Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 749: Best student

"Just because I want to do something, the back that I have never been able to keep up with has brought a disastrous blow to the motherland. Was he deliberately subverting his power for the honor of the country? I have nothing to prove to him. I have no opinion on assassinating the name Zaki, but I am still here to obey Yue Suling's mercy, and let such extinct human things happen in front of my own eyes, but I still want to stop to rescue Her people."

   "What the **** am I doing?"

The backwardness of the C star domain is despised by other civilizations, not because they are really high above, but because there is slavery and indifference to human rights in that star domain. This is the dross that human civilization should despise. There is already basic respect for life in the plunder, and they are still trampled on, not on the expansion of foreign countries and colonization, but on their own citizens.

The high rulers control everything in other classes, freedom, property, thought and even life. Perhaps in their eyes, such brutality and insult are just means to allow existence for the purpose, and regard the dignity of others as Pig dog, what do they count themselves?

The matter that Yue Suling took for granted was an intolerable sin in Isabella’s eyes. Perhaps she knew this, so she did not intend to let Isabella come in to see this scene. Isabella was supposed to be here The lobby killed the fantasy, and then continued to be controlled by her to deal with Yue Zhong. Isabella, who was declared a traitor by E Star, had nowhere to go. What else could she do without listening to her, waiting for Yue Zhong Endless chase with Ulster?

  Whether they want it or not, they must do so for the superb glory and fame on the surface. Isabella can't escape a dead word after leaving her.


"I'm sorry, the old lady is not doing it." Isabella held the blood and brain in one hand, and turned away with a sneer. The things that should be done for E Star Domain have been done, and E Star Domain has also given what it once gave to itself. The glory and status are all withdrawn, and the remaining vitality she owes no one, she just needs to live for her own heart.

Having been exposed to too many things and the dark side of the world, Isabella once had more loyal loyalty and also questioned a bit. Before she could not fully figure out what she wanted, she just wanted to be out of the hands of others. tool.

Yue Zhong taught her kung fu and experience skills with personal strong characteristics, and did not fit with Isabella’s martial arts. She decided to look for her own martial arts during this time, and in the dark ruled star field It seems that there are a lot of masters in martial arts.

   There will always be a way to get in. The fist in his hand can even easily break the defense of the ship’s mother, and the Great Wall of China without Li Peiyun can’t stop himself.

The wind came quietly and suddenly, and the imagination of taking the initiative to kill soon turned all life in the iron prison except Amf into meaningless meat, and reached out to Amf on the ground. Hug it.


   "Of course I know." Amfu smiled, and the tight nerves passed out completely after relaxing.

"Let's let Zacchi's things go first, save her first." Thinking like this, she found Amv no longer needed to consider the consequences of destroying the iron prison and opened towards the top floor. After the gun, before the prison collapsed, it turned into a ray of light and rushed to the top of the sky.

  Guanghua dispersed, and under the bombardment of the ship gun, the Tielong prison continued to collapse from the bottom, and finally buried all the darkness accumulated here under the thick soil.

  Isabella lost her whereabouts again, but she didn't know the trace of nostalgia that she had when she left the capital star of Star A. Indeed, the person under house arrest looked at the only eye in this world.

   The strange bond called the contact channel is the only benefit granted by the Spare Tire League to Yue Zhong, but after the time tyrannical occupying his body, this meager link is not enough to support him to inherit the power of others.

On that dark rainy night, he discussed with Xiao Meiyan for a while, and decided to let Xiao Meiyan open his mouth so that Isabella's link could occupy a position. Yue Zhong could sense Issa through magical help What Bella did was the only way he could sense the outside world.

   The starry night sky of the star of A star field is very clear. The stars in the sky are densely packed, falling into Yue Zhong's eyes like a diamond.

"Congratulations on finding your own way. The blood of Zaki is not in vain. This world needs more inheritance of force. This is the case with the ship's mother, the same is the most basic method of battle for human beings. The seven galaxies have abandoned fighting skills. It’s too one-sided. They don’t know how big the outside world is. How magnificent an ancient heritage will continue to develop.” Yue Zhong lay on the bench in the garden, staring at the starlight in front of you, “You He and Veneto will one day change the world and turn it into what we all want to see. My best students, don’t move forward with any worries. I will try my best to clear your obstacles."

Since the day Alster sent Isabella to his side, Yue Zhong has thought about this, and Isabella has not disappointed him, and is perfect for everything Yue Zhong taught her. Absorbing, and even able to put forward insights that made Yue Zhong refreshing in all aspects.

   During that time, the two of Yishiyiyou actually got along very well. If it was not the position that determined the attitude, Isabella should be on Yue Zhong’s side, instead of falling into danger when he was in danger.

   It is precisely because she was able to sever friendship so decisively that she was worthy of being the girl who sought the ultimate martial arts.

If Yue Zhong initially wanted to train Veneto to be the most comprehensive ship maiden, completely replacing the present admiral-one ship maiden system, so that the unlimited ship maiden can be recognized by everyone, then in For Isabella, what he saw was the dawn of the seven galaxies to reopen the fighting era. Veneto had always agreed with Yue Zhong’s teachings on her strategic and conspiracy calculations, but it was more arrogant and different. Isabella has never acknowledged Yue Zhong’s mentorship to others.

On the stage of Star Wars, there are artillery ships and aircraft carriers, but the lack of strength of the carrier fleet that fills the gap between battleships in the face of the battleship is also obvious, especially when the own fleet is not dominant, the carrier battle group is generally It is difficult to create a legendary victory. In the future, even if the ship’s own defects are solved, in addition to talent constraints, the proportion of women who have the courage to enter the battlefield will not be as much as men. Various factors will always limit the huge population of the seven major galaxies and the developed industry. Transform into military strength.

   The red camp represented by the S and G star domains embarked on another path very early, however, it turned out that their army system still had a huge disadvantage when facing the ship's navy. The root cause of all this is first, because of technical limitations, the Army's star warfare mecha is also difficult to contend with the ship mother; second, because too utilitarian fighting, shooting warfare military training makes all mech warriors have templates The combat strength of the battlefield, without the martial arts of the hundred flowers as the root, the mechs of the mimic humanoid combat have become a lot of rigidity; the third is that the battle line of the star warfare mech is too long without the support of the fleet, and it is easy to be greatly reduced by the exhaustion. , Which in turn led to a defeat across the board.

Space battleships and star warfare mechs should be a complete set of strategic systems that complement each other. Apart from military considerations regarding tactical complementarity, as more people participate in the most tragic parts of the war, the original fear of ship mothers and The demonization will gradually disintegrate with the birth of comrades-in-friendship. The concept of the shackles must be given to the ship's mother, and the ship's mother will be further integrated into the social collective. This is also the scene that Veneto has always expected to see.

Both Ulster and Yue Zhong saw some possibility from Isabella. Ulster, who has more resources, has begun to study individual combat mechas, trying to build a mastery based on Isabella. The advanced mecha units in combat fighting use quality to counter the quantitative advantages of the Red camp in this respect. Let's make a simple analogy, that is, one side is building up to the army, and the other side is building the ancient army.

Isabella is the core positioning of the Star Wars mech, but at such an important juncture, Ulster sent her to Algiers to go to and let it set off a storm against Yue Zhong Afterwards, he did not withstand the pressure to announce that it was Isabella's personal behavior, and she was removed from her military status and even asked the military court to try it.

   By contrast, Yue Zhong is more tolerant to Isabella. After all, compared with the future that it represents, Ming Zaki's personal life is worthless.

Such abandonment is bound to be a considerable blow to Isabella, and it is also the reason why she just began to question her loyal attitude to E-Star. Xi Wushang moral girl has absolutely clear good and evil, she is not used to the injustices of the world. Although violent, she is also kind and has at least respect for her life. When this idea conflicts with her loyalty, only her fist can make her find the final answer.

Zach did not die on her hand, so the man who injected Amf with various potions was actually the first person who actually died under Isabella’s hands. When the blood was full of palms, she finally stepped on The way to solve doubts for yourself.

"You don't like to do it deliberately, but the general direction can't be wrong. Could you also hope to see her go to C Starfield? That is the abyss of civilization, but the pure land of martial arts, when Isabella gathers The day the directors of the families returned, I might not be her opponent anymore, but you can no longer control me as a student."

Xinghui was filled with Yue Zhong’s cups, which contained carbonated beverages produced by the recipes sent by Ulster. In the absence of Ulster, Yue Zhong had to talk to his own cup and then raised his cup towards In the direction of Afrika, he was respected and saw off for his proud student.

"You are the one who really used strength to conquer this world, including me." A person stays for a long time, he likes to talk to himself, Yue Zhong knows that Isabella can't hear him, but still said sincerely : "Wish you martial arts prosperity."

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