Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 777: U submarine

"It won't let you die like that, but the queen promised me, and one day your wedding will be hosted by her personally. That's the supreme glory, you give me a good look forward to." Prince of Wales Shuanglang With a smile, he patted Hood's shoulder heavily and said, "By the order of the flagship, the named person set out with me to penetrate the enemy defense!"

Hindenburg, who has always paid special attention to the Royal Navy’s main ship ladies, soon discovered the whereabouts of the Prince of Wales. They came quickly and made it clear that they came directly to themselves, and they were full of contempt without the slightest disguise. Since the prestige could not sink her, the Prince of Wales, who once led the team to kill Bismarck, set off again to understand the technological crystallization of G-Star.

  Every of their warship mothers believes this. The Royal Navy will not fight against any fleet. The enemy ships they have determined to destroy will also survive.

When this daring came, Hindenburg felt the endless pressure and warfare, as if any conspiracy and scheming inspired by this clear and high-spirited fighting spirit seemed pale and weak, making people involuntarily want to fight generously with them. And separate the glorious belonging.

"You are all scammers, under the banner of Wei Guangzheng. Hidden behind those glory and glory is a shameful scam and conspiracy. Everything you do is based on deceiving this world, the Royal Navy. It has never been a symbol of light, and perhaps all wars have never been brighter." Hindenburg looked coldly at the approaching Prince of Wales fleet, and he was ready to die.

Their marshal is about to lead the arrival of the army, as long as they can persist for a second, then it is possible to completely surround the main force of the Allied forces in the F star field. When they have nowhere to escape, there is no power to stop themselves from going. Those people's duel, even if they can only be shot by one shot and will be sunk, it is worth it.

When the deadly battle between the two sides was about to strike, the prestigious battle cruiser suddenly turned, and the Prince of Wales also changed its course. Hindenburg, which had just been attacked by them, seemed to have been sunk as if the Royal Navy’s heroic warships had been lost. Interest, and turned his attention to the next battlefield.

The scattered lines of defense that had been impacted by the Royal Ark and other aircraft carriers could not withstand the assault of the Royal Navy’s main fleet. The death network composed of naval guns sweeping the Xinghai accurately cut out an unmanned channel, high-speed. The royal navy warships had already planned to flood into it.

Responsible for the aircraft carrier formation from the side of the side to control the movement frequency of the G star field armor, and also dispatched a carrier aircraft destined to go back and forth to **** the Prince of Wales fleet to break through the Rennes star line and the G star field line. The deep, torn open Prince of Wales fleet still needs to break through and fire while rushing to mobilize to prepare to drag their army mechs and a small number of warships back. When the news is anxious, the last ship The headspace star gate space station defended by the Fort Frederick released a tremendous amount of soft light at this moment, and countless army mech carriers and **** warships poured out from it, symbolizing the red star iron cross bottom flag of the new G star field. Zhan Zhaoruoyun.

   "Reinhardt finally appeared." The Prince of Wales and Prestige glanced at each other, and both saw the strong and fiery desire in the other's eyes.

   "The reinforcements arrived, drag me that Royal Navy Fleet!" Hindenburg finally returned to the line of defense at this moment, even though the line of defense had been torn by the enemy. However, after the shield system was recharged, her fighting power was restored to more than half. This time, she was once again excited to lead the fleet to siege the Prince of Wales fleet that was about to go far, and Zeppelin no longer stopped.

   "Everything has been arranged, and the Royal Navy's death knell will be the first to ring at the second chime."

  Obviously, the Royal Navy changed its direction again. From the beginning, they directly pointed to the top commander Reinhardt of the G star field. Only if he is eliminated here, then the anti-encirclement circle can play the most perfect effect.

   Hindenburg thought that the Royal Navy would take the dangerous squadron to break through and then reverse the encirclement, but did not expect them to be more daring than they thought, and the goal was to point directly to Reinhardt.

   Fortunately, the previous arrangement still worked, and the Royal Navy’s decision accelerated their demise.

When dozens of British martial warships circled an arc and launched a new round of attack toward the top space star gate space station, the assassins who had followed them for a long time and also waiting for the arrival of their own mains have shown their fierceness. Fangs.

They are star lurkers with splendid records. They once made the Allied Stars frightened. They are also the only great legends in the endless Xinghai that can pose a great threat to the invincible alliance of the Royal Navy and the A-Star Navy, hidden in the shadows. They are the U-class submarines that are notorious for G Starland and are destined to rise through history.

The U-type submarines that both passenger and cargo ships were included in the target of the attack in the war left a very bad but also caused a huge threat to the E-star domain, such as the Royal Ark Such a warship was once sunk by a U-type submarine.

In addition to the advanced army mechs, the G Star Zone also has the best seven galaxies in terms of hidden technology in submarines. With such advanced technology blessings, when the new thousands of U-type submarines show their edge again, they point directly at the Royal Navy. The main fleet.

The only drawback of the U-type submarines is the slow speed, but the speed of the Prince of Wales breaking through is not fast, so they can sneak to the other side quietly. It has been found that Hindenburg, who wanted to break the anti-siege intentions, was planning to hit the Royal Navy once. And let their anti-siege desires fall through, but since the Prince of Wales had a greater attempt, Hindenburg immediately took the opportunity to order a submarine attack and annihilation.

The star charts of all the dams of the Prince of Wales Fleet that just completed the fleet steering adjustment immediately lit up in red. Although the last prestige discovered the submarine fleet of Sailon Scheep, when facing the new U-type submarine Her instinct failed.

Thousands of physical torpedoes were ejected at close range, with light blue tail flames attacking the Royal Navy ship mother from all directions, even if they have completed the transformation of the ship's package, but at such a close distance Under the circumstances, the threat posed by the accurately calculated physical torpedoes is still fatal.

Hood used the weakness of Hindenburg's character to successfully penetrate the Rennes star line. On the contrary, she still underestimated the new banner of the G star field. When the calm Hindenburg counted, Hood then No attempt was made to discover her, those secretly mobilized by Zeppelin for covert deployment, and the deliberately opened defense lines were all Hindenburg counterattacks.

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