Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 899: Non-existent chips

Hearing the news about Xianghe, Shiraishi firmly believed that he immediately stopped the work in his hand and said, "Xianghe, is she not injured?"

From Baishi's firm belief, he is more concerned about Xianghe's safety than how much honor she has earned. Even if Xianghe is accused of something, it seems that he cannot change the orientation of the values ​​between the two.

"It's not clear, but as long as the ship's equipment is not directly hit by Major General Veneto, there won't be much problem." Leo patted Bai Shi firmly on the shoulder. "Now don't think so much, you In the future, the relationship with Xianghe will not need to face the danger of the battlefield when applying to retire her. I think Major General Veneto will definitely agree."

"Retired?" Bai Shi firmly believes that something is new. The ship's mother has been serving for life. Retiring is just a euphemism for their natural destruction after the service period expires.

Leo nodded and said: "Major Veneto didn't make it clear, but it has made me and Ming Zaki and Xiong Guyan and others work together to formulate a system for decommissioning the ship's mother. The two criteria, one is that the ship’s mother is determined to be unsuitable for combat after being assessed by the General Staff and Major General Veneto’s consent, and the other is that she must also retire after deciding to form a family with her lover."

"Why do you need to do this? Does Major General Veneto need to retire in the future?" Shiraishi firmly believes that military marriage is a normal thing, but why should he be treated differently on the ship's mother?

Leo smiled embarrassedly: "Major Veneto is naturally different. This is also to ensure the purity of the ship's mother. The family and family can't affect them to fight. The retirement is to change them into reserve service. Separate management of ship mothers and ship equipment is achieved, and the current mandatory decommissioning standards are only preliminary. If you have any different opinions or suggestions, you can put forward."

Bai Shi firmly believes that they understand their concerns. In the future pattern of the seven galaxies, Ship Mother is an absolute core of force. There is no problem with strict management of them, otherwise they will be manipulated or threatened by people with ulterior motives. Combat power can easily lead to war on a small scale, which is what most people do not want to see.

"Let me think again. If Xianghe is retired for my reasons, she probably won't agree." Shiraishi firmly believes in a bitter smile, "I think she still can't forgive me now, only to make some when I return to the j star domain. It’s time to plan again."

"Then you have to work harder. The term of office of the governor of each star-level administrative area is only five years, and there is no room for consultation on the subsequent mandatory rotation."

Leo will definitely become the governor general of the i-star domain. In principle, the first candidates of other star domains should also be selected from the local star domain, until the seven galaxy federations begin to be on track and then rotate, further increasing the cohesion between each other. .

However, he will not be satisfied now, but he is a veteran character who follows Master Xiaomeiyan and Major General Veneto. Now he can only control how a star domain can be satisfied. The name Zaki is Leo’s current goal. A latecomer was able to cut off the Afrikaans in the big cake of the seven galaxies. Although his credit is indeed greater than himself, several births and deaths also prove the loyalty of Zach, but if the heart can accept everything calmly, then There won't be so many battles born.

Of course, this pre-divided interest still has to rely on Veneto to fight it out. As a wise man, Leo knows that this is not the time to compete with Ming Zaki.

Bai Shi firmly believed that he slowed down and asked, "Where is Major General Veneto now?"

"The Molise star zone has been liberated, Litorio led the first squadron to attack the Abruzzo star zone, Andrea Doria led the second squadron to attack the Campania star zone, Major General Veneto He led a small number of frigates to attack the star zone of the i star area. It is said that the big president has assembled all the troops there to prepare for the final battle." Leo directly answered without thinking, "Don’t worry about Major General Veneto’s In military operations, is it possible that the ship outfit that Master Xiaomeiyan devoted his hard work can be dealt with? The thing we need to do is to be ready to accept the star zone that Major General Veneto has beaten down. The emotion of bewitching against Major General Veneto is very intense. This group of people can't use force to suppress it. Then we need us to appease."

"The battlefield victory or defeat is to determine who is the winner, but the battlefield of public opinion is the key to determining legitimacy."

Bai Shi firmly believed that he nodded silently. In fact, he was more concerned about other things: "Is it possible for Major Veneto's ships to be popularized, just like the previous popularization of ships."

If you can, Xianghe’s safety need not be too worried. Even Bai Shi firmly believes that you can see the powerful combat effectiveness of the Veneto ship. The abyss fleet is just a larger number of miscellaneous soldiers before her. Unless they can continue to evolve.

"This kind of thing is not what we should know. You crossed the boundary of Bai Shijun..." Never join the military technology of the ship's mother. This is the iron rule of the future federation and the fundamental principle of the safety of all governors.

With the same curiosity as Shiraishi believed, Yue Zhong found Xiao Meiyan during the night recess of the Europa Conference, and they asked the same question when they walked on the lawn in front of the Capitol.

Xiao Meiyan didn’t like others hearing her and Yue Zhong’s conversations, so she had opened the shielding barrier in advance. After hearing Yue Zhong’s question, she didn’t answer it immediately, but she slightly turned her head and asked, “Those in the Europa meeting Are people putting pressure on you again?"

"The shock that vv brought to them is too Even I can't think she would behave like this." Yue Zhong said with a smile, "You didn't see Ulster's expression, It was as uncomfortable as being jammed in a sip, Hood was also worried, even Richelieu had been frowning, and other people were more like stepping on their tails. What is shipboarding technology."

Xiao Meiyan kneads the moonlight with one hand, and those gentle moonlights turn around her hand as if in substance: "This is the ability of the natural system. Before the technology reaches a certain level, the two are separate lines that separate independently. It takes a long time for the galaxy to reach this point, even if I gave them the corresponding technology. Veneto is special. Her space folding bombardment and secondary barrage distribution are not simple technological achievements. There is no extension of the foundation and original power accumulated in the era of Fantasy Township, and other ship mothers can't do it for the time being."

Yue Zhong heard it, but he didn't care about it: "Is it okay if I take it out for something like this?"

"Well, they can't realize it if they can't eat it. The seven galaxies don't have this foundation, and even I can't modify another ship mother." Xiao Meiyan knew what Yue Zhong wanted to do. "Tomorrow I will give you a copy of the Veneto ship modification log and related scientific research materials."

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