Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 900: Persistence

Representatives and naval advisors from various star domains were able to pat the table all day in the rear and panic for the dangers that had not yet come to themselves, but it was the result of the heroic battle between the frontline ship mothers and the soldiers. After nearly a month of fatigue fighting, the ship's mother returned to the g star field from the front line not only brought glory, but also the shadow of war and the abyss fear that could not be dissipated.

The ship's mothers who were affected by the ship's large-scale damage caused damage to the body, and the ship that entered the overhaul state after it was fully deployed was even more shocking. A large number of mechas were thrown into the recycling factory and abandoned, but after the limb was disabled The surviving soldiers formed rows of white dragons from the transport ship to the frontline hospital. A series of closed relic boxes covered with flowers and medals were sent to the Human Heroes Memorial Hall.

How many warship mothers and soldiers with lofty ideals came out from their respective hometowns and military camps, wearing braided suits and stood fearlessly on the front line of the battlefield of the abyss, precisely because of their heroic resistance and tenacious resistance, withdrawing from the defense zone Only after the people moved to the relatively safe second line of defense, they avoided the fate of being swallowed by the abyssal fleet, but many of these young and sacred lives were sleeping in the vast and unknown sea of ​​stars, even if they returned to the rear. The soldiers are also full of exhaustion and sorrow.

Now more soldiers are still steadily retreating against the abyssal fleet in cascades, facing the abyssal fleet's key offensive and superior battleship firepower, the soldiers on each front are tightening their nerves to guard against the weather all the time, high pressure No one dares to relax for a moment during the battle, because the collapse of a certain front will not only let themselves and their comrades sleep on the retreat, but also cause a large number of troops to fall into siege and continue to lose their lives.

Their sacrifice is for the safety of more people, but also to gain time for the construction of the second line of defense.

The top level of the Europa Galaxy did not conceal the tragic scene when they returned to the rear, but instead conducted a full-scale broadcast and interview with the first batch of returning heroes. They were already about to migrate from the front but did not accept any work. Having lost patience, it is precisely through the propaganda of the war heroes this time that they beat their faces fiercely, and stop taking soft measures against human alliances.

Really mature politicians will not suffer any waves because of the sacrifices of soldiers. They have become accustomed to consider issues from the benefit of gains and losses. The soldiers who sacrifice more are just cold numbers for them. If they can achieve their political attempts, Will expect more soldiers to sacrifice.

But Yue Zhong is not a qualified politician. He once said to Chester Williams that those people are aging, that is, they have lost their passion for life and their respect and fear as human beings, and do not take everything as a bargaining chip. , That is his bottom line and perseverance.

He will ruthlessly send the soldiers to the battlefield, or decide the life and death of countless people in one thought, watching coldly and ruthlessly in the greatest terror of the world, but for those who really deserve respect Faith and courage, those wills and spirits that support human civilization's perseverance and perseverance, but never mean their highest respect.

This is the glory of life that he dare not forget, but also the attitude of living in the blood and the passionate face of life, rather than the walking dead of the interest, from the decay of the soul to the freshness of how to live.

It was still the big lawn in front of the Capitol, Yue Zhong stood here looking at the blue sky and white clouds, Xiao Meiyan's figure came over from afar, and the wind that rolled through the turf and pushed the waves carried her long and high, and went all the way to Around Yue Zhong, he sorted out his head curiously and asked, "Aren't you in a meeting? Why did you call me out at this time?"

"Suddenly I want to see the border of the Brandenburg Star District." Yue Zhong lowered Wang Tian's eyes and looked at Xiao Meiyan, with a gentle smile as always: "The people inside think that I am going to be a show at this time. They finally ran out, and they wouldn’t arrange a transportation ship for me if they wanted to, so Xiaoyan had to work hard."

Xiao Meiyan didn’t understand it. In her eyes, human civilization is not so interesting. Her pursuit is to explore the joy of gaining results when the endless unknown. The only reserved emotion is also very narrow. Previously, she was all devoted to Madoka, but now Only Yue Zhong is enough.

"Is it necessary to go at this time? You are not saying that the military and political integration of the Europa Galaxy has made progress, and the mecha improvement on my side has reached a critical moment..."

"Please, Xiaoyan, I really want to see it." Yue Zhong took Xiao Meiyan's hand and grinned.

"...I know, I know." Xiao Meiyan sighed and nodded in agreement.

Xiao Meiyan's occasional request to Yue Zhong really has no way to refuse, and her few spoils are also devoted to this man who has been struggling to stand beside herself, even if she feels so critical It doesn't make much sense to go out, but she still didn't refuse.

The Brandenburg star zone is the g star zone and the star zone. It is also close to the border of the po star zone from the star of Berlin. Xiao Meiyan pulled Yue Zhong only momentarily to an important military line on the second line of defense On the planet.

The picture presented in front of Yue Zhong is more magnificent and more shocking than the live interstellar scene. The human coalition forces withdrawn from the St. Petersburg Star District intensively filled the military planet’s ecological cabin, and there are tens of thousands of aircraft in the sky waiting to land. The transport spacecraft circled like dark clouds, some transported wounded soldiers into the field hospital for treatment, but more brought military supplies from the rear to build and maintain here.

Being able to appear on military planets instead of going further back means that this unit will continue to be put into defensive operations after taking a break.

"These people are very they really guard the border of g star domain?" Xiao Meiyan stood beside Yue Zhong with some doubts.

Yue Zhong shook his head and said: "Although the human reserve is still sufficient, they now know how to fight the Abyssal Fleet, at least they cannot leave the front line until the new soldiers grow up. The ship's mother is more because of the small number. This is so."

Xiao Meiyan turned his head to look at Yue Zhong's face, and now the heavyness and emotion on his face were not false: "It's rare to see you so sentimental."

"Occasionally from the standpoint of bystanders, although these soldiers are only pawns in the hands of politicians and admirals, they also have a place worthy of respect. I will not pity them, but this does not prevent me from respecting them." Yue Zhong Leisurely said, "History is sometimes really fascinating. The vast stage of the conflict between human race and the void can always give people the deepest shock. It is actually a very lucky thing to be able to witness the evolution of this period of history."

Xiao Meiyan is silent, she and Yue Zhong have extremely similar temperaments, but they have great deviations in their hobbies. Just as Yue Zhong is difficult to make achievements in the field of unknown exploration, Xiao Meiyan cannot be personal. Realizing his interest in this vast history, but not being able to personally understand does not mean that he does not understand, and there is no room for tolerance between them.

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