Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 866: Lost 1

  The unicorn never answered Nelson's question, but Rodney said first: "Sister, retreat."

   There are three points of exhaustion and seven points of loneliness in her voice, as if the difficult battle has exhausted her strength, or it is worthless to whom.

   "Border defense military planets can't hold it anymore. Unicorn she... did her best."

  Nelson heard the sadness in Rodney's words and quickly looked towards the border military planet.

   The energy defense barrier there has been devastated, and the retroactive energy supply can no longer compensate for the loss in energy impact, resulting in overwhelming artillery fire through the barrier and bombardment to the surface of the border military planet.

The gray ground was blown up by the fire of the Abyssal Fleet, and countless anti-ship fire points were bombarded into ruins. The shipboard aircraft storage warehouse was also burning a blaze, and the energy was exploded and swept through the land. The military planet that was originally at minus zero turned into a high-temperature extreme world of hundreds of degrees.

The unicorn is standing in front of the storage space of the carrier aircraft, holding her beloved harp in both hands and standing upright like a flag that will not fall. The once holy and beautiful face is as old as the old woman, and the flowers are beautiful when they bloom. It is also so dismal.

She really did her best, as a light ship carrier, miraculously controls the carrier aircraft and delivered it to the abyss flagship through the heavy blockade, but the limit of will finally can't withstand the physical and natural limitations. Before the last blow launched the abyss The fleet's massive offensive allowed her to increase the defense of carrier-based aircraft in near-star orbit. The high-intensity vitality consumption was not the last killer to take her life, but the innumerable information processing completely burned her brain, from physiological Brain death occurred in the sense.

  Even if the Abyss flagship was sunk, the military planets that could not hold the border defense would still cause the defense line to collapse. The unicorn is so rare that she can do everything she wants, but she has overestimated her strength.

   Nelson was silent for a moment and then ordered the retreat. The unicorn had already sacrificed and the defense line could not be kept. Now it is only the primary task to preserve the strength of the Royal Navy.

"Why so? Nothing can change in the end." Rodney felt that the sacrifice of the unicorn was too pitiful and worthless, and seemed to say to himself while quickly transferring under the cover of the ship's mother who guarded her. The language of the language.

   Nelson didn't think so, but she didn't refute her sister, because everyone had different ideas, even if the sisters had differences, it was normal.

"The first evacuation to the capital star location, as far as possible to contain the pace of the large-scale invasion of the abyssal fleet, to give the advisors and their people more time to evacuate." Nelson looked at the border military planet, the unicorn figure has long been No trace of traces could be found engulfed by the guns.

   "You have your own choice, and persisted even if it was wrong. I can only do so much."

More or less, Nelson felt that it was her insistence on Ulster’s ban that indirectly led to the death of the unicorn. She felt guilty but did not regret it. Both sides insisted on their positions and there was always a time when they did not keep their feet. One side will fall down, and since the transformation of the ship’s outfits has become more popular, war is no longer a game of the house. The death of the ship’s mother has become a common thing. It can make waves in Nelson’s heart, but in the end Attributed to calm.

The war with the abyssal fleet will push this cruelty to the top. I don’t know how many people will be displaced or even lost their lives. Many warriors who fight heroically will fall on the battlefield. It will also be pale.

Nelson’s defense zone became the first breakthrough point for the invasion of the Abyssal Fleet because only the light ship’s mother was seated. Fortunately, the area they defended was a distance away from the S-star capital star. Even if other administrative planets along the way could not be preserved, the Nelson fleet In the case of a side battle, it is still possible to win enough time for Ulster to take the capital star people to transfer.

And the closest defense zone to the S-star capital, the defense line composed of prestige, Richelieu and anger also faced the stormy attack of the abyssal fleet. Hood has rarely stayed beside Ulster, and the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing. She personally rushed to the front to assist Prestige and others in defense.

  If this line of defense is lost again, the highest command of the Europa galaxy will be hit by destruction. Even Yue Zhong, who has been planning to weaken the influence of Alster and other Admirals, does not want to see this happen.

The Royal Navy’s total number of aircraft carriers is actually not small, but not many are on the front line. This is not Ulster’s deliberate preservation of strength. If it repels the Abyss ship’s first two rounds of attack, it absorbs the Asiatic galaxy. The advanced combat experience of the aircraft carrier mothers, coupled with Chester William’s generous sharing of folding space storage technology, more than half of the aircraft carrier mothers returned to the rear for further transformation in the intermittent battle, when Xiaomei Yan’s research report It was too late to summon these ship mothers into the defense when they were sent. This led to the situation where a unicorn light carrier ship mother assumed a heavy responsibility for air defense and destroying the After a wave of unprepared human coalition forces, it was difficult to defend the line of defense, and had to pass the resolution transferred by the headquarters to retreat to the second line of defense with the G star field as the core.

When the defense fleets in various regions were still fighting against the attack of the abyssal fleet, the people in the rear also migrated with the general headquarters on a large scale. Although there are still many developed star regions between the S star region and the G star region, but Their industrial strength is not enough to support the short-term consumption of the vast defense line, so they are also included in the object of abandonment.

One point is defeated and the whole line retreats. It is not easy to happen in the war between humans. However, the abyssal fleet cannot be measured by the human fleet. Once they have completed the infiltration and invasion, the huge number is enough to destroy all. The line of defense, on the contrary, increased the loss of the human coalition.

Panic and restlessness are spreading among the refugees who are migrating urgently. They don’t know what is happening on the front line yet, why the abyssal fleet that had been hit by the human coalition on the ground suddenly became so powerful, and it was directly hit by a wave of attack The front-line defensive fleet lost their helmets and abandoned their armor, and the doomsday remarks began to spread. The responsibility for the strategic failure of the general headquarters to lead to strategic failure was also thrown onto Ulster. Even rumours appeared in the E-star territory. The command system is no longer suitable for the current situation.

They believe that the ship's mother is still strong. If you don't believe this, you don't believe that you can survive the abyss and even win the battlefield. Therefore, it is inevitable that all contradictions are gathered to Ulster and others. Only in this way can the order of human civilization not be crushed by panic.

  As Ulster was scorched with a second line of defense and organizing the migration of people, bad news came from the distant N Star Zone.

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