Metzl looked at Mavis with a complicated expression.

"Did you do this? Is this your ability?"

Mavis didn't answer her, but smiled and watched Ling Yuan struggling with a rice ball in one hand.

After watching for a while, he turned to Metzl and said, "Eat quickly, or they will eat it all."

Metzl then realized that Gamel, who was standing next to him, didn't know if he had lifted any seals, and was showing off there.

Seeing this situation, Anku knew that if he didn't act quickly, everything would be gone, so he also joined the fight for food.

Metzl's heart tightened, and he quickly grabbed some things in front of him and moved away from them.

Mavis didn't care about these guys. He picked out a little of each food and put it on Ling Yuan's plate, and he ate slowly and looked at the scenery.

Soon, Ling Yuan was full, and the things on the ground were swept away.

Even though Anku tried very hard, most of the food went into Gamel's stomach.

As expected of a "heavyweight" weirdo cadre, even his appetite is so exaggerated.

He took out five bottles of Coca-Cola, one for each person.

"Squeak!" ×5

"Cheers!" Mavis took the lead, and the others followed his example and clinked their glasses.


"Ah~" ×5


Even Mazel made this sound unconsciously after drinking the Coke.

To be honest, it's quite interesting to see a beautiful girl do this.

After drinking, Mavis waved her hand, and the garbage disappeared directly.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that the ability given by the "human" coin was much stronger than the other three!

No objection accepted!

After eating and drinking, Mavis was going to take Ling Yuan back. He was free anyway, so he planned to let Ling Yuan learn something.

With his current wisdom and connection with the earth, isn't it easy to teach?

"I won't tell Wufan and the others about this." Before leaving, Mevis said.

"It doesn't matter if they know. I don't bother to care. Not everyone is qualified to accept my gift." Mavis smiled indifferently.

"Does it mean that we are special?" Mevis murmured.

Looking at his departing back, Mevis felt an unprecedented feeling in her heart.

For the first time, there was a feeling of satisfaction!

"Maybe... he can..." She made up her mind to have more contact with Mavis.

"Jamiel, let's go!" After the baptism of power, the way she looked at Jamel now was different from before.

If Mavis was here, she would probably understand how she was different from the past.


Although it is a bit strange to describe a girl with a cute appearance with this word, it seems to be quite appropriate considering her relationship with Jamel.

After returning to Anku's resting place, Mavis first built a wooden house as a residence for him and Lingyuan.

When they were brought back by Anku, they left directly. When they went to China to find Lingyuan, they also stopped and walked, without a fixed place to live.

He didn't want to learn from Hino Eiji.

The education he received since childhood made him want to have a stable place to live.

This house has a bedroom and a living room, and it doesn't lack anything for the time being. Anyway, he can change it if it is missing.

"Mavis, you guy!" Anku was a little unhappy.

"What's wrong?"

"Make one for me!"

"You want it too, I thought you prefer bird nests." Mavis laughed.

"No way to compete!"

"Don't worry, I've left a room for you. Go in and take a look?" As he said, he took Lingyuan, who was already eager to try, into the wooden house first.

"You kid." Anku snorted, but the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Inside the house.

"Big brother, this house is so beautiful! There is also the soft bed like yesterday! Will we live here in the future?"

"Yes, do you like it? You can give your opinion."

Ling Yuan shook her head: "No opinion, this is great! I have never lived in such a good place."

Mavis smiled helplessly, so easy to satisfy?

It seems that there is a long way to go!

Then, he took Ling Yuan's hand and came to An Ku's room.

He looked at the situation inside and his mouth twitched.

I saw that An Ku piled all the furniture together, and put a sofa for people to lie on the top, with a red cloth draped on the sofa.

"Isn't this still a bird's nest?" Mavis felt so speechless for the first time.

"What do you care?" An Ku said, making him roll his eyes.

Ignoring this arrogant bird, Mavis took Ling Yuan back to the room.

"Next, I will tell you something and teach you something."

Seeing Ling Yuan nod, he put his hand on her convey the information.

It seems a bit troublesome to explain it with words, so it is much more convenient to transmit it directly to her mind.

After a while, Ling Yuan nodded after receiving the information.

"Does it mean that big brother wants to cultivate the thing called 'Desire Devourer' in me?"

"Yes. This is indeed my purpose. It's just an experiment. I'm not sure if it will succeed."

"Then can I still eat steamed buns in the future?"

Mavis smiled dumbly.

How much does this girl love steamed buns.

He touched her little head and said, "Of course, it just gives you another form, just like me. You can still be a normal human being at ordinary times, and you can even protect yourself when you encounter danger."

"Become like big brother? I'm looking forward to it!" Ling Yuan agreed without much hesitation after knowing that she could still eat.

"Then I'm coming."

"Will it hurt?"

"Of course not, it will be fine in a moment."

Mavis moved her mind, and a coin slot appeared on Ling Yuan's head.

He threw his own cell coin in.

"It seems that there is no change." Ling Yuan was a little confused.

"No way, after all, you don't have much desire now. When you find what you want, the Desire Devourer will naturally appear."

"Okay. But... can I really do it?" Ling Yuan was a little nervous.

"It doesn't matter if I can't do it, I don't care too much."

At first, Mavis was still a little ambitious, hoping to get the first core coin from Ling Yuan.

However, in the short time he spent with the little girl in front of him, he changed his mind.

If you can't do it, you can't do it. Anyway, Datou is still a knight like Hino Eiji. As for Ling Yuan, at most he will always be with him.

The development system seems to be good too?

He is not worried about Ling Yuan's lifespan.

Although she has not yet given birth to a Desire Devourer, she has already established a connection with Mavis and obtained part of his "gift".

As long as he is not dead, Ling Yuan will not leave.

This is a special "power".

"Okay, now I'm going to teach you something, you have to learn it well."

"Got it!"

In the following time, Mavis began to teach her calligraphy, arithmetic, etc.

In fact, he could also transfer this knowledge directly to her mind like just now, but he was too bored now and had to find something to do.

So, Ling Yuan began her own study life.

Ling Yuan was smart, and after gaining Mavis's power, her mind became more agile, she learned things quickly, and basically remembered everything she saw.

If she were an ordinary teacher, she would probably be drained in a few days.

Fortunately, Mavis had the support of Mother Earth, and the last thing she lacked was knowledge.

After an afternoon, Ling Yuan had already recognized a lot of words.

"Okay, let's stop here today and eat!"

"Great! I want to eat steamed buns."

"Okay, but let's change the way we eat today. Have you ever eaten fried steamed buns?"

Ling Yuan shook her head.

Mavis described its texture and taste, and Ling Yuan's mouth was filled with tears.

"I want to eat it!"

"Haha, good!"

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