Spear Teacher

Chapter 103


This slogan that made Jiang Qiyu tap her toes seemed to have ignited something.

People soon gathered around.

A girl with long wavy hair raised her wine glass to her:

"Don't worry about Meng Ji's sister control. His sister studies painting and was going to study in Germany. She just moved up a few months."

A girl with short hair also looked at her with a smile and said meaningfully:

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really hard for you..."

On the other side, the three boys who were originally talking together also squeezed over together.

The three of them looked at each other knowingly, and then the one on the far left spoke:

"I've never seen him care so much about anyone."


Jiang Qiyu was stunned for a moment, and before she could react to what they were saying these frowning quotations, the second person opened his mouth:

"You are the first one who can be protected by him like this."

"No, buddy, you..."

Without giving her a chance to speak, the third person followed up with a serious face:

"Woman, don't lie to him."


Jiang Qiyu was speechless by Zhao Jin×3 in front of her, and just when she was about to say something to comment on their poor performance, a hand with a business card suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Hello, I'm his doctor friend. If you need anything... you can contact me at any time."

The man's voice was obviously holding back a laugh. After neatly placing the gold-stamped business card on the table in front of her, he added very seriously:

"But it's best not to do it in the middle of the night."

Faced with this group of celebrities from S City who were eager to show off, how could Jiang Qiyu not tell whose friends they were.


Take a deep breath, she was silent for a long time before she looked back at everyone one by one under the gaze of everyone, squinting her eyes and speaking lightly:

"Who are you, and what is your purpose in coming to Earth?"

Everyone accepted her gaze, and when they saw Director Song Gaoge at the farthest distance, he immediately raised his hands to show his innocence:

"I don't know, I'm really making a movie!"


Looking at the people around him, Jiang Qiyu felt that these people seemed to be crazier than himself.

Is this the rich second generation of their S City?

Why do they all look mentally abnormal?

Thinking of this, she subconsciously thought of the boss in the boss literature they talked about.

Suddenly she felt.

His friend is like this...

Should it be considered normal?

But at this time, Jiang Qiyu had not thought that in this S City with its bright lights, wine and women, there were even more abnormal people waiting for her...


This small party did not last long, and Jiang Qiyu regretfully did not drink a drop of wine.

Before leaving, Song Gaoge specially added her WeChat and made it clear that there was a role in his movie that was very suitable for her.

Seeing this, several other people also added her WeChat. The doctor friend said it was to make it easier to call him, and the others wanted to watch Teacher Changmao's circle of friends in real time.

Qiao Xinxin's father Qiao Jingshen also took a photo with her.

He said he would go back and show off to his daughter.

Jiang Qiyu asked him what he was showing off.

He fiddled with his phone and answered without looking up:

"Show off that I've seen tights warriors."


After this unexpected and strange party, Sister Chen took Jiang Qiyu to the hotel where they were staying.


After a tiring day, Jiang Qiyu didn't forget to pick up her phone to check the schedule of tomorrow's talent show after washing up.

But she had just watched half of it when Qi Yu called.


Hearing her gloomy tone, the person on the other end of the phone paused and asked knowingly:

"What did you do today?"

Jiang Qiyu leaned against the head of the bed, curled her lips silently and said:

"Today I played a script-killing game, and others played the childhood friends, friends, and doctor housekeepers of the domineering president..."


As she spoke, she heard a man's slightly dull chuckle and a low voice with a suppressed smile coming from the receiver beside her ear:

"Then you play the domineering president..."

"I play a normal human who is at a loss and strays into the domineering president literature."

Qi Yu could of course think of what his group of like-minded friends would say, and he chuckled again and shook his head.

Listening to his breathy laugh close to her, Jiang Qiyu suddenly felt a little hot at the tip of her ear for some reason.

She switched to the other side to answer the phone, and her tone was dissatisfied:

"What are you laughing at?"

Qi Yu was generous: "I just have someWhat a pity."

"What a pity?"

"What a pity!"

"What a pity that the boss is not here."

"......Are you okay?"

Jiang Qiyu couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Nothing, I'm hanging up."


The man's words made her move her finger away from the hang-up button and put the phone to her ear again:


Qi Yu paused, and still spoke lightly:

"Come back after recording the show tomorrow, don't hang around in S City, if someone wants to see you, ignore them."

Hearing him say this, Jiang Qiyu raised her eyebrows slightly and asked curiously:

"From what you said... someone will come to trouble me tomorrow?"



There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, but he didn't intend to explain to her, but just played the emotional card with her earnestly:

"Just trust me, I won't hurt you no matter who hurts you. ”

But the rebellious person expressed dissatisfaction:

"How do I know if you will hurt me?"

"...You said it yourself."

"I said it myself?" Jiang Qiyu was stunned, "What did I say?"

"You posted it on Weibo, saying that people like me can't be that bad..."

Qi Yu's voice on the other end of the phone was slightly hoarse, as if he was tempting with ulterior motives:

"Jiang Qiyu, isn't this your view of good and evil?"

"When did I say it was you..."

As she spoke, she was suddenly stunned, and the selfie she posted in the company's dressing room a few days ago flashed through her mind:

[@江绮遇V: A person who likes me can't be that bad, they can even love a silly me so much, how can people be bad, [Put your hands together] The spear gate will last forever [Put your hands together]]

Hearing her voice stop abruptly, Qi Yu knew that she remembered it.

"That's right, it's me. "

The man spoke, his voice filled with a smile that was too thick to dissolve:

"What bad intentions could I have? The Spear Gate will last forever."

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