Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 575: Utopia sauce departure!

  The fleet in the hidden march is usually close to the stellar material on the way to maximize the circumvention of conventional reconnaissance by using the planetary magnetic field homology with the supernatural force to form an atmosphere. The perfect application technology on the earth is somewhat limited in the Xinghai. Xiaomei Yan believes that the enemy uses this to avoid the possibility of exposing traces. They are like lines that do not compare with each other and do not overlap in the limit radiation range. They can't be found in the Xinghai along the different trajectories.

   After confirming the real existence of the enemy, the Heavy Flame Fleet moved along the newly designed route. This still did not get rid of the drawbacks of the hidden march, so this search can only continue to maintain hide and seek with the enemy.

Xiao Meiyan told Veneto about this situation, but she had no time to solve it. The phantom fleet was launched back towards the new military planet and was attacked. Once the damage to the defensive forces of the AL Starfield was not caused, and The previous attack was completely different, which will inevitably cause everyone's doubts. Fortunately, the AL star field is very clean because the previous military planets were destroyed. They do not know the way the fleet attacks.

In Veneto’s memory, there was such a similar confrontation. It was still during the battle of Augustus Caesar. During the confrontation with the first fleet led by Ulster between the two galaxies, the opponent’s flagship It happens to be the Prince of Wales.

At that time, both sides could not confirm the position of the other side. The bold speculation and movement of the two admirals led to the continuous exposure of the supply lines of the two fleets. The final result was that none of the battleships were damaged. Instead, the two star domains were in the Corsica planet. The supply belt was completely destroyed.

   "How come to think of her again, should the Admiral clean up her now?" Veneto felt that he thought a little bit more, but whenever he thought of the Prince of Wales, he always wanted to make her feel deflated.

   This is the hatred between the two of them in the previous countless battles, and it has formed an instinct. But thinking of that battle, she is now reluctant to reproduce the results of that battle. The two fleets flew around the Corsican planet like a blind man for more than ten cosmic days but did not confront each other. As a result, it is powerful for the I star field, completely destroying the supply line in front of the E star field, and rebuilding itself is faster. But here, if you can't find the enemy, it means a complete failure of the battle, maybe you will be embarrassed to return to the sand star, let alone sum the AL star field.

   Suddenly, Veneto's eyes lit up, his round eyes widened, and the brilliance of his red eyes made the eyelashes shine: "Supply line?"

   This battle is an expedition without support. Shaxing Development Base cannot provide any logistical support. If it cannot support the war, it will inevitably be dragged down. But this is also the same for the engraved fleet. Even if they hide deeper, they can’t have their own supply points in the former colony star zone of the F star domain. The other party can’t follow their own fleet without consuming energy. Keep going, knowing that the fleet has been in a state of full supply before, and the enemy will not be more emboldened than his own for so long.

"Only the abyss fleet does not use the supply of material planes. They have their own system, unless you can take them out, otherwise there will be traces that can be found." Veneto opened the star map of the AL star field provided by the fantasy. Although the current situation may have undergone some changes, and the above arming information has long expired, the planet will not change in a short time.

Tens of thousands of planets are mixed with light or dark, in deep black bottomless space, mixed with red crack lines and incandescent light spots. The developed routes and military routes are clearly marked, and the foundation left by the F star field The information is fairly comprehensive in the log cabin of the fantasy, the danger zone and the type of threat are marked, the general rules have been calculated in detail, and the march in the non-secure area has also provided a reference.

  According to the previous route of attacking military planets, the direction in which the enemy can conceal is nowhere to be found. It is nothing more than the trouble of finding them. Even if you can't find it, you can think of the supply line... probably.

   "Why do I always feel a bit overhanged." Veneto Tuo thought, she really wanted to have the ability to control the situation like Yue Zhong, but no matter what kind of genius in the field involved at the beginning, she would not be fully proficient in a sudden.

  After some thinking, Veneto changed the march plan slightly. The fleet now hides and makes the other party useless. At least there must be a direction to allow the enemy to walk into the general area according to themselves.

  The best person to carry out this plan is the unparalleled Utopia. During the first half of the voyage, she will still maintain the hidden system, but after approaching the planet under siege of the current Phantom Fleet, Veneto will arrange for her to leave. Presumably the fleet cannot be traced at her speed, so there is a certain guarantee in safety. Then if they can successfully lure the enemy to the area where they can pass, Veneto can carry out an ambush.

   Even if there is no ambush, it is good to be able to catch a trace of clues. What is lacking most now is the most basic understanding of the engraved fleet. They may become enemies of their own fleet for a long time.

The dreams that Veneto had hoped for are now following the fleet marrying. Since Andrea Doria’s speed determines that the final speed of the fleet will not be fast, the dreams that have never been constrained at this speed are not natural.

No matter how laissez-faire she is, she still has a basic sense of teamwork. It is not clear what effect she will have if she leaves the team without permission. However, this sense of restraint is always unhappy. What she wants to pursue is The more extreme speed is the main reason why she came to this fleet without foundation.

  Veneto has her own ideas, but the utopian is not willing to compromise. The contradiction between the two already exists. It seems that only people other than the ship's mother, such as Xiao Meiyan, can come forward to resolve this contradiction.

The Illusion Fleet launched an attack that no one understood, and began to move around the new military planet. It did not give up or organize a second round of attack. The garrison troops of AL Starfield did not rush to send near-star defense boats to temporarily shrink at the planetary fortress. Alert under range. Xiao Meiyan, who controls all this with one hand, had no extra time to do anything else. However, after the shape of the phantom fleet's remaining energy was solidified, the control origin was constantly approaching the information receiving area, and no longer required complex operations.

Regarding the change of Veneto, Xiao Meiyan is not happy or frustrated. It is like a natural transition. There is a discord in the fleet and no one on both sides will easily compromise. Xiao Meiyan has a trace of leisure. Intend to take over this issue.

  The idea of ​​utopia is very simple. If you want to give her a reason not to let go, then just give a larger pursuit of the goal. It is not unacceptable to endure the depression of the development period for this goal.

Xiao Meiyan succeeded and aroused the interest of utopia. Although her way of speaking was boring in itself, as long as she could understand utopia, the other party would naturally make up her mind: "Xiaoyan, fly out of our current galaxy, How fast can it be the fastest?"

"In a flash, the normal plane universe is a reciprocating ring. It has many connections with other plane universes. The simplest is that it is inclusive and contained in time and space. And here is just a half. The ring has a border and an end, and it exists in the barriers of the void and multi-planes. As long as it reaches the interaction point of the half ring, it will be in a higher-level changing network." Xiao Meiyan’s theoretical support comes from Pan-plane organization, but even to the extent that the collection of human civilization can not prove whether the existing interactive plane universe is really correct, they have only found the high-level existence and the way to use it has already encountered the life of the marginal void. Enemy, the pace of human exploration is largely affected by it.

Utopia couldn’t understand Xiao Meiyan’s statement for a while, but she understood that jumping out of the universe and only looking for the right direction was a momentary thing, and she couldn’t help but doubt the meaning of speed: “Then I’ll run no matter how fast I run. Yet?"

   "Don't put the goal in a field that you don't understand. At least now, the practical application of mechanical power that can exceed the speed of light is possible. You should pay attention to this."

I don’t know if I have been with Qiaobi for a long time, or with Yue Zhong for a long time. Xiao Meiyan is always unconsciously skilled when she is With her never frivolous manners, she is often credible Degree is higher.

"Veneto's naval guns in the trial stage can be perfectly played, and it is possible to break through the limitations of scientific physics. The same is true for the power system, but we need more resources to develop research." Xiao Meiyan no The expression seems to be making basic statements.

  Imagined it, and nodded repeatedly: "If I can finish gathering the ship, with the support of your magic, the leap forward development of the power system is very worth looking forward to."

   "Hmm..." Xiao Meiyan couldn't edit it anymore. The imaginary power ship development in her plan list had a lower priority. Now she comes out just to stabilize her.

  Veneto's new plan, she saw it, and found no problems at least quite satisfactory, but in case if you think about it, you can't run halfway, and the fun will be great. Well, what Veneto couldn't say, Xiao Meiyan could only stand up and say, but once she gave her promise, it must be realized, just like she agreed with Madoka at the beginning of the story.

The fleet sailed again for a period of time and entered the predetermined area. Veneto ordered the Utopian to immediately leave the fleet to act as planned, and finally got rid of the shackles. The Utopia was excited to drill out of the hidden circle, carrying her unique, comet-like The streamer flew into the distance, as if the engines were echoing the excitement of the ship's mother.

   But she deviated a bit from the design course at the beginning, and she was still very risky.

  Veneto just lifted the coffee cup and put it down. She wanted to correct the direction of the utopian. No one came out to stop her this time, just thinking that in the end she had not issued a new order.

   Always need some variables, ah, control every ship's mother to death, simply deprive them of the control of their ships and control them personally, there is no way they can do everything.

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