On this day, Ling Yuan and Jia Meier were playing Gobang.

An Ku also sat aside, stroking his chin and watching the battle between the two.

"I'll go here! I won!" Ling Yuan shouted happily after making her move.

"Ah~ Si Guoyi!" Jia Meier was not angry at all, nor did he feel dissatisfied after losing. He just smiled and clapped his hands.

"Jamie, get out of the way, it's my turn!" An Ku urged.


"Hmm? Brother An Ku is still coming? But you haven't won a single game."

Yes, even Jia Meier can win and lose with Ling Yuan.

But An Ku, let alone Ling Yuan, can't even beat Jia Meier.

The game is a black hole.

"No way to play, I will definitely beat you this time!" An Ku really didn't believe this today.

Mavis and Metzl shook their heads helplessly as they watched the few people playing.

Since acquiring all kinds of human senses, Metzl often brought Gamer to visit.

Lingyuan, who was originally a child, got along well with Gamer, so they became playmates.

Mavis also knew the principle of combining work and rest. You can't let children study all day, right?

So he conjured up some small toys from the future for them to play with.

Where have the two children seen such novel things? They liked them all at once.

Even the arrogant Anku was very interested in these things, so he joined them.

Gradually, the three of them formed a small group.

When there is a feast, Anku should sit at the table of children!

Without paying attention to them, Mavis quietly took out a book to read.

Like Philip in W, he can also present the "memory" of the earth in the form of a book.

And his is not just text, but also pictures!

He can see various ancient creatures that existed in ancient times with his own eyes, and can also learn about various unknown interesting things about celebrities in history.

People like stories.

When Mavis was a student, whenever she got a Chinese test paper or a textbook, she would read the short story on it as soon as she got it.

Because it was really interesting.

Mazel didn't disturb him, and stared at his profile blankly.

An unprecedented feeling came to her mind.

That taste was sweeter than the candy she had eaten before.

It seemed that everything was enough as long as she stayed by his side.

Mazel was temporarily endowed with human emotions by Mavis, and humans always yearn for beautiful things.

Although people always say that the beauty of the soul is the real beauty.

But when people can't understand the hearts of others at the first time, appearance naturally becomes an important factor in people's first impression.

In a vulgar way, it is probably a face dog.

On the other hand, Mavis's crushing attitude when dealing with Ufan and Kazali before also made her heart sway.

This made Mazel, who was constantly pursuing the desire of "love", gain a "satisfaction" that she had never experienced before.

She wanted more!

But she didn't know what to do next, so she could only stay with Mavis like this.

Mavis didn't know that her ability would have such a big impact on the other party, and she didn't have a love affair in her previous life, so she didn't understand such emotions.

Both sides are stupid.

Then just drag it out!

Maybe time will prove everything!


In a palace, a man was sitting on the throne and looking down at Wufan and Kazali.

"You seem to be in a mess!" The king sneered.

He was very unhappy with these greedy people.

Obviously, their birth was related to him, but they were not very respectful to him, and they did things in a hypocritical manner.

On the surface, they listened to him, but they always did some small actions in secret.

I'll get rid of you all another day!

The king narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of violent aura.

But he quickly retracted it and didn't let the two notice it.

Kazali leaned against the wall, holding his head, and said nonchalantly: "Ah~ He is really powerful, we can't beat him."

Although the injuries on his body have mostly healed, some cracks can still be seen under the armor of him and Wufan.

"Humph, I can defeat you, it seems that I have some skills." The king kept knocking on the armrests on the throne, and I don't know what he was thinking.

"What are you going to do? The birth of this guy should have nothing to do with you, right?" Kazali ignored the sarcasm in the other party's tone.

Enduring humiliation has always been his synonym.

After all, his name symbolizes "disguise".

Once he finds an opportunity, he will definitely give the opponent a fatal blow!

"No matter what, we still need to meet." The king quickly made a decision.

He wanted to see, MabeIs Mavis qualified to let him look at her in the eye.

"Oh? That so-called king wants to see me?" Hearing what Mavis said, Mavis was stunned for a moment, and then showed an interested expression.

The king just told Mavis the news in the same way as he contacted Anku last time.

"Are you going?" She was a little worried.

"Of course, there is no reason not to go if someone invites you, right?" Mavis smiled.

"I'll go too!" Anku stood up and said.

"Whatever you want!" Mavis glanced at him, but did not refuse.

Mavis wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Mavis.

He said softly: "When I'm not around, can you please take care of Xiao Lingyuan for me?"

Mavis trembled inwardly, and finally nodded seriously.

"Anku, let's go." Mavis spread her wings and flew into the air after transforming, followed by Anku.

"Sister Metzler, where is my brother going?" At this time, Ling Yuan, who had just woken up from a nap, happened to see Mavis and the other person flying away.

Matzler gently picked her up and said, "Your brother is just going to see someone and will be back soon."

Ling Yuan nodded sleepily, and then fell asleep in Metzler's arms again.


The King's Palace.

Mavis turned back into human form, looked at the figure on the throne, and asked with a smile, "Are you the 'king'? I wonder what you want to talk to me about?"

"You are Mavis? It's really extraordinary." Seeing Mavis's attitude, the king was also surprised.

In his impression, the greedy people were quite disdainful of humans, let alone turning into humans.

Then his majestic voice sounded: "All the core coins in the world are made by my men, but you are the only exception. I don't have any information about you, I don't know what kind of coin you have, and I don't know where you come from. I'm very curious!"

While speaking, the king stood up.

He put the Oz driver on his waist, and then Mavis saw the king's exclusive automatic transformation!

Three coins flew out from nowhere, automatically loaded into the driver, and then the driver tilted.

The scanner on the right side of the belt also seemed to have consciousness, automatically scanning the driver and flew to the king's chest.

"Taka (Eagle)! Tora (Tiger)! Batta (Locust)!"

"Ta·To·Ba (Big Mop), TaToBa, Ta·To·Ba!"

The king of eight hundred years ago!

The first generation of Kamen Rider Oz!

Officially debuted!

"I didn't expect the sound effects eight hundred years ago to be like this?" Mavis complained in her heart.

But his face was calm.

He smiled faintly and said, "It seems that we have to fight first. If I had known, I would not have changed into human form just now. I have to change again."

The next moment, a light flashed, and the golden monster body appeared again.

"Then come on!"

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