Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 576: Replacement

Utopia is no longer constrained by Veneto. It sails in an area beyond the control of the AL star field. The hull that is difficult to capture is like a comet shuttle with the support of the full-speed power system, but even the comet is far less than the current movement of Utopia. Speed, or unrestrained streamer, is more appropriate.

This speed is almost unsolvable in the seven galaxies. Although it is not faster than the high-energy light of conventional battleship guns, as long as it can exceed the frequency of the auxiliary locking system tracking, it is enough to be invincible. The destroyer cruising on the battlefield is the enemy's nightmare.

The original design of the Utopia was designed to achieve this strategic goal, but the result was only half successful. With the mothership of the ultimate control of the power system, the Utopia destroyer can indeed exceed the frequency of the most advanced locking equipment tracking. It is impossible to hit them with a lock attack. But there are always some outstanding ones among the ships of the seven galaxies. The theoretical values ​​of the ship installation facilities are not the criteria for evaluating the final combat effectiveness of a battleship, especially the battleship ships that use direct fire as the main attack method. Finding accurate targets and hitting them on the battlefield often relies on locking systems.

  The final factor that determines the battleship's combat effectiveness is the ship's mother. Therefore, Utopia can play a better role in the power system than ordinary destroyers. The same warships that rely on firepower have a gap in the understanding and use of weapon systems. When Utopian was given the position of cruising on the battlefield and waiting for an attack, she lost the protection of the overall formation and was exposed to danger. When Veneto’s ship-level lady really wanted to hit her, there would always be a chance to hit The fragile armor of Utopia caused her to be greatly damaged once she was hit anywhere, and Utopia destroyers were prone to fall over time.

  In Veneto's view, such unstable factors do not match her tactical system, because no one knows the fun of destroyers better than battleships, and it is not because of low IQ that they are used to attacking them on the battlefield.

  Imagined myself too many times and was forced to withdraw from the battlefield early, which in turn affected the fleet’s combat plan. People who become ship mothers may have different causes, but they have a highly unified pursuit. No one wants to live in a battleship, and no one wants to be ridiculed by others.

It’s just that she didn’t think about the fact that she was directly hit when she was hit because of flaws in design and positioning. She felt that if she could have a faster speed, she could even move on the battlefield beyond the speed of light as Xiao Meiyan said. , Then no one can hit her.

   "The Utopian reported that no enemy was found in the temporary area A."

   "The Utopian reported that no enemy was found in the temporary area B."


After giving back a lot of meaningless information, Utopia was a little calm, which was different from what she had imagined: "Why don't you come and beat me? When I was running alone outside, did I always like to attack me suddenly? "

   "Don't complain, continue to act according to the plan. Pay attention to stay vigilant at all times, I don't want to see you being crushed as soon as the enemy appears." Veneto replied coldly.

"Oh." The utopian responded honestly. She hadn't felt this way when she was in the F-Star fleet. But when she got here, she was a little afraid of Veneto. She was obviously a shorter person than herself, but her speech and expression were serious. Incomparably, this feeling has become more intense recently, and when facing her, she dared not say much.

The fantasy that left the secret circle was completely exposed to the starry sky. Even if the speed is fast, it will not be able to escape the radar capture. Instead, it will leave obvious energy traces and increase the risk of being discovered. If there is an enemy detection network nearby, Then she will definitely be discovered.

The presence of the phantom fleet itself makes the position of the fleet seem uncertain, but the appearance of fantasy means that the phantom is really a phantom. AL Star Zone can not find this temporarily, but the enemy hiding in the dark will use this to exclude the phantom fleet. Really possible.

   "Homura, can you maintain the phantom fleet in the phantom fleet area?" Veneto also understands this, but Xiaomeiyan's ability can be borrowed, so the tactics she can use have become diverse.

  Xiao Meiyan responded affirmatively, confirming: "All?"

   "No, just Andrea Doria is alone." Veneto stared at the AL planetary military planetary road that was still highly alert.

   "...Yes." Veneto means that the now hidden fleet will continue to hide, but only to get Andrea Doria out to attack the military planet, so that everyone can tell whether it is true or not. She was not 100% sure because she had never made such an attempt, but Xiao Meiyan still gave Veneto an affirmative answer, "I just need you to maintain the supernatural secret stability, and there will be a little fluctuation when replacing with the illusion. Will be exposed."

  Veneto also did not hesitate. The burning will and the commander's calmness merged with each other in the red eyes. Even if only half of them were sure, she was sure: "Yes."

   "Imagination, continue to go deeper into the non-waterway area marking point, even if it is off the chain of command, it doesn't matter if you get out of the chain of command. Give me their supply line to find out, even if it's a clue."

   "Doria, you must clear the military planetary defense force as soon as possible after completing the replacement. This time, you are the only one and cannot pack the ship, but you must use the firepower of the entire fleet."

   "Nella, Avieel, follow me... and Homura, find them to confirm their identity. I want to see how the combat power of my Veneto was engraved."

After a clear order was issued, Xiao Meiyan was also in the deployment of Veneto. From the formal takeover of the fleet to entering the role, Veneto's transformation was extremely rapid, and her inherent potential and talents were uncovered After a corner, it will completely explode, and what kind of height can be achieved is worth looking forward to.

   No one objected to her order, even if it was wrong, it would be resolutely executed, just like the absolute obedience to the admiral. Perhaps there are still some differences between the ship's mother and the admiral, and there is no star domain that will give all the navy command to a ship's mother. In addition to the difference in identity, the ship's mother who wants to control the battleship ship is always unable to invest in large-scale The fleet command was taken, but the fleet controlled by Veneto was not large enough, and it was far less than a squadron of E Star domain.

The heavy flame fleet is gradually approaching the current military planets of the AL star field, and when it is captured by gravity, it gradually slows down a bit and moves closer to the phantom fleet. This is already the tactical range that the AL star field near-star defense forces can attack, but they Prudently shrinking over the planet, otherwise a near-star defensive boat entered the hidden circle, then Veneto's plan will be completely defeated.

Andrea Doria, who accepted the main attack task, was very nervous. The little hand under the brown glove had been sweating. In fact, the best person to undertake the offensive task was Veneto, and as long as she could attack the fleet To the fullest, now Veneto has given the task to herself. It is a trust and an inevitable choice. She needs to take on more missions, so the defense of the planet can only be destroyed by herself.

Andrea Doria, who has never been entrusted with the task, is very worried about her failure, but she keeps telling herself that she will be able to do well. She thinks that she is lucky enough, but besides being lucky, Andrea Ya Doria also wants others to recognize her and has good strength, as long as it is the approval of the big sister.

It’s good to have a longing, or an inexplicable affection. While under Augustus Caesar, Andrea Doria was very close to Veneto, and it can be said that she was the most important one in her heart. People, as long as they can do anything that makes her happy, they are willing to do it. Although sometimes they want to bully her, is that not a kind of closeness?

   As a ship mother, there are very few things that can be cherished. The only remaining ones, whether they violate common sense or not, are not enough to be an obstacle to protection.

  True and false from separation to aggregation, which lacks an important component of utopia, leading to different deflections in replacement. Thanks to the caution of AL Star Zone, they failed to create obstacles in this process.

As fine as adjusting the speed of docking in the universe~ Veneto has fully developed his ring network information flow, and the data around him is transmitted like crazy, and the supernatural power mixed in it constantly changes the representative. s color. Those are the crystallization of the fantasy town era, and the monster abilities that can be collected are there. Without breaking through the inherent energy circle of the illusion, Andrea Doria will be sent into rather than a rough overall replacement. It requires quite delicate means.

The phantom fleet observed outside the hidden circle slowed down. This is the normal situation that occasionally does not cause doubts in the AL star field, but the internal proximity continues until the contact is tense and makes people forget to breathe, except for Andrea Doria The other battleships are staggered from the side, and the Andrea Doria that needs to be replaced begins to combine with its own illusion like two blisters. Any little influence will cause this process to break.

   The light is dim and bright, and it starts and ends, and it may be completely extinguished at any time, or it may bloom excessively and cannot be reversed.

Maybe the guidance of fate left by a majestic lady helped Veneto, maybe Andrea Doria’s own luck played a role, and the single battleship quietly blended into the phantom fleet No trace of turmoil, Coveneto's eyelashes were wet with sweat, and a little bit of tingling in the eyes.

   but finally finished.

Xiao Meiyan was also relieved. She just replaced more calculation control tasks just now, but she can control the metabolism of her body functions. Only the eyes that have not blinked can also show the dignity. .

They didn't wait for the Veneto to go too far. Andrea Doria's face has never been as solemn as it is now. Entering the main attack position surrounded by illusions, the goal clearly points to the possibility of breaking the plan. The planetary fortress fired openly.

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