Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 593: Self-interest

   Iowa's departure order was artificially suppressed by Ulster, but this did not prevent Chester William, who had passed the inspection, from boarding the battleship. What he had always worried about was still happening. The loaded Yue Zhong's suspension locomotive was detained at the cargo checkpoint and was not loaded into the Iowa. Otherwise, even if Ulster finally found out, he could not ask Iowa. people.

  I don’t want it, but I can’t, unless Ulster wants to break the direct ally relationship between Star E and Star A here, or I want to force Iowa to compromise, which can be countless times more difficult than pressing Stir William.

   "Admiral, why don't we go?" The question thrown to Chester Williams was very random, and there was no solemnity and respect when the general ship mother issued an inquiry to the Admiral.

   She is the most powerful battleship ship of this era. Although she did not exert all her strength during the Seven Galaxy Wars, her record in the battle with the abyssal fleet eclipsed any ship of the same era. Today, she is still widely recognized as the first person, even though Veneto has performed extremely well recently, but still can not replace Iowa's status, but is frequently compared with her, only because in the entire seven During the galaxy's war against the invaders, Veneto's performance was far behind that of Iowa.

   has such brilliance, Iowa naturally has the arrogance to match her, and does not respect Chester William too, and the dialogue of the same status is mostly.

Iowa, like Chester William, has the same golden hair and scattered back and back. The half-length black shirt is **** and can wrap the lower half of the bust. The silver corset is more like the gloved arm sleeve. It is the main color of the top. The slap-width short skirt and star flag sling stockings decorate the long white legs. As the girl's most dazzling skin is directly displayed in the air, the starry eyes are very playful, demonstrating the most obvious vitality of the A star domain navy With opening.

The ship maidens in the A Star Fleet are almost all in costumes like Iowa. The fabric can save you so much eye-catching. With the generous and cheerful personality of most people, the aesthetics of Chester William living in such an environment is natural. I tended to the big breasted sister.

"Ah, there was a friend who was in trouble on the London Star. I wanted to put him in the car and found it by Ulster." Chester William appeared directly in the core cabin of Iowa , Sitting on the armrest of her right hand, glanced generously at Iowa's moving posture.

   "Eyes away." Iowa said angrily.

   Chester William complained: "Aren't you admirable if you wear it this way?"

"That's for others to appreciate. You are a married man, and your wife is our friend. I can't show it to you." Iowa smirked with his lips curled up. "Seriously, I haven't heard of London Star and your friends. "

   "Veneto's present admiral, you should know it?" Chester William felt that Yue Zhong's name might not know Iowa, so he said an acquaintance.

Sure enough, Iowa became interested all at once. Veneto's recent activity has spread throughout the world. In the era of efficient information, even the long interstellar is difficult to hinder the spread of information. For others, Veneto's record It is commendable, but as a ship mother, she is concerned about her ability to move freely.

"Veneto that little guy, then her admirer really has the value to bother you." Iowa's eyes burst out with a brighter brilliance, her eyes are a little strange, this looks like The shining stars are generally, "Are we free after turning him around?"

   "Must." Chester William assured him with a smile.

Iowa stood up urgently, loading the entire integrated airport through the reconnaissance ship on the Iowa. There was no secret in her eyes. Chester William’s car was at a checkpoint less than five kilometers away from her. After thinking about it, Iowa said, "If we can't do it, let's just run. It's a big diplomatic dispute, and the navy of E-Star Domain can't stop me."

  Chester William could imagine that the ship maidens of A Star Zone knew that he would be excited after abducting Yue Zhong, but they still underestimated their extreme desire for the concept of freedom. It can be seen that the most important significance of the technology mastered by Yue Zhong is not on the battlefield, but is full of attractive freedom for every ship mother.

Iowa quickly shared this news with other ship maidens in the visiting fleet. They have always agreed to Iowa’s proposal to rob if they can’t, and it has actually put some pressure on Chester William, but now The special technologies of the two star domains have not yet distinguished themselves. He and Ulster still believe in their own national research teams.

The time in the folding space is equal to the outside world. A star field obviously has not touched the field of different time. This feeling is not only judged from the current scientific and technological level, but Yue Zhong, who integrates the time knot in his heart, even if he does not stop. The ability to sense time is still very clear.

   If everything goes well now Chester William should let himself out, but until now there has been no movement, without knowing that Ulster cut himself off.

  Folding space is an extension of interstellar jumping technology, used for non-destructive storage of materials, but there is a grain of sand on a piece of paper, how to hide the weight of sand still exists. Yue Zhong is such a big man in a suspended locomotive, the weight change must be obvious, so Chester William had considered that Ulster would start from this aspect before leaving, so he discarded it according to his weight. Quality items.

There shouldn’t be anything wrong. The discardable part and Yue Zhong’s own weight cannot be completely equal. The accuracy of the measurement ultimately determines whether Ulster can find evidence to prove that he is in the car, but from the trace. In terms of calculations, it seems that E-Star has an advantage.

   The E-Science research team that had been arranged to stand by in the integrated airport did not let Ulster wait for too long, and a stack of reports proving that the quality of access was not equal was placed in front of him. Chester William must admit that he has avoided the supervision of E-Star and secretly used the car to do something, otherwise his obvious changes cannot prove that the quality of the suspension locomotive from entry to exit, the quality change and E-star calculation Different results.

   "Unlock the car and tell Chester William that we need to examine it further." Ulster played on the subject and did not leave Chester William a touch of affection.

Regardless of whether it is Yue Zhong or a car, Chester William will obviously not let Alster succeed, because Yue Zhong represents a brand new technology that is enough to further enhance the navy of the A star domain, and The folding space possessed by the suspension locomotive itself is the top-secret technology of A-Star, and it is impossible to stay here for E-Star to study.

  Chester William, who got the news for a moment, was silent for a moment, and Iowa became irritable: "Can it only be robbed, the ships pay attention to preparing for combat!"

They did not blame the scientific personnel accompanying A Star Zone. The technical direction of the two star zones itself is deviating, not to mention that this is the capital star of E Star Zone. Human and technology are not as good as people, but they did not expect that the results will come out so fast. , Before Chester William put pressure on the E-Zone, they put the direct evidence on the table.

   The illusion of hiding from the sky is broken, and Iowa is ready to **** a guy. If you let her play like this, the Prince of Wales in E-Starry may be very happy to have a hearty battle with Iowa.

But they couldn’t let them really do what they wanted. Chester William didn’t want Yue Zhong and even the admirals of other star regions to read the joke, so he applauded Iowa and said, “Don’t be impulsive. Te has just launched a new interstellar treaty. At this time, the relationship between the two stars has deteriorated, and it will not benefit both parties."

"What are you doing?" Iowa seems to have reacted at this time. Chester William will use speculation on the battlefield, but that will only happen when the chance of victory is greater, like today. It's not his style to lead people through a sudden situation without any advantage.

As the flagship of the A-Star navy, Iowa is not just a ship mother who will only obey orders. She found this not surprising, and Chester William did not hide it from her. First, she told her to respond to Ulster: "There is no problem with the quality of suspension locomotives. China will verify the data again. In the meantime, China does not want to see the destruction of diplomatic relations between the two stars."

After the common diplomatic frustration, Chester William continued: "We need Yue Zhong to further rely on the A star domain to survive, and Ulster also needs to use this method to force Yue Zhong to make concessions~www.wuxiaspot .com~ In the end, no one and who are friends are all based on their own interests."

"Huh, I know." Iowa rolled her eyes, and she showed a lack of interest in the intrigue between the admirals, but just reminded Chester William, "As long as you take him to the A-Star field. "

The Tai Chi, which you come and go from both sides without pain or pain, consumes Yue Zhong’s patience a little bit. The presence of the folding space does not hinder the transmission of information. Chester William gave him generously before leaving the Admiral Association. After a portable network terminal, waiting for boring Yue Zhong, he finally chose to open the network terminal to view the information of E Star.

  The news of the full deployment of the E-Star Navy is the most important news at present. After reporting the new interstellar convention issued by the Admiral Association, E-Star has responded and needs to let all people know that they have decided to take the initiative.

Of course, the report on the homepage of a consulting website made Yue Zhong see the news that Alster sent a fleet to reinforce the Afrikaans. The agreement between him and Chester Williams is still only at the oral level. The base and the heavy flame fleet where Xiao Meiyan is located can provide any help.

If you are still meaninglessly consuming time here, the situation of Afrika is difficult to grasp in your own hands, and Homura and Veneto will also face threats, and their accumulated family may be in Ulster and F stars. All of the joint strangulation of the domain was buried.

   "So do I have to get in touch with Homura again?" If Chester William promised to take him away, he could be sure that he was farting. As long as he served as an admiral, how many were good?

  Yue Zhong did not think that Veneto would be Ulster's opponent, besides she was still facing dozens of times her own strength and was on the battlefield of hostile forces.

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