Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 596: Stand by

Unexpectedly, Isabella was so simple, Yue Zhong was a bit unexpected, but it was not difficult to understand if you think about it carefully: "Alster never let her come inexplicably, it seems that he intends to put an eyeliner on it. Am I going to Star A?"

   Yue Zhong was somewhat doubtful that Isabella would be qualified for this task, but he was able to appear on the sidelines of Yue Zhong, and could not find any other suitable candidates.

   Although the IQ of this girl is not high, she still performs her tasks conscientiously. At least the last time she pretended to be a student of the Naval Academy, she was very responsible, as if it was something else.

   Leaving a mess in the underground checkpoint, Yue Zhong found the driver who was rushed to the exit and followed him away from the integrated airport towards the Iowa ready to sail.

   The journey of E-Zone is not so smooth, and the result is not as perfect as expected, but what can be done has already been done, and the rest is natural.

  The first time he left the London Star, Yue Zhong reported the safety to Xiao Meiyan. At this moment, the Veneto she was in had been difficult to advance to the hinterland of the AL star. The engraved fleet is a bit more difficult than Veneto predicted. The tendency of self-sacrifice in order to achieve strategic goals is very strong, just like the fanatics who believe in religion and advocate sacrifice in industrial civilization.

The heavy flame fleet is too small, and each battleship plays a very important position. Even if it is not the relationship between each other, Veneto can’t accept the loss of any battleship, facing the layers of the engraved fleet Armed, she must command the battle with extreme caution to avoid sacrifice.

   has such a constraint, and Veneto's speed of advance is naturally not much faster.

  Every small piece of star field has a replica fleet that blocks its progress, maybe just a destroyer or two, or a few submarine ambushes. Veneto is very difficult to meet the existence of the main battleship level, let alone find the engraved fleet for the decisive battle.

  After a long battle, Veneto's extreme range distance has been mastered by the engraved fleet. The warships harassed and ambushed along the way are always out of range, just like the wild wolf waiting for the exhausted prey.

Veneto designed to sink several warships, and also faced the fate of the other party to try to damage Veneto and other shipowners by self-detonation. However, the number of enemy ships destroyed was undoubtedly a lot of money for the entire engraved fleet, until So far, she has discovered six submarines of the same model and template. Perhaps the scale of the engraved fleet is more than six times that of the heyday of the I-star navy?

  AL Star Zone found that the two forces were in a hostile state and organized the final line of defense. At the same time, he did not forget to contact F Star Zone to prepare for assistance at any time. I don’t know what their leadership thought. They would rather lose their sovereignty than negotiate with themselves, which completely violated the strategic deployment of Veneto at the beginning.

  Using the intersect of fantasy and Camicia Nella, Veneto attracted two ambushing submarines and destroyed them. Unsurprisingly, they chose a self-destructive explosion at the last moment. Now the unburnt ruins are still evaporating, and the lit starry sky looks cold and ruthless.

Veneto had no strength to be as excited as he saw it for the first time. The continuous battles did not stop. Although the engraved fleet has not yet achieved the results of the sinking, the endless delays and delays not only test Veneto’s Patience, even with the fleet supply she led was running out.

Staying in the core cabin control area for a long time, even in a sterile environment, Veneto's own metabolism still exists, the gloss has dark snow-colored short hair and no longer looks energetic, and the delicate face has a layer of oil , The fiery red eyes could not fully open the half-closed eyes with no eyes, and Yu Zi forcibly cheered the feedback of each detection information, and maintained communication with other ship mothers.

   must not only fight as the main force, but also take into account the command of the battlefield and the mastery of the development of the battle situation. Many matters are pressed on Veneto's small shoulders, which is so depressing and suffocating.

The division between the ship's mother and the admiral is not unreasonable. It is okay for a person to hold several positions for a short period of time. Just like the main ship's mother in E star domain, it can maintain such high-intensity operations for a long time without a unified strategic deployment. Everything has to be analyzed and judged with personal wisdom, and the torture of the spirit is extremely tragic.

"Unlike what was expected, the engraved fleet changed its tactics, and even the AL Star Territory, which was about to lose its confidence in resistance, was regrouped, and it would be impossible to win after so much consumption. No one knows the opponent and will lose?" Veneto was not reconciled. The Admiral gave the fleet to himself, and even Homura did not let her intervene. This is undoubtedly an absolute trust in himself. It is impossible for any Admiral to do this step.

   But he has no ability to seize this opportunity. The enemy is not so powerful. Unlike the abyss fleet, they are only desperate in the face, but they only make it impossible for them to walk with a small sacrifice.

  If you go on like this, the fleet will inevitably have casualties. The Admiral handed them over to herself. How can you leave anyone here?

  Veneto has told himself more than once that he needs to be up and thinking about coping strategies, but the brain can no longer be active, and there is nothing but pain and dead thoughts. The body also feels flirty, and the consequence of long hours of insomnia is naturally an overdraft of vitality.

A pair of slender hands gently pressed against Veneto's shoulder from behind, Xiao Meiyan's appearance was always so quiet, the two's skin was very white, but these hands formed a distinct connection with Veneto Comparison. Xiao Meiyan is so busy now that she will not forget to organize her instruments and her incomparable care. You don’t have to be so elaborate but also clean.

Her footsteps are very light, it is difficult for ordinary people to feel her arrival when the breath and traces are converging, but this is the core cabin of Veneto, and any changes are under her control, but Veneto still does not notice the dawn Meiyan's approach only showed that she was too tired.

  Veneto who had been touched by someone else shivered slightly, her eyes flashed a little, and she did not want to be so vulnerable in front of Homura: "Is there anything, Homura?"

Through the black shawl, I can feel that the temperature of Veneto's shoulders is very cold. Xiao Meiyan had always put her mind on Yue Zhong's body in London star. Now he was relieved to hear the news of his safety and recovered. When I arrived, I realized that it had been too long for them to put Veneto in a stressful position.

   "Your body temperature is very low, so it's not good for your health. Let the fleet stop and rest." Xiao Meiyan persuaded softly. She usually has no temperature and has a little more gentle voice. "Other people also need to rest."

   "Is the Admiral all right?" Veneto turned back and looked at Xiao Meiyan's expression seriously with his mouth closed.

  Xiao Meiyan averted Veneto's eyes unnaturally, and then said: "He has left the London Star, but will not come back for a while, and went to the North American Liga Galaxy with Admiral Chester William of the A star field."

"As long as the Admiral is safe." Veneto didn't have as much intention as Xiao Meiyan thought. Now she doesn't have the mentality to think about them ignoring themselves. Close together, the fleet's movements are quick, and there must be no slack."

"The joint navy of F Star Zone and E Star Zone is also eyeing. Yue Zhong launched the rebel forces around the country to try to let them delay these star zones and prevent the battle of AL Star Zone from being interfered again." Veneto is now more and more The less he listens to Xiao Meiyan, Xiao Meiyan also knows that his concern will not be accepted, and can only move Yue Zhong out, "We need to wait for the opportunity, I will pay attention to the changes in the F Star Zone and control the I Star Zone 'S rebels changed their defensive posture, and if they can force the engraved fleet back to defense, everything will be fine here."

  Veneto stood up with his hands, the iron chain attached to the coffee cup made a boring sound, and it seemed very crisp in this deserted command room. She sorted out the messy white shirt and fastened the red and white ties. After finishing the gestures, she seriously asked: "Are there any new tasks for the Admiral?"

"For the time being, stop moving forward, observe the changes in the engraved fleet and the AL star guards, and then act. The fleet will still be under your full command." Xiao Meiyan changed Yue Zhong's words to another, and added Jean-Victor himself. Neto went to rest first and told her.

Homura’s facial expression is very monotonous, and it’s hard to have any big and sad changes to this day. Such a face is hard to be seen through Veneto didn’t doubt anything, nodded. Show that you know.

   "I have to arrange a mission for Ming Zaki. You will arrange the fleet." Xiao Meiyan also nodded in response, and then left the Veneto's command room at random.

In the past, Veneto was closer to Xiaomeiyan, but this relationship gradually changed. The incident of I Star Zone was only an indirect push. The main reason is that Veneto has been in the identity of the ship’s mother. Self-proclaimed as a serious self-disciplined soldier. Respect for Admiral has never been lacking. Any good intentions of Admiral Yue Zhong to her are magnified infinitely in this state of mind, easily overshadowing Xiao Meiyan who once gave her a new life.

   This is the idea that she is constantly instilled as a ship mother during training. Even with great courage to cut off the past, it will not erase this deep mark.

After Xiao Meiyan left, Veneto's brain came with a sense of dizziness. His short and thin body stood unsteady and fell to the ground. The metal floor was very cold, and the exposed parts of his thighs and arms were stuck on it. pain.

   Falling down on the ground, Veneto appeared weak and helpless, and his eyes were slightly confused. The appearance of the little girl was easy to make people want to protect, not to mention when they were so helpless.

   But she didn't want to show this look in front of anyone. She had been seen by Yue Zhong before, but she knew he was only admiral. If you are not strong enough, no one can be strong for yourself.

After recovering a little bit of strength, Veneto stood up and sat back on the mechanical chair. The skilled assigned patrol task also left here, carefully touching the wall with the bruise on his shoulder and elbow to open the shift light curtain of the core cabin and return to himself Bedroom.

   is as quiet as the ruins of a submarine that has completely burned with energy, and the endless starry sky.

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