct the largest logic from the smallest details. The Admiral often said these seemingly mysterious words, as if he wanted to understand himself. At the time, Veneto thought he was having nothing to say, and it was not easy to close his mouth as long as he saw an individual.

"Should I ask Xiaoyan what to do, she is now also an admiral's post, but after making a plan and pushing everything to herself." Veneto put the coffee cup down, with this question in mind It’s not just yourself and Andrea Doria, but everyone else should feel something wrong too, just not taking the initiative to ask.

  Since the capture of the first military planet, Xiao Meiyan never said a word to herself again. If it wasn't possible to see her still on the bridge, Veneto almost thought she ran to London Star.

She shouldn’t be so angry, and she didn’t want to hide to see her own joke. Veneto may be the one who knows her relationship with Yue Zhong most. If it’s just Xiao Meiyan’s own business, then She may not be so serious, but as long as it is Yue Zhong's business, Xiaoyan will definitely go all out.

  The admiral who has been alive for others has his own dream of shining like a star, but he seems to have forgotten when he meets Homura. In that historical time and space, he seemed to have found what he wanted most, and he also met the Admiral at that time.

Homura must transcend the shadow that was once next to the Admiral, so when he saw only a trace of his desire for limit and struggle, he took this path without hesitation, just as the Admiral once did for her .

   So she definitely makes sense if she doesn't speak. Veneto Naobu completed this series of conjectures, knowing that he can only solve the puzzle by himself.

"I don't know, now we're going to find the answer. If we continue to advance this way, it won't help. The energy consumption of the fleet will not be able to support it. We must find the reason." Veneto reached out and hung the gauze cap on his head~ The previous gait made it slip down accidentally, and Veneto, who was correct, continued to show the aura of the big sister in front of Andrea Doria. At this time, he could not let it The ship's wives are shaken.

"Changing the route back to the military planet that was attacked before, I think they must know what it is, otherwise it will not be so fierce resistance, I did not pay attention to the base commander who came to me at that time was my negligence, I hope that the matter still It has not reached an irreparable point."

   issued a new combat order, and Veneto asked the alert utopian again: "Is there any abnormality found, even if it is an unusual signal fluctuation."

"Not for the time being, but I will pay attention." Utopia quietly uttered her tongue, facing the serious Veneto, she dared not say that she would often be distracted by vigilance. Utopia thought that there was no worthy opponent in this battle. It seems that Veneto’s words don’t just threaten from the bright side.

In the African galaxies, it is not possible to follow the rules of the Europa galaxies, not to mention that there is chaos there. Once with Augustus Caesar, the tricky admiral, Veneto did not feel no conspiracy at least now. She can feel that there are forces outside the AL star field hiding in the shadows to design her own fleet.

  The door of the core cabin that hasn’t been opened for a long time was opened, and only two of Veneto’s free access rights were opened. Could it be that Xiao Meiyan found something so tell yourself?

The dark-haired girl walked through the hatch. Her steps were very light. Hearingly high-heeled shoes with very little stress, she could hardly hear any sound. She didn’t come here like Veneto thought. A trivial trivial matter: "Salen Scheep has found Litorio."

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