Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 778: The price of freedom

The first round of U-type submarines was the most intense and deadly. Even in the face of the ship mother who had been reduced in size many times, their physical torpedoes still had very high accuracy. The Royal Navy led by the Prince of Wales was The long-planned sneak attack was hit hard, and even two destroyer warships were killed directly under the torpedo attack, and even the people and the ship were blown together into powder.

Since the emergence of ship-packing technology and its large-scale use, ship mothers know that if they are sunk in the battle of ship mothers, they are basically the end of death, but the desire for freedom makes everyone ignore this defect, which occurs in thunder The two sinking battles in the Battle of Ensing are also the opening of sacrifices in the new era of the ship’s mothership. It is difficult for the ship’s fatally attacked hull to re-open the core cabin form and eject it. The two girls with navy dreams started the real battle. New chapter.

"Report the loss!" The Prince of Wales, who suddenly encountered the upheaval, did not have much panic. Maybe she was not used to the real death of the ship's mother. In the face of the trap laid by the G Star Wars navy, she responded calmly: "Anti-submarine The bomb is dropped, everyone pays attention to it."

   "Reported that a total of two battleships in the fleet were hit by torpedoes and some of their power was lost, seven light cruisers' energy shields were destroyed, and twenty destroyers were hit hard, among which Akasta and Zeal were sunk."

"Record the ejection of the core compartment... forget it, the entire fleet spread out to search for the distribution of enemy submarines." The Prince of Wales finally responded that there will be no more core compartment ejection, and there is no need to record this information anymore. The Royal Navy has no way to recover the sacrificed companions.

   Because they really died in battle.

The two little sisters who like to fight in red military uniforms holding ceremonial knives and retro flintlock guns have completely left the Royal Navy family at that moment. Their sacrifices are glorious and great, facing the sudden attacks on them. Blocked by the reputation and Duke of York torpedoes that were supposed to hit their respective guards, they had no time to adjust the area of ​​the shot because of a subconscious reaction, and the ship that was hit in the core area experienced an irreversible explosion.

It is precisely because of the sacrifices of these frigates that only two battleships were hit by auxiliary propulsion engines in this round of fatal sneak attacks without causing greater damage to the battle. There are many, and they are just the two most unfortunate.

"Breakthrough!" The flower bloomed in the eyes of the Prince of Wales. It was the flower of sorrow that came suddenly, and it was also the azalea flower that was deeply forbearing. What I said to myself.

   Yue Zhong at that time was pretending to be crazy and selling silly, in fact, he had long thought that this day will come.

"The ship maidens of your E-Starland are really strange. They all obviously have good ability and strong influence. They need not the advisor but only a staff, but they are still willing to follow this unreasonable system. Do you want to try? If you try to rebel, you will surely get a satisfactory result that you did not expect?"

   "Disagree? It seems that you don't have the courage to face war and sacrifice at all. I'm not talking about having the same war under the protection of the core cabin, but really the kind of death."

   "Freedom is always accompanied by life and death. When you want to get it, you must pay the same price. If you don't dare to accept that reality, then the famous Royal Navy is no different."

The Prince of Wales still remembers his original answer, but now I think of it with a bit of inexplicable deep meaning, that is not only the answer to Yue Zhong, but more like the answer of the future self to his own time: "Stars, aurora, smoke and dust Blaze! It's like perfect artwork! But behind this wonderful picture, how much pain, wailing, resentment and helpless scolding will be! Life is falling, the star sea is sleeping, and it is decaying. Our responsibility is To end all this!"

"The Royal Navy is by no means as cowardly as you despise." The Prince of Wales commanded the fleet to readjust its formation, and the submarines who ambushed them have been exposed to the strategic star map. If you want to retaliate at this time, you can Destroy a large number of new U-type submarines, but she can't do it like this, "Can't let their sacrifices go to waste, but it will always let you see the tenacity of the Royal Navy, Yue Zhong!"

  'S re-launched Royal Navy is still unstoppable. Hindenburg didn't expect that his conspiracy to counterattack did not even achieve the bottom line. The Royal Navy's resilience on the occasion of a desperate attack made her astounded. The frigate ships behind the battleship mother glory did not have much glory, but it was their silent efforts to stabilize the powerful cornerstone of the Royal Navy. They were not as simple as fearing death, but they knew how to go in a critical way. Death is the best result. Even if there is no second time in life now, it is still so resolute. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Can't let them run, all U-type submarines must leave this Royal Navy Fleet to me even if they use their own hull to block it!" Hindenburg ordered anxiously and urgently, she understood that she let the Prince of Wales away. How much evil will be produced by her fleet, for this reason her idea of ​​wanting to prove herself through artillery warfare has been drowned in the heated battlefield.

"They can't run, the reinforcements at the other end of the headspace star gate space station have arrived, and the interception line has been constructed." Zeppelin said quickly after receiving the latest order from Reinhardt, "Hindenburg, the marshal made you chase from the rear. , The line of defense over here is for me."

The Royal Navy’s strategic intentions are already in sight. After they did not achieve the expected results, they will greet the interlocking counterattacks from the G star field. The main force of the army brought by Reinhardt spreads into the Xinghai. The line of defense, and the Prince of Wales, they can no longer be covered by the aircraft carrier cluster. Hindenburg, which was pursued in turn, began to cover their backs, and eventually inevitably fell into a new deadlock.

  The unfavorable battle situation was detected by the Royal Ark and could not help but propose to the flagship commander Hood: "Hood, shall we attack the first line of defense to rescue the Prince of Wales?"

"Can't save... Otherwise, Reinhardt completely took the nose and walked away." A trace of grief flashed in Hood's eyes, and she also learned of the news of Akasta and the ardent battle, "The end is only My plan, the layout of the Admiral has not yet been launched, I believe the Prince of Wales and them, if they fail, we will have no chance of winning."

  The Royal Ark felt a little relieved after hearing Ulster's name, but she could not think of any way to reverse the situation at this time. Her eyes on the direction of the Prince of Wales were still full of worries.

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