Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 592: Checked

Ships navigating in the E-star star map area will give a planned route. Once the navy stationed along the route finds the ship and deviates, it will directly destroy it, and the ship that wants to board the planned route will be destroyed. The exit management of the ground airports of each administrative planet must be adopted.

  Large transportation hubs like the London Star Integrated Airport, there are hundreds of exit management ports alone, and each exit is expanded with a three-dimensional structure. At this time, the team's exit will be scattered to individuals for routine interrogation and identification. Before Xiao Meiyan helped Yue Zhong to change his identity, it could only be done at the space station where he was resupplyed, also because he couldn't avoid this level.

In terms of exit management, Chester William’s delegation is no exception, not to mention the fact that the E-Star official has determined that his departure is treacherous, not to cheat Chester William in this place, wait for him to board the Aowa After that, there is no chance at all.

The Admiral has a legendary level of existence, and the same is true of the ship’s mother. With Iowa’s current combat power, coupled with a small number of small battleships, why is it absolutely rampant anywhere in the seven major galaxies, the local navy of the E star field is not her opponent at all, Even if Ulster wants to deal with it, it is necessary to mobilize a large number of ship mothers.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, no one in E-Starry is Iowa’s opponent for the time being. Fortunately, there will be no heads-up in the fleet cluster operation. Ulster let Chester in order to show the strength of E-Starry Navy. ·William brought her over. Regardless of whether she has a swollen face or a fat man, Iowa has been moored in the port of London Star. When she merged with Chester William, she had enough power to cause trouble for E Star.

Currently Chester William’s team was forced to disperse. Isabella faced a stalemate when facing him alone. Chester William always ridiculed himself for delaying the normal inspection process, and finally made Isabella angry. Finally, you said politely: "I'm not interested in playing with children. If Admiral William doesn't cooperate, I will stay in London Star for a few more days."

Chester William’s eyes were as dazzling as his hair color, and he was staring at Isabella who mocked his height with amazement: "No one has dared to talk to me like that. You aroused my interest, Major. "

God knows what Chester William said in his mouth, and even he himself was surprised. If I think about it as if he had mentioned it before when chatting with Yue Zhong, I thought It is not a serious person to be able to say this, but now it comes out of his mouth.

"Admiral William, did your wife just let you go?" Isabella still didn't let Chester William go. Some people were born to look at each other or unilaterally, but Isabella That’s the case with La, no matter how elegant and free-spirited Chester William is, in her eyes, she’s still a little **** boy who hasn’t grown up. Not only that, but she’s also attentive. I really don’t know how a dignified and mature beauty like Lexington views him. of.

   Could it be forced? Isabella and Yue Zhong have a striking consensus in this regard.

Chester William silently counted the time. The suspension locomotive equipped with Yue Zhong should have passed the scanning inspection of the cargo if it went smoothly. Through the eyeliner arranged in the E Star Zone, E Star Zone did not scan the folding space. The technology, I can think of Ulster is the opponent this time, it is inevitable that some are not practical.

Chester William did not go to heart with regard to Isabella’s accusations. He had not faced similar rhetoric once or twice, but his nature made it impossible and he did not think about changes in the past. He did have feelings with Lexington. However, a person can't tie his longing for freedom and romance. Not everyone can be consistent. Even Yue Zhong also had some conjectures. The only difference was that one chose restraint and the other chose indulgence.

   "Because in the A star field, the handsome men are more attractive."

Just like the seeds planted in the ship maiden of the E star field, Yue Zhong and Chester William soon got along, and it seems that they have found where the naval entry point of the A star field is. Is it so obvious that the flaw is really true? Existence still needs to be seen with your own eyes to determine.

"Okay, major, don't you want to check my signature gene, you can start now." Isabella's eyes are getting worse, worried that she won't be able to control her emotions, beating herself here, Chez Te William thinks that he is not as good as Yue Zhong, so it is better not to be provocative.

Isabella put away the anger on her face, but she still seemed a little unnatural if she wanted to put on an expressionless expression. The check of the marker gene needs to be sampled on the target body. The needle gun for the sample collection is in Chez. T. William's cuffed arm swept across the arm and quickly came to a comparison.

   "The verification is correct, you can pass." Isabella was a little disappointed when she didn't get the desired result. She was more looking forward to discovering Yue Zhong's whereabouts, and then had the opportunity to confirm whether her skill had improved.

With this idea, her military identity seems to be no longer pure, but the sense of mission and glory cannot isolate Isabella's instinctive desire for battle, and she cannot fully pursue the pleasure of battle. She was born in this era. It is unfortunate: "Maybe what I should choose is not an ordinary officer's path, but to become a ship lady? Although the way of fighting is different from close combat, it is always the front line active on the battlefield. "

   Finally, I no longer have to face Chester William’s unpleasant glances. I didn’t have the opportunity to contact the admirals of this level before. After real contact, I found that they were not as perfect as the legend. Ulster's ability to take care of himself is poor. Chester William is a playboy, and Xiong Guyan, who has been arranged to investigate and have contact with Yue Zhong, is actually an intoxicated culinary eater.

   As far as Yue Zhong is concerned, it is even more rare to be able to satisfy his desire for battle, but his mouth and matching expressions are really annoying. I just don’t know if he intentionally behaved like this in front of himself, so what would he usually look like?

  Xiao Meiyan can tell her in person that it is a guy who thinks he has a sense of humor. In fact, he always makes a lot of trouble. It will be embarrassing to cooperate with him if he deliberately accepts him.

  Isabella’s inner activity was not mentioned, and Chester William’s team passed the inspection without any problems. She immediately reflected this information to Ulster.

  Since there is no problem with people, Yue Qiang is mixed with Chester William and left. The only way to choose is only objects. The black floating locomotive that cannot be located is suspicious. The miraculous shield once deployed by the naval base also exists in the London Star Comprehensive Airport. Yue Zhong does not have the ability to avoid it and sneak into the Iowa or other A-star ships.

   "The scanning of the suspension locomotive was completed, and there was no problem found in the loading of materials and the supply of ships."

  Alster, who also came to the integrated airport, received reports from various parties. No abnormalities were found. He previously firmly believed that Yue Zhong and Chester William got together and tried to leave together. The inference seems to be wrong.

The Prince of Wales fully accepted the E-Star defense, but she was still very concerned about where Yue Zhong was. The news she received from Ulster also received it at the same time, and immediately sent an inquiry to Ulster: "Admiral, don’t you Is Yue Zhong still hiding on the London star and is he not going to leave with Chester William?"

"He will definitely go. It is meaningless to stay in the London Star. It is impossible for him to walk away without the protection of Chester William." Ulster did not shake his thoughts, even if he had no direct contact with Yue Zhong in Wales. There are so many princes, but the two have been fighting in the dark enough for him to have a certain degree of understanding about Yue Zhong.

From the first day he came to the London Star, what did he do, what did he say... Ulster can clearly recall every detail in his mind, standing in the position of a star domain admirer One level, also as the president of the Admiral Association, sees that the things are on another level.

If there is something that cannot be judged, it will eventually emerge after leaving the London Star. The people who have contacted him and even the side will be affected by Yue Zhong will be within the scope of ~ He is not afraid of hindsight, because he has enough knowledge to regain his disadvantages, and he cannot achieve all-round prevention without dead ends. This is the ability to be a guardian.

"But..." The Prince of Wales wanted to say something more, but was ordered by Ulster to return to the position of defensive deployment. The main fleet of E Star Domain is now dispersed again. Without absolute strength to defend the homeland, so armed Efficiency needs to be improved.

   Chester William has passed the exit check and will soon leave by Iowa. Ulster has one last chance, that is the route planning.

"Tell Chester William that the star gate of the London Star now needs to allow the E-Star naval fleets to pass first, and their departure time needs to be pushed back a bit." Ulster sat in the room of the director of the airport management office. He was chased out by the director here, and now he is the only one. There are a lot of carbonated drinks produced by Yue Zhong on the table. He recently fell in love with this kind of drink.

A full burp came out for a long time, and Ulster's words paused for a moment and continued: "Recalling the information record of their arrival and matching with today's exit inspection, even if there is only a difference of 0.01, You also need to find enough data to explain. Chester William even if he bought a tube of toothpaste at London Star to take it away, it must be reflected on the data sheet."

This is the last thing Ulster can do. He knows that Star A has its own outstanding achievements in a certain field and surpasses Star E. However, the capabilities of those in the scientific research institute Ulster are also clear. They even Yue Zhongzhong In any case, the completion of the killing of Baturu has completed the calculation, and now they can only hope that they can find subtle anomalies.

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