Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 865: My own choice

Like the saints who spread fire in the rainstorm, the cosmic fighters traveling in the abyss carrier-based interceptor network are erratic and unstable. I don’t know when the violent wind and rain will wipe out their light, and they will go to the end. It seems so out of reach.

From the forward to the backup, the endless long dragons flew out of the border military planets and staggered between the star seas. After being continuously attacked, they were cut into incomplete sections, and the strangled unicorn after division and siege cannot be discarded Ignored, but engaged in multi-purpose engagement with the abyssal fleet.

Gradually, the unicorn's smooth and jade-like eyes showed a wrinkle, and the amount of calculation far beyond her limit value made her vitality flow rapidly. The irreversible characteristics of life rarely change. Now the border military planets There is no corresponding supernatural power, so she can only let her body grow old.

When the ship’s body begins to change, it is an extremely dangerous signal, which means that their life characteristics as the ship’s mother are breaking through the imprisonment and aging. The unicorn itself is much younger than Nelson, but it surpassed the two so quickly. It is definitely not a good thing that the decline in the lifespan of the person occurs.

Although the unicorn's combat performance cannot regain the air superiority of the carrier aircraft, it has resisted the offensive of the three aircraft carriers of the Abyssal Fleet in a short period of time, because it is known that the number of aircraft carriers in the Europa Galaxy is not large. The strength ratio is also mainly based on flagships and battleships. More aircraft carrier mothers are placed on the side of the Asia Galaxy to fight against the most proficient aircraft carrier A Star Navy and the joint fleet. Otherwise, if there are more abyss carriers here In some cases, unicorns do not have any advantage from overdrawing to vomiting blood.

From the naval age of BIGSEVEN to the present Nelson, he quickly discovered that the unicorn’s carrier aircraft exerted its power. More small warships were attracted to annihilate their carrier aircraft in the past. She thought that unicorns were in crisis. The identity of the light ship warship awakened her own ship warrior realm, but when she took time to focus on the military planet of the border defense, there was no reaction in the ship warrior realm there.

Before, she felt that the unicorn was tempted to encourage her to violate the Admiral's prohibition. But unexpectedly, the indisputable little girl desperately went to such a situation, and all her dissatisfaction was quickly replaced by tension and worry: "Unicorn, what are you doing, there are still many battles to fight against the abyssal fleet, don't die here!"

   "Sorry." The unicorn hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head firmly. "The evolution of the abyssal fleet is too sudden. The people behind have not yet evacuated in time. I will protect their safety no matter what method is used."

"Preserving the strength of the fleet means the admiral. I order you not to overdraw your vitality to fight!" The unicorn has not had much contact with others all the time, just stayed quietly in its own garden and immersed in the personal world. No one knew her well, and no one knew what she was thinking. There was no reason to persuade her. Nelson could only use orders to stop her self-mutilation attack.

   "Excuse me, you can lift my combat authority, or I will fight down." A unicorn girl who looks very gentle but shows full stubbornness.

   "You!" Nelson's eyes burst into anger, because the moment of distraction was almost hit by the abyss flagship gun.

It is impossible for her to abolish the combat authority of a land-based ship mother at this time. It is very likely that she lost all the support of the aircraft carrier. Refused her order.

   "Don't die." Battlefield disobedience has become the norm in the Royal Navy. Even the Royal Ark has violated Ulster's established plan under the threat of Isabella. The unicorn does not seem so special. Nelson has been able to see the unicorn’s carrier aircraft appearing on the edge of the abyss flagship. She can save the carrier aircraft until now and has done her best. She can also blame and punish the passive combatants. The beast has done his best and even taken his own life. Nelson can’t morally blame her. “Rodney, follow me to attack the abyss flagship, be sure to scrap her kinetic engine and energy shield energy. Now!"

Just like the fireflies that have been sacrificed, her decision was against the strategic guidelines, but she still used the best method to help the Royal Navy escape to life, everyone will only respect her instead of her duty. Victory is glory, at some moments it is so simple and direct.

   "Sister?" Rodney saw that Nelson actually acquiesced in the unicorn's actions, and he couldn't believe it.

Because Nelson’s stereotype is notorious, battlefield disobedience may appear elsewhere, but there is no such precedent under her hand. What she should do most is to prevent the unicorn’s unauthorized actions instead of letting her squander her own. vitality.

   "Don't ask." Nelson rudely interrupted Rodney and opened fire on the Abyss flagship.

The Abyss flagship shrouded by Seven Yaos is inferior to Nelson and Rodney in terms of firepower, but her value in other respects is completely beyond the battleship. The high armor and energy shield level will not be even if the battleship’s gun is hard to hit directly. How much damage she suffered, and because her performance was not as rigid as it was originally, the difficulty of sinking her has multiplied.

Nelson and Rodney, who had exerted ten percent of their strength, continued to rely on the cover of other ships who rushed to the side to guard all the attacks to the abyss Due to the close distance between the two sides, even with countless ships The interference between the aircraft and the frigate cannot prevent them from causing damage to the abyss flagship.

   BIGSEVEN members who are completely liberated by firepower are extremely terrifying. Even the Abyssal Star Fortress will fall under their fierce artillery fire. The only thing that can limit their play is that they cannot directly sink.

Each shelling hit the Abyss flagship with a very precise hit. Even the abyss flagship with greatly improved speed and evasion performance after evolution can not avoid the two legendary ships that are fully open in the ship motherland within the bounds. Nianghe strikes, and soon the energy shield around her collapses under high-intensity attacks, and her armor is also riddled with holes in the regenerated gap.

  When the life and death expedition was completed, the dozens of shipborne planes that flicked and wobbled finally got close to the abyss flagship, and the final blow finally showed an opportunity.

   "Unicorn, the armor of the power source on the back of the Abyss flagship has been completely destroyed and attacked there." Nelson stared nervously at the dozens of carrier-based aircraft, very worried that they would be sunk by the anti-aircraft firepower of the Abyss flagship.

She didn’t hit Shenyang Abyss because of the restrictions imposed by Ulster’s orders, but it didn’t mean that Nelson, who was crushed by the hands and feet, had no bad breath in her heart. The carrier aircraft was not within the ban, and it was the only thing you can expect to hit Shenyang. Flagship combat power.

Before the change of dozens of carrier-based aircraft, the embarrassment before the straight was rushed toward the back of the abyss flagship. The straight track allowed the abyss flagship to easily judge their position. The anti-aircraft firepower was fully tilted to those carrier aircraft that survived here. Instantly go to ten or eight.

   "Unicorn, what are you doing!"

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