
Chapter 251 A Small Thing

As soon as they received the inquiry application, all the carbon fiber production equipment companies in the United States made the same decision, that is:

Report to intelligence services.

Therefore, the time for receiving this news in May is actually not much later than that of other companies.

This undoubtedly put tremendous pressure on Houston, because he knew that, judging from the current situation in China, there was only one thing that needed large-scale use of high-strength carbon fiber materials:

strategic bomber.

Combined with the frequent exchanges and interactions between Russia and China, the answer is actually ready.

These Chinese people, they must be doing strategic bombers.

Moreover, the research and development work should have come to an end, and it will soon enter the stage of prototype production and testing.

But how is this possible?

Obviously not long ago, they were still modifying their H-6!

It's like a kid who only knows how to repair bicycles suddenly started building supercars one day!

You know, in this world, if you want to list a product that can represent the highest industrial technological achievements of mankind, the strategic bomber is definitely on the list.

Being able to create it means that the country has completely passed the stage of imitation and exploration in the aviation industry, and has begun to enter the field of comprehensive forward exploration.

How the hell did they do it.

How did they accomplish in a few years what it took them decades to accomplish?

Houston couldn't help feeling a surge of despair.

The frequent failures almost made him collapse, but what is even more broken is that now he can only watch it happen, but there is no way to stop it.

The domestic economic situation continues to deteriorate, and Congress itself is too busy to take care of itself. It is impossible to use economic means to restrict Huaxia in the short term.

The quagmire of the Iraq war slowed down the pace of overseas military operations, and a sea deterrent operation that was finally organized was smashed to pieces by the ground-breaking DF-17.

The planned support to Israel has also been delayed, and the two sides that were supposed to start fighting at the beginning of this year have not moved yet.

Not to mention Saudi Arabia and Iran—their camp has been quietly changing. When the two younger brothers have a common elder brother, many things have to be put aside.


You have to ask your brother first.

Thinking of this, Houston let out a long sigh.

Really can only watch helplessly.


But fortunately, the patent barriers in the carbon fiber field are extremely heavy, and the technical blockade for many years has almost destroyed the soil for technological development on that land.

They may be able to obtain equipment from island countries, but it is not so easy to achieve large-scale localized production.

Thinking of this, Houston breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the assistant on the side and asked:

"How are things going in Los Angeles?"

The assistant quickly handed over the document and replied:

"Essentially that's been dealt with, and after the military stepped in, things cooled down pretty quickly."

"Social assistance has been rolled out, and there's a lot of money in it. But at least, the situation has stabilized."

"As for the capital. Los Angeles high-speed rail project, it is likely to be unfinished."

Houston frowned and nodded.

This is already the best result.

At least, the conflict was limited within a limited scope and did not lead to more serious "turbulence".

Otherwise, the situation would be a little ridiculous.

Every day when the police go to other countries to maintain order, the result is a mess in our own country

He sighed and said:

"Our last chance of a comeback has been lost, and life will be difficult in the next few years."

"Recovering the economy is the top priority, and the focus of the May meeting needs to be shifted."

"For external military operations, let the turret do it completely, we"

"It doesn't seem like the best option."

The assistant interrupted Houston.

"If the silence continues, maybe the fate of our entire May Club will go in an uncontrollable direction."

"Mr. Houston, are you really willing to be marginalized like this?"

"I had to."

Houston said firmly.

"In the words of Chinese people, this is 'keeping a low profile'."

"Hide yourself, develop silently, and accumulate strength. It's ridiculous. Speaking of it, this word appeared overwhelmingly in their media a few years ago, but now it has disappeared without a trace."

"Instead we, as a last resort, need to use their wisdom"

"Just because we keep a low profile doesn't mean we can't do anything."

The assistant interrupted again.

This made Houston a little unhappy. He looked closely into the assistant's eyes and asked:

"Then what do you think we should do?"

".At least this carbon fiber incident, we can't sit idly by."

"Once their strategic bombers appear, the balance of the whole world will fall."

"Once the snowball rolls, it is very difficult to stop"

"But there's nothing we can do about it."

Houston said with a heavy expression.

"Otherwise, what do you want to do?"

"Patent restrictions? They don't use our patents."

"Do you think we can block it now?"

"Or, let's put pressure on the island countries and not allow them to sell equipment to China?"

"Don't be kidding, the island countries are almost unable to survive now. Interests are the only thing they are after."

"Could it be that we are still at war with the island nation?"

While talking, Houston stood up.

He took out a document from his desk and threw it in front of his assistant.

"Have you seen this picture? This picture shows the budget situation of each state."

"Red means that the local finances have entered a dangerous warning line."

"A year ago, there were only two red patches on this map."

"But now, the entire territory of the United States has been dyed red."

"We have too many problems. How to get rid of these reds is what we should worry about now."


The assistant shook his head resolutely, and said:

"Our fundamental purpose is to maintain the stability of this country."

"But to do that, it doesn't have to make ourselves better."

"What if the red alert spreads not just to the fifty states, but to the whole world?"

"As long as other people's red is darker than ours, as long as their blood bleeds more than ours, then, under the background, our color will gradually become lighter"

"what do you want to do?"

There was a chill in Houston's body. He could understand the meaning of the assistant, but the future described by the other party made him shudder

Seeing his reaction, a smile appeared on the corner of the assistant's mouth.

"it's actually really easy."

"We should find a way to suffocate the world for a while."

"It doesn't take long. Maybe, three months is enough"

On the other side, Xigong University.

Naturally, Chen Nian would not hide the matter of operating the carbon fiber production line. Although he did not need to be directly involved in the process, in any case, as the actual leader of Xinghuo, such a major decision cannot bypass him.

Therefore, before the inquiry letter was sent out, he had already received the notification from Chen Guo and learned about the whole plan.

And now, he is sitting in Chen Guo's office, listening to his report on the progress of the plan.

". The initial quotation from the island country has been sent, but to further clarify the BOQ, we still have to arrange a meeting with them."

"From the current point of view, their quotation is a bit scary, almost three times the international average price."

"Obviously, they're determined to get us this time—but it's also true that it's impossible for them to tear themselves apart from their masters without giving the benefits in place."

Chen Nianshen nodded approvingly, but then said jokingly:

"When BOQ comes out, we have to see clearly. Don't let people sell us the toilet in a package, and we will pay for it stupidly."

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Chen Guo couldn't help laughing.

In fact, the example Chen Nian mentioned is really real.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Huaxia imported a large number of machine tools from island countries, and the quotations for these machine tools included a series of so-called "additional facilities" that were not necessary at all.

Millions of toilets, hundreds of thousands of light bulbs, tens of thousands of spare screws

At that time, under the exaggeration of readers and other impurities, this kind of malicious quotation was also whitewashed.

Wasn't there a classic story back then?

If the machine is broken, ask an engineer to fix it.

The engineer drew a line on the machine, removed the coil by one centimeter along that line, and the problem was solved.

In the end, the engineer charged a million dollars, and he even called it "it only costs one dollar to draw a line, but it costs 990,000 dollars to know where to draw it."

It is this kind of story that takes the so-called "superiority of technology" to the extreme.

At that time, some people really believed that a set of machine tool equipment should include living facilities.

Maybe those toilets are also specially designed to improve production efficiency?

Or some people say that if you don't have the technology, you should sell it as expensive as possible. Who told you that you can't do it? ——

I bother!

The Yankees are not good at everything. When you sold them, why didn't you dare to draw a line and charge a million?

In the final analysis, it is still the way of communication determined by the strength of the country.

Thinking of this, he said:

"Don't worry, I won't engage in such a thing now, at least, it won't be so blatant."

"Their THAAD contract is still in our hands. This thing is a double-edged sword."

"If we are willing to deliver normally, there will be no problem, but if we are really anxious and do something else on this matter, they will definitely not be able to afford it."

"However, if you can't come blatantly, you will definitely do disgusting things."

"Isn't this just quoting us three times the price? I guess there are quite a few tricks in it."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Chen Nian asked.

In fact, before this, Chen Guo had already told him the preliminary plan.

But from Chen Nian's point of view, the possibility of those plans being realized is not too high.

Either extreme pressure and deterrence, or technical cooperation and technical exchange.

The former is not in line with business logic. In the current situation, the greatest possibility is to directly force the other party to death and give up the transaction.

The latter is a bit too expensive.

After all, Huaxia is going to achieve self-production of equipment after all, and the introduction is only for emergency. If the cost is too high, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Hearing Chen Nian's question, Chen Guo smiled mysteriously, and then replied:

"We plan to do a small thing for them."

"Do a small thing? Help them?"

Chen Nian was shocked.

What are you doing?

After all, is it still necessary to please them with a low profile in order to facilitate this deal?

If this is the case, then what is the purpose of working so hard to export technology?

He couldn't help being a little annoyed.

Isn't it just carbon fiber?

Just take the time to make it yourself.

The problem of the production line can be solved by myself.

Now I have more than 20 points of origin in my hand, no matter how difficult the carbon fiber production line is, I can chew it down.

After all, chip projects can do this, but carbon fiber can’t?

He subconsciously wanted to speak, but suddenly, he felt something was wrong.



This is not Xinghuo's style either.

This is not Chen Guo's style either.

With his personality, it would be good if he didn't plant some foreshadowing and stumbling blocks in the transaction. How could he be so honest to please the island country?

Chen Nian realized in an instant that the trivial matter Chen Guo said might not really be "helping them do it".

"So what is it?"

Chen Nian collected himself and asked curiously.

Chen Guo laughed, and did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically:

"Do you know what the Gauteng High Speed ​​Rail project has brought us?"

Chen Nian was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously replied:

"Bigger markets, technological advances, gold mines wait a minute, what does this have to do with a little thing?"

"Of course there is a relationship, and the relationship is in the market."

Chen Guo deliberately lowered her voice, and continued to ask:

"Do you know that after the construction of the Gauteng High Speed ​​Rail, who took the initiative to contact us?"

Chen Nian had heard the news, so he said without thinking:

"In Africa, there are Morocco, Libya, and Tunisia. I heard that they all expressed their intentions. In Asia, Thailand, Singapore, and... hey?"

Chen Nian suddenly reacted.

A name popped into his head.

"Fuck?! Are you so dark?!"

"I got it?"

Chen Guo nodded in satisfaction.

Chen Nian also nodded.

He probably guessed what Chen Guo was going to do.

What he wanted to do should have happened years later.

However, the advance development of China's high-speed rail technology has also advanced the progress of this matter.


"How do you know their high-speed rail project is a scam?"

Chen Nian asked suspiciously.

"Is there any need to think about it? Is there any trick in their project?"

"Anyway, you still have to do a full set of acting."

"We have to act well so that they think that this small matter is a big event that we have finally managed."

"As for how to develop in the future, it has nothing to do with us."

There is another chapter later today

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