Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 734: The future of the combined fleet

The burning flames of the starry sky did not last for a long time. The Veneto fleet made a slight adjustment and left the Manila Star Zone battlefield, turned around and marched towards the place where Liao (Harmony) Ning met the enemy, leaving only a wrecked sea of ​​stars for Manila. The people of Xing come to clean themselves.

The joint fleet pioneers of Akagi and Kaga had exhausted all their strength until their ships were blasted into a flame under the fire of Andrea Doria, until their fleet of shipborne aircraft turned into flying meteors Until the destroyers and submarines of the gambling assault settled here, they only saw Veneto under the cover of Indianapolis to gather the ship and became a small point that was difficult to lock, with a coffee cup in place Watching them indifferently towards destruction.

This is the first and the last time they met with Veneto. I have always heard that the other party is a short girl. It was placed in the destroyer ship, although it was dazzling, but it did not appear abrupt, but I really saw it. Only then did he realize that rumors can only believe in half.

Her figure is indeed small and cute, but her arrogant temperament is by no means comparable to that of any destroyer ship, but her eyes seem to be irritating not to put herself and others in her eyes, but she is extremely Under effective coping methods, they and others did lose.

Technological innovation has influenced the battlefield to a certain extent. Veneto’s comprehensive restraint of the aircraft carrier has exceeded the theoretical scope of tactical design. After all, this is her biggest gain in the era of Fantasy Township, making up for her most vulnerable point. Even if they are still stronger, the victory or defeat of this battle may be undecided.

   "At least it proves that it is to strengthen the combat capabilities of the aircraft carrier, or to use the superior battleship firepower to restrain it. It is only left to the juniors. We can show you only these."

   With a touch of desire for life, Kaga looked at the wreckage left by Akagi at the last moment of being sunk. This silly girl had already retired early in order to prevent Andrea Doria from sinking her.

   The two aircraft carrier women who had participated in many legendary battles did not take long before re-arranging, and they once again floated to the interstellar and fell asleep. Perhaps their time should have ended. This time the appearance is only a short-lived one.

During the march, Andrea Doria, who was still immersed in the joy of sinking the two aircraft carriers, said: "Big sister, Liao (Harmony) Ning is still alive, the main ships of the joint fleet are all Are you stupid, so many troops have not sent her down?"

"Maybe there is an unexpected situation. J Starland is already in a state of disturbance. What would Zhu Zhongxue think?" Veneto guessed. "If Shiraishi firmly believes that they can succeed, the joint fleet will be homeless. He should be for the future. To plan, it is not wise to fight with the RE Star Domain at this time.

  Andrea Doria looked dumbfounded and could not understand what Veneto was saying: "Huh?"

"Liao (Harmony) Ning may still be alive. The differences between her and Kart have gradually become apparent. If Zhu Zhongxue is really as indifferent as rumored, he may be able to use Liao (Harmony) Ning's existence to let Cardin is facing a situation where it is difficult to return home." Veneto put the glasses on his chest back and put them on again, analyzing like an intellectual girl.


   "... Just wait and see." Veneto gave up and explained to Andrea Doria that the ghost knew when she started learning Quincy's expression.

Veneto, who has learned to judge the situation independently, has a keen sense of smell. Through the collection of information from all aspects and the judgment of the character of each important person, finally adding that Liao (harmony) Ning Chi has not heard the news of war sinking, she Gu Zhongxue's thoughts at this moment are inseparable. Karting deliberately let out the RE star field half of the country, and indulged the penetration of the J star field in the RE star field into the joint fleet control area and even a full transfer. At the same time, he also withdrew the people who supported him in the occupied area to the rear in advance. Differentiate people with different political demands.

The current situation is that Zhu Zhongxue quietly transferred the strategic materials and scientific research talents of J Star Zone to the newly controlled area. The tacit plan is to divide and rule with Karting. His current identity will not be recognized by J Star Zone, but he lives in RE Star. The people of the J Star domain in the domain need not a regime. Without the encouragement of the red reformers, they even need a powerful armed force that can protect their interests. Zhu Zhongxue can get the most support here, and All the shackles of the past will be lifted, and at the same time, the situation of arguing with A star territory will be eased.

Making this decision is not easy for Takenaka. Under his cold and ruthless appearance, what is hidden is loyalty and love for his own country. Takenaka understands that J Starland's power is more than anyone knows. Bai Kong's fragility, and the S Star Alliance alliance is to seek the skin of the tiger, he can do, either die under the loyalty of J Star Domain, accept the new regime's collection, suppression and even trial, or let J Star Domain in chaos Completely collapsed, and then he rebuilt a new and dynamic new kingdom on the ruins.

   There is no doubt that he chose the latter. Most of the existences like Admiral have absolute confidence in his ability, and will not put hope and dreams on other people.

   But this is just the extreme of a rational perspective. The occurrence of change events still affects all members of the joint fleet, including Zhu Zhongxue.

   The border defense zone of RE Star Zone has been completely transformed into a large-scale naval base. The ground anti-ship firepower and fortress guns have increased fivefold on the original basis, exceeding the scale of any naval base in J Star Zone.

The navy base continuously flashed reddish lights, and a large number of warships were quietly moored on the ship deck. In the depths of this naval base, Yamato held a blood-red umbrella and walked through the cold and long steel channel In the face of catastrophic changes in J Starland, when both Akagi and Kaga fell under the force of the Veneto fleet, their advisor shut himself in the command room without making a sound.

   The single beam of horsetail shuddered with the clear footsteps, and finally Yamato stopped in front of the door of the command room.

   "Admiral, what should we do?"

   The cold door hasn't answered for a long time, and the silence is like the remains that haven't been opened in a century.

"Admiral, did you even give up? Akagi and Kaga are still working for us before the war sinks. Everyone unanimously decided to follow Admiral, did you just give up so easily?" Yamato snapped with excitement. The alloy gate, until the white palms were red, and the fingers were swollen.

   Until all the physical strength was exhausted, Yamato also sat on the ground, and the bright red umbrella dangled aside. She murmured in a small voice: "Admiral..."

Calling in a low voice, Yamato, who was exhausted, fell asleep unconsciously. The person behind the alloy gate seemed to see this too. After a sound of mechanical stretching, the white clothes were like snow, white hair and In the ground, the delicate and superior girl admiral came out from inside, looked down at the sleeping Yamato and muttered, "I know."

"You have always been obsessed with me. This time I thought that someone would choose to stand on the opposite side of me and become the weapon of those who seize power... You are ship empresses, but your family is not, so this kind of It may still exist." Zhu Zhongxue still does not have any feelings in his eyes. He avoided it, but he was just trying to test the attitude of the ship’s mother. "Continuing to follow me, then sacrifice is inevitable. J Starland is too small. The world is huge, and I can only do this with my ability, and there is only a small chance of winning."

  After finishing his inner monologue, Zhu Zhongxue bent down to support Yamato. The body's touch made Yamato wake up. When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhu Zhongxue's pair of eyes without feelings, like black holes: "Admiral?"

"It's not time to sleep yet, send the final combat report from Akagi and Kaga to the tactical analysis room, and order the longmen to renounce the sinking of the Liaoning (Harmony) aircraft carrier. What we need at this time is dormancy. Containing Karting can ensure the balance of the RE star field." Takenaka used the same tone to give Yamato an Yamato, accustomed to his tone, rubbed his eyes and looked at him for a long time. Talent: "Admiral, will we still fight back to J Starland?"

"If you think my approach is correct, you will definitely be able to go back." After taking a break, Takenaka explained his purpose infrequently, "J Star Zone will definitely force A Star Zone to fight, and we will wait for the opportunity. ."

  Nodded his head, he suddenly found himself half-lying in Zhu Zhongxue's arms, with a blush on his face, he quickly stood up and said, "I'm going to convey the Admiral's order."

"...Let Liao (Harmony) Ning, raise the terms with her, and organize the destroyer formation to find their core cabin in Chicheng Kaga, now there is no time to train a new ship mother." Zhu Zhongxue trot towards him. Yamato who left, "trying to contact Veneto, we need Xiaomeiyan's new technology."

   turned back, and the expression on her face changed from joy to surprise. She didn't expect Takeuchi to change her attitude suddenly, and was willing to find the companions of the joint fleet again, but was also surprised by his seemingly incredible condition.

   "Will she agree?"

"If her advisor has ever explained it, I think it will." Zhu Zhongxue nodded. "Even if there is no explanation, with her current strategic vision, I am afraid I will see our common interests and common threats. With the change of position, the previous enemy may become friends, and vice versa, since Veneto chose Liao (Harmony) Ning, he must give up Karting, and we are the same."

Yamato seemed to understand what was going on, and this time Zhu Zhongxue did not stop her, but said to herself: "If it proves that I am not suitable to lead you, Yamato you better be able to become like Vine That way, the sacrifices of Akagi and Kaga have little meaning, and they did not see the situation clearly."

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