Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 595: result

The consequences of the collapse of the folding space are stronger than Yue Zhong’s imagination. A large part of the suspended locomotive that Boasting Chester William boasted of was indestructible disappeared directly, leaving only the flawed front and rear of the car lying on the ground. It becomes scrap metal with no recycling value. As for the people and objects stored in the folding space, I can't see what was once the form. Those tough biological soldiers have also turned into frozen meat. If you don't say that no one knows that it is still an individual.

Affected by the splash of space fluctuations, about half of the small mecha soldiers who did not escape in time fell to the ground and no longer moved. I wonder if the power source was damaged or what happened to the people inside. They were broken from the folding space. There is some distance from the center, and the destruction was not as violent as the suspension locomotive. At least there are still people who can control the mechanical arm to point at themselves with a large machine gun.

   "Hey, so coincidentally you are here." Yue Zhong pretended to be unknown, greeted Isabella with a familiar look, "What is this for, let me put down the gun first."

Isabella has become accustomed to Yue Zhong's way of speaking. Although she is looking forward to the second duel with Yue Zhong, when she ran generously in front of her, Isabella still got a nameless fire: " Less nonsense, either catch your hand or beat me again."

Yue Zhong buckled his ears, and then put his ear fingers in front of his mouth to blow the debris on it, and then asked curiously: "Why do you want to catch me again, not all criminals are exiled by you, I have no suspicion." "

   Of course, Isabella was embarrassed to say that E Xingyu had found a scapegoat. When asked by Yue Zhong, she could not find anything to say.

   "Hey, I'm promoted, but unfortunately I'm in a hurry, otherwise I will definitely go to you to have a meal to celebrate." Yue Zhong found Isabella's new rank and continued to ridicule.

   has nothing more to say, Isabella doesn't think she can take the oral advantage. Since Yue Zhong is in front of herself, she just wants to fight him again, so just do it directly.

"A person who can move can block the exit. Don't let him run. No fire is allowed without my order!" Isabella commanded. The glove hidden in the cuff instantly armed her double fist, and the whole person took The broken body flew to Yue Zhong like a cheetah.

"Hey?" Yue Zhong also prepared early, Isabella's speed is still so fast, but when she rushed in front of her, the telescopic spear was already in a posture, a spur forced to try to get close Isabella, then opened her throat and shouted, "Hell, help!"

There is no one other than the people brought by Isabella at the underground freight checkpoint. This is just one of the multiple diversion entrances. The temporary suspension will not affect the operation of the integrated airport. Isabella wants to rest assured He and Yue Zhong fought once, and naturally would not disturb the idlers.

   So no one would hear Yue Zhong’s call for help. Today, he is full of energy and no other traps to consume his physical strength. Before, there was no need to be afraid of Isabella, and now it is even more unnecessary.

  Spirit snake-like silver spikes danced to Yue Zhong's impenetrable sharp wall beside Yue Zhong. Isabella's continuous offensive never reached Yue Zhong within a foot.

Taking Yue Zhong as the starting point, Isabella wandered off the road and wanted to rely on the hardness of the glove and the resistance of Yue Zhong’s lance to get close. However, the special lance is obviously made of metal but there is no lack of ejection. In Yue Zhong's hands, he is more like a living dragon. Every move can circumvent his own fists dexterously, and the cold gunshot is forced to the throat.

  As long as he dares to take a step closer, he must be pierced in the throat, so every time Isabella will leave room to not quickly lose.

   "Is this his full strength... It is completely different from the last time. It was suppressed too hard at this distance, and there was no chance at all."

Even if it is close, Yue Zhong has another weapon that can fight with himself. The short sword that the strange communicator turned into is not inferior to the spear in his hand. After feeling Yue Zhong in complete state, Isabella couldn't think of any reason to win.

  But even so, she still did not relax, every attack was meticulous and did her best, and she would also be forced to withdraw by Yue Zhong, but Isabella didn't mean to give up.

   Maybe there is a big gap between them, but only with constant fighting with each other, Isabella has the possibility to improve herself, although the force she promoted is basically useless in this era.

In the space where the divine imprisonment was placed, Yue Zhong never stopped this biggest reliance. If Ulster was determined to catch it, then he would be surrounded by him and there was absolutely no way to escape. This is the limitation of personal force. One person shot out the impenetrable firepower and broke through the mech blockade. What can do this is Reimu, not him.

   Last time the Prince of Wales did not do this because he wanted to personally feel the helplessness under control, and this time if Isabella was not here, Yue Zhong would definitely analyze the pros and cons more carefully.

  Since she is here, no matter what the reason is, she will definitely find a reason to fight with herself. There is only such a wonderful flower that can stop her from wanton, and Ulster can't use it. With this buffer of time, Chester William responded enough, after all, he wouldn’t want the hard-earned people to be captured by Ulster again.

   is once again taking his own life as a bargaining chip, betting that others do not want to die. Yue Zhong doesn't really like this feeling, but since he decides to come out to increase the odds, he has to do so.

  Maybe honestly staying with Homura, leading the fleet to slowly develop in Afrika is also a way out, but Yue Zhong does not want to wait so passively, nor does he think that the world will still be sheltered by her.

   This world no longer values ​​personal force, so Yue Zhong knows that this is his best stage. A person walks between various forces without friends or support. Everything depends entirely on his own wisdom. Every opponent is not easy to deal with, so he will inevitably fall into this dilemma, and then use his life to threaten others.

   It's helpless, but it's worth it if you can gamble and survive.

"The folding space is broken?" Chester William jumped from the armrest beside Iowa, and wandered a few steps in surprise. "The wearer in the space is not so easy to break. If you attack at will, the soldiers inside will be Activate, so you must find the exact target to do so."

   "What makes me more curious is how he came out unharmed... this secret may only be learned from Ulster."

There was a trace of helplessness on Chester William's delicate face, and Yue Zhong started playing with Isabella again. It seemed that the meeting would not be over at one and a half. It was already known that there would definitely be trouble in releasing him, but he still Out.

   "You decided to concede?" Iowa quipped with interest, "It's not the first time anyway."

This is the home of Ulster, so that Yue Zhong and Isabella will not make the same mistakes as the Prince of Wales. He will lay heavy soldiers outside the underground checkpoint. Yue Zhong can’t escape if he wants to escape. However, if he engages in sabotage, it will also be a headache. This is a comprehensive airport. No matter what kind of accident, the impact on E-Star will be bad. For this hob meat-like existence, Ulster has given up and he is good. Talked.

   What can't be obtained from Yue Zhong, then from Chester William, Ulster may suffer, but will not lose forever.

"Draw up a scientific research sharing agreement, I will share the technology held by Yue Zhong with E-Star, and now let me take him away." Chester William closed his eyes and let out a breath, "Alster you I don’t want this guy to stay in the London Star. It’s a blessing to take him away this time."

   The technology held by the so-called Yue Zhong is naturally about the gathering of ships. Chester William, a new technology that will be jointly studied in the future, cannot be handed over. The agreement signed between the advisors also falls within the scope of the new Interstellar Convention. If you do not follow the agreement, then the pressure that Baturu has faced is your future.

  Once he got what he wanted, Ulster no longer had to keep Yue Zhong, and he was even unwilling to delay it for a while.

   After removing the outer forces, Ulster directly boarded the bridge of the Nelson, and the preparation fleet went toward the F star field. Yue Zhong’s fleet in Africa, as well as those rebels, must operate within the limits assigned to them. No trace of overtaking is As for Chester William, take Yue Zhong After arriving at A Star Zone, he should not be able to divide his mind to do other things. If he doesn’t stare a little, he will make a big deal.

  After the quick and easy compromise and the distribution of benefits were reached, all obstacles also disappeared, but Isabella was still attacking unwillingly. Yue Zhong's defense is easy, but trying to win the opponent quickly is not so easy. The last battle has passed, but Isabella's progress is obvious, at least a lot of mentality has stabilized.

  The driver of the suspension locomotive came with Chester William's order, asking Yue Zhong to leave after the battle, but was driven away by Isabella's men with large machine guns.

   "Sister, I'm leaving." Yue Zhong asked for mercy, "Can I play again next time, now my whole family and children are all remembered by your E-Star Admiral, and it's very stressful to stay here."

  Although he was talking, the action of the two men was not full of half points. The shadow of the gun fist was entangled in the space of the ring.

   "After winning, let's talk about it." Isabella was worried. The appearance of the driver meant that Ulster had agreed to let Yue Zhong leave, but there was no victory or defeat yet.

  Yue Zhong decisively closed the spear, then leaned back on his neck and said: "Then you won."

   Isabella couldn't rush towards Yue Zhong, and the fist with metal fragments saw that he would hit him in the face, and then it was very difficult to close it back. Looking at the bachelor-faced Yue Zhong, Isabella quenched her mouth: "Shameless!"

   "Really something." Yue Zhong spreads his hand, "You have time to come to A Xingyu to find me, I will not hide from you, OK?"

   "It's a word." Isabel stretched out her feet, and the gray military boots wiped off her spit, and turned around and walked away neatly.

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