Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 750: Void Spectre

In the joint scientific research laboratory illuminated by white light, busy figures are everywhere, and occasionally a few low-pitched communication transients are also calm. The silver alloy machinery flashes light and emits a noisy operation sound, testing the electronic components in the pipeline , Armor plates and other accessories are constantly shrinking and expanding to provide the limit state value for actual combat. The general-purpose technology of collecting the hull has been basically mastered by scientists in A Starfield. The next step is to try to apply the concept of folding space to it. New subject.

It has been more than three months since the arrival of A Starland. Xiao Meiyan has been devoted to the joint scientific research project with an attitude of not asking the world. Everyone here can be regarded as her student. If Xiao Meiyan also has a best 'S student, that person is not any one of A Starland, nor the former Asakura Rikako who followed her, but the elegant Ogihara housekeeper who seems to be omnipotent and calm.

A true genius can shine anywhere, and Ogihara is undoubtedly such a genius. From ignorance until he can keep up with the progress of joint scientific research, his demonstrated learning ability is amazing, and Xiao Meiyan will not praise him. A person, but did not mean to praise Ogihara.

"Teacher, you seem to be a little absent today, is it because of the matter of the AL star field?" Ogihara was standing behind Xiao Meiyan with warm water and a towel, at a distance that was neither intimate nor alienated, whether it was the appearance or the party Can feel comfortable.

Ogihara is very sensitive to the emotions of others, probably because of his perfect stewardship, he always senses his master’s needs in the first time and makes preparations in advance, but he does not understand that Xiao Meiyan’s frown just now is Why.

"If the Li family does not make trouble, others will not be relieved of AL Xingyu. I don't worry about any problems there. They will continue according to the original iron curtain plan." Although Xiao Meiyan was not closed down like Yue Zhong Information from the outside world, but she can only get a general idea of ​​the situation of AL Star Zone. She knows that Zach does not die, and she does not have much energy to think about other things.

Although Yue Zhong and Isabella’s last action in an exotic paradise didn’t make much sense, Xiao Meiyan did not plan to waste it. She consciously delayed the progress of scientific research and took time out to hide some private goods. After all, when she and Yue Zhong On the day they came out together, many things had to be faced at the same time.

   "I don't quite understand." Ogihara smiled with a spring-like smile, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Xiao Meiyan stared at him with a deep light in his purple eyes, and thought a little: "You have been with me for more than three months, and you have learned to learn, so go out for me, Didn’t Chester William always want to get in touch with you? I don’t care what good deal you have, but you can leave for this reason."

   Ogihara hid the embarrassment poked by Xiao Meiyan under his smile, and asked seriously: "What do mentors need me to do?"

"Something that does not belong to this world, or that does not belong to this plane group has come in. The void in him makes me feel uneasy too, that is something that can kill me, so I need to confirm his purpose. "Xiao Meiyan blinked, her eyelashes fluttering like a willow," "Go to S Star Field and feel the fear that you have never experienced before to determine where he is."

The biggest fear in Xiao Meiyan's heart was never the pan-plane wanted and Fan Hanshi's pursuit, which was ultimately a challenge she could face and understand, only to get the dangerous death when Pan Yongjing was first involved in the void. Life is the horror she cannot resist.

  Because of that experience, she knew of the existence of the Nether Phantom Energy, but the abyssal fleet admiral separated by countless Xinghai still brought her a shock. The kind of threat that the entire panplane must be sternly waited for, Mei Xiaoyan had a slight contempt.

In the face of the Nether and Wraith, no matter how mysterious the time ability is, there is nothing special like the same grass and a tree. There is no trick except for the direct confrontation of the magnitude. , All energy is attributed to a unified measure, but the void realizing technology that can enhance this kind of confrontation is an area that Xiao Meiyan can't dabble in. Her only contact channel is still a long time ago in the world of Amochi in Miyako Saki Mecha left in the.

   Those mechas are specially designed for the battlefield of the void, but on the contrary, they are lack of combat effectiveness in the material plane, and they belong to the lowest level of consumed troops. Naturally, they will not have too high technological content.

Ogihara came from the world of Miyazaki, and under his guidance, he also has a clear understanding of the Nether Neng You. He is the best person to find the source of the threat of the Nether, under the circumstances that Xiao Meiyan cannot withdraw. , Can only let him go.

"Don’t try to fight each other. The fighting power represented by him is the sum of the abyssal fleet. If you feel that he appears to protect your life safety for the first time, you don’t have to worry about everything else. Just observe the side and get a little information. "Xiao Meiyan urged, "I will find a way to meet you after I leave here. Void is a common threat to all human beings. Whether you or your master, as well as these admirers of the seven galaxies, don't forget this. ."

   Ogihara saw Xiao Meiyan solemnly speaking, condensing his smile and sighing: "Understood, what's the reason for letting Mr. Chester William use this reason?"

   "Yes." Xiao Meiyan nodded and agreed.

Subsequently, Ogihara left Xiao Meiyan and waited for his response. He believed that he would definitely respond to his Chester William meeting with him smoothly. After discussing something between them, Chester William personally arranged A small shark-class submarine escorted Ogihara to Star E, where he will get help from Ulster and find a way to enter Star S to learn about the so-called Nether Nether Carrier.

   "Don't die." Sensing the other party's departure, Xiao Meiyan said silently in her heart.

The only one of the seven galaxies who has really touched the Nether Phantom, and clearly sensed that he appeared, staying in the distant A star field can’t leave, then no one can feel the advent of the abyssal admirer. .

  After finding a body capable of carrying his own energy, he straddled hundreds of light years of the star sea, and finally appeared on the street of the administrative star of St. Petersburg, the center of S star territory.

In the appearance of Yevgeny, the appearance of the abyssal admiral is unobtrusive. He is holding a girl with white hair and red eyes in a dress, facing the winter wind and snow on the brightly lit street. Strolling.

   "Small north, snow is big, don't run around." The abyss is familiar with the vocalization pattern of human beings, and the language of S Star Territory is quite a mouthful, so he is not used to it until now.

The lively white-haired little girl always wants to get rid of his hand and touch the wonderful world in her eyes. There are too many overwhelming pictures in the abyss beyond the glistening star river compared to the cold and lonely void. For example, the high-hanging industrial promenade, such as the bright green lights along the street, and the guards patrolling the streets with red armbands uniformly.

   Little North is the first life bred by the differentiation of the abyssal governor. All the information about human beings and the soul collected from the people he attacked were injected into the body of Little North without reservation. Therefore, the Little North, which is constructed entirely from humans as a sample, looks natural many times more than the rigid abyssal admiral, and is more like a curious child.

The only difference is that their bodies are always maintained in a critical state of illusion and reality. If they do not deliberately touch people and objects, they will penetrate directly like illusions. Yevgeny’s body has alcohol problems. When drinking, you accidentally sprinkle directly on the ground through your body.

  The Abyssal Admiral carried a hip flask in his other hand. When he was fine, he drank two times. Xiaobei met with a wave of his hand that he looked forward to and shouted, "Admiral, I want to drink too!"

   "Children, what kind of wine to drink." Like a clumsy father who loves but wants serious criticism.

   Xiaobei's face was aggrieved, and his mouth was watery, and he was sobbing in his watery eyes. The abyssal governor had no choice but to hand her the jug.

"The Admiral is the best!" Xiaobei took the hip flask and poured it into his mouth. He drank all the remaining wine from the flask at once, and a blush appeared on the pale white face. Puff fell to the ground.

"..." Admiral Abyss hugged the little guy helplessly and turned into a gorgeously decorated There was not much money in the hands of Admiral Abyss, only a few photos left by Yevgeny Banknotes are used as samples, and everything on the material plane is no different to him. A slight use of the nether energy can transform all matter into banknotes in his hand.

   This transformation was completed at the moment of entering the door. Holding an unspecified amount of money, the Abyssalist Admiral came to the front desk to bring the hip flask to the front and slammed the money in front of the waiter.

  S Starland is full of bold and unrestrained men. For the behavior of the abyss, the barman is not surprised. After counting the money in the other party's hands, he picks up the jug and drinks in the background.

  In the waiting time, the abyssal admiral glanced around. His knowledge of the bar only knew that wine could be bought here. Yevgeny’s soul was destroyed by him and it was difficult to provide useful memory information in this regard.

The lights in the bar are flickering and appear to be masculine. Most of the people here are one-on-one, men and men together, women and women together, Jing Wei and Wei do not interfere with each other. As a single male, it is soon There were other men who came to the abyssal admiral and patted a lot on his butt, only to see the little north in his arms.

   "Immortal, and brought my daughter to the bar." The man who harassed him mumbled away, and the Abyssal Admiral looked back at him curiously, a little unknown.

"Don't humans rely on the opposite **** to reproduce, why is there something different here?" With such doubts in my heart, the waiter also took the hip flask back. After receiving the abyss, the Admiral did not plan to leave, so he found a place to sit down. Soon a voluptuous male clerk came over.

  The waiter threw a wink at him, and asked quietly, "Do you need anything, sir?"

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