Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 735: The end of change

  In the star of J Starland, the reformer armed forces gradually gained the upper hand with the support of the people. Unwilling to fail, the high level of J Starland concentrated all the troops into the administrative area and tried to construct the final defense line here.

Countless orders of aid flowed like snowflakes to the highest command of the combined fleet, but there was no echo like a sinking sea. Zhu Zhongxue had completely lost faith in the current power class when he failed to prevent the formation of the alliance between J Star Zone and S Star Zone. At this time, he can only save his strength to prepare for the day when J Starland is reborn, and leading the fleet back to defense is the most unwise decision.

As a result, not only will the half of the RE Star domain be lost, but it will also fall into an endless war of suppression of change. As a behind-the-scenes supporter of the red changer organization, the powerful support that J Star Domain once thought will not only send a soldier and one. In addition, it is possible to increase support for the changers organization, and the A Star Fleet of Parkfield Xinghai will not have a slight affection for this J Star Zone, and may take advantage of the situation to send a fleet to capture J Star Zone as Attack the bridgehead of S Starland.

   This scene has been conceived countless times by Zhu Zhongxue. Since he couldn't stop its appearance, he could not bury J Star's last hope in the battlefield where the two major power stars competed.

"Surrender, there is no J star zone between S star zone and A star zone as a buffer, then the war between them will inevitably come, and will not be transferred because of the will of anyone." Once the war mobilization starts, it is not real A battle will cause a huge backlash to the country that mobilizes. Even if the war will inevitably be divided, only one party can alleviate the trauma of war mobilization through the dividend of victory, while the other party will fall into the abyss, but It is bound to appear.

The wisdom of the interstellar era has been greatly improved, but the human need for war will still make them blind, and the emphasis on their own interests and the glory of the country will also prompt the people to encroach on the government to conduct violent national actions. .

Under the spread of the war, all the top executives of J Star Territory gathered in the gloomy Capital Star Administrative Region. Under the situation that the armed forces of the reformers continue to grow and develop, and their own armed forces continue to weaken under the spontaneous attacks of the people, everyone’s There was a nervous and even fearful expression on his face.

The prime minister’s office was filled with politicians who would be hanged by red changers at any time. The strict smoking ban was easily broken as the flames of the prime minister rose, and soon this wide room was filled with smoke .

   They hold the possibility of 1 in 10,000 and are waiting for the recovery of the Takenaka Snow Fleet, but reason tells them that it is an impossible miracle.

   "Your Excellency Prime Minister, Admiral Takenaka still has no response." The Secretary of the Navy of J Xingyu reported the worst news to the Prime Minister, and also dispelled everyone's illusions.

His navy minister is more honorable than Takeuaka on the surface. In fact, it is just a microphone between the regime and the joint fleet. The original army minister has more real power than him, but as a promise to take the S star With regard to the conditions of the Domain Alliance, the Secretary of the Army also lost most of his powers and became a firefighter who could only control the planetary defense forces against the reformers.

"He is a betrayal of J Xingyu. He shouldn't have put the army in his hands at the beginning, but should have removed his admiral's post!" Your Excellency the Prime Minister angrily took everything on the table one by one. He fell to the ground and shouted hysterically, "Who said this traitor has absolute loyalty to J Star Realm, and who inspired me to make decisions through the joint command of the Navy and the Army, you should all go to the military court!"

Those who have said this, as well as those who are hostile to Takenaka, are silent in the anger of the Prime Minister. At this time, it is useless to blame Takenaka for it. If it really counts, it was strongly blocked from S Star Alliance's Zhu Zhongxue was the only one who was right, but everyone was blindly optimistic at the time, desperately wanting to use the power of S Star Domain to avenge A Star Domain and regain their glory.

They thought S Singularity needed the powerful navy of the United Fleet, but they didn’t want to betray so suddenly, without S Singulari behind it to provide help and provide guidance for change, how could the changer arm of J Singularity become climate so quickly , And they know nothing about it.

   Prime Minister J's roar echoed in the smoky room, and there was indeed a silent silence around. After a long time, the sound of guns outside was getting closer and closer, and Prime Minister J Xingyu exhausted his strength to sit on the seat, and said weakly and hoarsely: "Are we going to fail?"

   As if responding to his words, the karting fleet raging in the sky completely solved the J Star Territory's naval defense force and burst into the atmosphere, and the powerful naval guns began to bombard the J Star Territory's ground armed forces.

The J-Star Defence Force, which was extremely nervous under the attack of the transformer, completely collapsed in the loud noise of the naval gun. The tight string in everyone's mind was broken, and the injured and the uninjured were issued. Different shouts and snarls, go crazy and attack all creatures around, whether it is their enemy or their comrades.

The armed soldiers closest to the administrative building broke through the defense of the Gendarmerie and, like a zombie intrusion, broke into the solemn and solemn authority of the J Star Territory. The civilians inside did not have any resistance at all under the attack of soldiers with live ammunition. In the fratricide and destruction, they finally rushed into the prime minister’s office, using their own weapons to transform those who were in power on a normal day into a pile of shocked corpses, or rotten meat.

   Their lives are as fragile as they are.

Crazy soldiers turned the administrative area into a sea of ​​fire, and after venting their final anger themselves, they immediately fell under the guns of the attacking reformers. The flames of this reform reached the end and finally greeted There was a moment of tranquility.

Those people who are awake and seeing their ruined homes will have a trace of regret and worry. That is something that the leaders of the changers need to consider. Bai Shi firmly believes in exoskeleton armor standing on the mountain. The leader who looked at the reformers was heavily protected outside the burning administrative area and muttered to himself: "It turns out there is no imaginary difficulty in destroying a civilization."

"Bai Shi firmly believes that my army has successfully merged with Liao (Harmony) Ning. She also promised to return Xianghe and Dafeng to you through her family when she returns to the back of RE Star Zone. I think the new regime is very A scapegoat will soon be needed to attract the hatred of the people. You must be the best candidate to attract the Kart fleet, so I will lead the fleet to the J Star territory border to exert pressure. Although you have sorted out valuable information and objects with me The military meets." Veneto is firmly in communication with Shiraishi. After speaking his goal, he heard his emotions, and then said, "Everything here has nothing to do with you."

Bai Shi firmly believed that he nodded slowly, his eyes fell on Veneto's delicate face, and then avoided the road unnaturally: "I just went to the J Xingyu Research Institute just now, collecting the data that I didn't have time to collect before. I brought them out with other general-purpose crystals. Can I use these things to exchange Xianghe for an aircraft carrier... I know that the world can’t do without protecting its own strength, but I don’t expect much from Xianghe’s fleet. It’s good to be a pirate if you are advanced and able to protect yourself."

Veneto, based on the technical list provided by Shiraishi firmly believes and the number of general-purpose crystal media, weighed a bit and said: "I can promise you this point, but the resources of RE Star Zone are limited, and I cannot ask Liao (Harmony) Ning to Xianghe. To build the hull, you need to return to the Shaxing Development Base with us before you can make this transaction."

   "I understand." Shiraishi firmly believed in relief, "The leader of the new government is trying to contact you. Can I use this matter to deal with him?"

"Yes." Veneto still did not refuse the request that Shiraishi firmly believed in. After all, this young man who could do everything for the beloved ship mother, naturally won the favor of other ship mothers. Veneto is no exception, this one does not She naturally agreed to the request that interfered with the interests of the advisor.

   Shiraishi nodded firmly and said, "Thank you, Major General Veneto, I will not forget Lord Xiao Meiyan and your kindness."

   Veneto blinked and didn't speak. After nodding, he interrupted this Big sister's head, you said that Homura will take a fancy to this guy, otherwise why is he so good to him. "Andrea Doria asked with a smirk.

"Don't talk nonsense, he's just a bit like the previous Admiral. I don't know what the Admiral will look like when he is still young, but for Homura, he will also make the same choice as Shiraishi believes." Veneto rebuked. After saying Andrea Doria, it was still explained.

"Hey, hey, because of this, maybe Xiaoyan is also a cultivation control, just like the Admiral cultivated the elder sister's head." Andrea Doria seemed to be confirmed by speculation, proudly said. .

Veneto glared at her, threatening calmly: "I will tell you Homura, Homura can always want to further analyze your Lucky Star power. After you soak in the petri dish, everyone will Take turns to see you."

   "Don't say big sister's head, I know it's wrong, it's just a joke..." Andrea Doria was startled and explained, dancing.

  Veneto ignored her and ordered to Indianapolis and Aviere: "You **** Liao (Harmony) Ning back to the RE star field, and the others follow me to the J star field."

I thought I was going to face an arduous war when I came to the Asiatic galaxy. I did not expect that the war will come to an end after the elimination of Akagi and Kaga. Next is the direct dialogue between S and A. Do you want to participate in it? . After all, my initial plan was to capture Lexington in exchange for the Admiral.

Thinking of this, Veneto suddenly wanted to see Liao (Harmony) Ning's expression now. When she asked for help, I'm afraid she wouldn't expect such a major change in J Xingyu. Promise her condition, she I should regret it now.

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