Spear Teacher

Chapter 105

As soon as the three people dressed in eye-catching clothes opened their mouths, they instantly blew up the entire show.

Wu Daojia, who was sitting on her left, had already started to clap along with their scattered rhythms in a fake manner.

Zhen Haoting, who was sitting on the right, frowned and raised his hand to gesture something in the air, as if trying to pull back the tone of their runaway.

The three people sang two sentences, and Zhen Haoting pressed the [×].

In the fifth sentence, Wu Daojia motioned Jiang Qiyu to press the [×] under the table. When she sang the seventh sentence, she also pressed the last [×] with regret on her face.

The whole venue lit up red lights, and Zhen Haoting turned on the microphone in front of him familiarly:

"You three cooperated very well, but your breath was a little unstable. You need to practice hard when you go back."

Wu Daojia took over the conversation with a smile and commented:

"I see the breath of youth in you. Although it is not good enough at this stage, I hope you will not give up your musical dream. I look forward to seeing your progress in next year's audition!"

After that, the two of them, one on the left and one on the right, simultaneously turned their eyes to Jiang Qiyu in the middle who was still in a daze.


At the host's signal, Jiang Qiyu slowly reached out and turned on the microphone in front of him, and said word by word:

"I don't know who the target audience of your song is...but I am indeed one of the victims."

[Hahahahahaha, I knew you couldn't say anything good. ]

[I feel that my ears and eyes have been polluted, and I am one of the victims! ]

[I have called the police, and the victim group is constantly expanding! ]

[It's really chilling! It's outrageous! 】


The first group of contestants left the stage regretfully. Jiang Qiyu was just relieved before being hung up again.

"Hello everyone, I am contestant No. 002. I will perform an original rap for you today."


At the end of the song, the whole venue was still red.

Zhen Haoting nodded: "Your singing is very contagious, but your professional skills are still a little lacking."

Wu Daojia clapped his hands: "I think your body coordination is great. Don't give up your dream, keep working hard!"

Jiang Qiyu was stunned:

"It's unpleasant, but very special. The combination of the two feelings is particularly unpleasant."

[Hahahahahahaha, you understand the subtlety. ]

[I don't understand, professionals come to listen? ]

[I am a fan of the rap circle, I can prove that he is talking about crosstalk! ]


The next contestants were even more embarrassed on stage in various ways.

Contestant 007 claimed that her original dance system could lead the Chinese dance world to the world.

After watching her performance, the other two mentors said in a roundabout way that the Chinese dance world did not deserve this.

Jiang Qiyu said bluntly:

"Your dance is very contagious. If it were put on the street, this set of movements could get 800 taxis."

She also caused another wave of complaints on the barrage:

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you are really advanced in scolding people now! ]

[This contestant can eat whatever he wants, but he can't dance whatever he wants. ]

[Chinese people's own Chaplin, more suitable for Chinese babies' physique! ]


Contestant 023 claimed that her high notes could reach the absolute range, which no one in the entire Chinese music scene could match.

After listening to his singing, Jiang Qiyu said:

"My friend, you should be thankful that this is not a mountainous area, otherwise the wolf bites would be very painful."

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha my dog ​​immediately bought a ticket to S City to prepare for his debut after hearing this. ]

[It's so funny, werewolves are wandering around the earth, right? ]

[I'm blind, and I knew it was a wolf when I heard it, because my dad also raises wolves, but he raises a different breed, my dad raises white-eyed wolves. ]


No. 050, a four-member male singing and dancing group.

Jiang Qiyu clenched the microphone in front of him and tried to maintain a smile:

"How should I put it? The cooperation between you guys is like my life. I don't know what you are busy with."

[Teacher Changmao, don't talk nonsense. These four are masters, and they are forming a magic circle here. ]

[I don't agree with the previous point of view. I thought they were dancing. ]

[Don't be disrespectful to the immortal master. The rainfall in S City this year depends on them! 】


In the middle, she met a contestant who claimed to be her fan.

"Hello, mentors, hello, Teacher Changmao, I am contestant No. 250, and I am a loyal fan of Teacher Changmao! I came to participate in this program just for her!"


The host will naturally not miss such an interactive opportunity, "Now that you have met your idol today, do you have anything to say to Qi Yu?"

The girlCai Jiao's cheeks flushed, and she held the microphone and said loudly with an excited look:

"Teacher Changmao! I started following you when you just joined Donglian Weibo and only had 100,000 fans. Now you have millions of fans. Watching you grow up step by step, I feel like I'm raising a child..."

Speaking of this, perhaps because of deep emotion, the voice of the girl No. 250 choked for a moment, and then looked at Jiang Qiyu more excitedly:

"Teacher Changmao! Can you call me mom?!"


When this person said that she was his fan, Jiang Qiyu knew that she was up to no good.

Hearing this, he just narrowed his eyes and smiled at her, leaned over to the microphone and said lightly:

"Don't force me to slap you when I'm so happy."

The fan didn't mind at all, and without waiting for the host to react and cue the process, he began to introduce the song to be sung:

"My friend is a fan of Brother Slap, and next, I will represent her and sing a classic online song for Teacher Changmao——"

"Sister, please give him back to me!"


"......Sister, you are so beautiful that you never lack a partner. I am just an ordinary girl with a common appearance."

"Sister, give him back to me, please give him back to me, don't steal my partner..."

The lyrics and the tone of this song are too advanced, and for a moment, the two mentors forgot to press the elimination button.

In this way, she sang the entire classic song from beginning to end, which made people frown, curl up their toes, and tighten their anus.


At this moment, Jiang Qiyu deeply realized the true meaning of what the two seniors said, "It's hard to make money, but it's hard to eat shit."

She sat in the mentor's seat, let out a long breath, and then calmly said to the "fan" who was still immersed in the pain of the lyrics:

"Promise me that you will never sing to others in the future, I will be jealous."

After that, she pressed the [×] in front of her with a "click".

In the stunned eyes of the two seniors on the left and right, she stretched out her hands and turned off the lights in front of them at the same time.

The whole venue was instantly lit up red, and the elimination music played.

On the other hand, No. 250 on the stage smiled even more brilliantly, clasping his hands in front of him and shouting:

"I have ten sins: I have one sin: meeting you. I have two sins: knowing you. I have three sins: making friends with you. I have four sins: pleasing you. I have five sins: missing you. I have six sins: caring for you. I have seven sins: guarding you. I have eight sins: protecting you. I have nine sins: loving you. I have ten sins: loving you.

I have committed all ten sins, and I deserve to die!

I will quit, and this time I will quit! For the rest of my life!"

Jiang Qiyu's smile became even wider, and he only replied with two words:


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